UPDATE: the disappointing bff has finished watching BSG

Oct 28, 2012 08:31

...and oh god it got worse.

Quick recap: Finally got one of my RL besties to watch BSG. Yay! But now, not only is she NOT a pilots shipper, she's an Adama/Roslin shipper. AND one of those people who thinks Lee is boring and has no personality. Boo!!!!

Oh the horror. But still a chance of a post-UB/post-poof conversion, right?

Well. The first thing she says to me after she saw "that boxing episode" was, and I quote: "OMG Adama and Roslin and the getting high!! TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!!!" Bleugh. BLEUGH!

So thankyou for that extremely prescient prediction kdbleu who warned me that would be her reaction. Literally. Like, actually predicted those precise words. And thank you for that, my dear. Forewarned is forearmed.

She also came away from UB saying, "it's my favourite episode", "yeah I guess I can see there's something between Starbuck and Apollo" (ME: *ridiculous heart swells*) "but I still just think she's too self-destructive, also she was in love with his brother! She can't! I mean ew! And also he's still boring." (ME: "Are you trying to hurt me right now?")

At that point, I will admit, I gave up on her being a pilots shipper. I had to refrain from saying, "NO! because even if YOU are blind -and you are, you are completely blind - we see at the very end that there WAS a connection between them right from the start and it was just one of those terrible things that she met Zak first!!" because, you know, I didn't want to spoil the end for her.....

And then I realised I was relying on Daybreak canon to make a point about K/L belonging together... and I gave up.

But even that - even THAT - was not enough to prepare me for this.

This is the conversation we had after she finished Daybreak:

BFF: "You're going to hate me, but I actually didn't mind the ending. I particularly enjoyed the whole Hendrix-as-voice-of-god thing."



ME: "I don't even know what to say to you right now. It's not that I don't love you, I'm just very, very disappointed."

BFF: "Look, I think they just stuffed up the whole last season, but given what they left themselves with, I think they did quite well at the very end. I'm not sure why they went with the whole nearly-cheated-on-Zak thing though. I'm going to pretend that never happened."

ME: .............

So. Thank god for you, Shipper Nation. ... Thank god for you.

**salutes/hugs/ugly gross sobbing**

rdm is an ass, it's my lj and i'll vent if i want to, attempts at humour, shipper nation, ridiculousness, pilots, oh le sigh

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