{001} - [Voice/Action] - the Doctor is in

Feb 12, 2010 09:27

[Just outside the village proper, the Doctor is wandering about, utterly perplexed as to why he is half-naked. The skinny bloke is a bit self-conscious, not to mention a little chilled given he had grown so accustomed to donning multiple layers. The wings also leave him highly perturbed.]

What- wings? Surely the TARDIS could not have damaged my ( Read more... )

what's this then?, quest to find the tardis, arrival in luceti

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Comments 864

[action] slaying February 12 2010, 15:22:53 UTC
[The time honoured tradition among Slayers is to work out the grief through unnecessary and physically demanding patrol regimes. Buffy, so lately deprived of her main squeeze, her boyfriend, the guy she almost kinda maybe thought she loved? Well, she's out and about despite the daylight and, perhaps, because of it. After all, the Malnosso had not seen fit to return to her that mojo that made her into what she was supposed to b.

It's right about now that she spots the lanky guy talking gibberish to his book. Great. Another wack-job. Just what this place needs.

With a hefty sigh and a roll of her eyes, her responsibilities get the better of her and she approaches. When she addresses him, it's with no small measure of sadness.]

New Feather, right? God, it's depressing how easy you rookies are to spot.


[action] im_brilliant February 12 2010, 15:36:05 UTC
[Jumps just a tad, startled, and whirls around to face her. He looks her up and down with a quick flicker of his eyes, analyzing her to see if she was a potential threat. There was no telling what dangers lurked around this strange place.]

Oh! 'ello there...

[Scratches at his ear with his little finger, blinking, as if making sure he heard her correctly.] Pardon? What's this "New Feather"? Is that what you call it?


[action] slaying February 12 2010, 15:40:46 UTC
You're the New Feather. Because you obviously just landed in this land of the bizarre. Add in the shiny new wings and New Feather. Not exactly rocket science.

[But her tone softens. She realizes when she's just taking her frustration out on everyone else.] Welcome to Luceti. Oh, and sorry. It's not really the kinda place anyone wants to be welcomed to.


[action] im_brilliant February 12 2010, 16:03:06 UTC
[He takes in her tone and nods slowly, glancing away for a moment, the gears at work processing all the possibilities as to how he could have wound up here. His memory jumped to Satellite 5 and the Bad Wolf corporation, they had the ability to track the TARDIS and alter its coordinates. But they were controlled by the Daleks and...No. It couldn't be! Not now! Not here! Was this "Luceti" another clever little Dalek creation set to be a trap? He would not put it past them.

The Doctor sighs through his nose and chews on his bottom lip in frustrated thought. He did not like the sound of this. Even if this time around it wasn't the Daleks, someone had the ability to get inside the TARDIS. Not only that, but to relocate it and all his possessions in the short amount of time he must have been unconscious. Whoever had done this clearly knew what they were doing, and who he was. Whatever it was they wanted him for he had a feeling it wouldn't be good. Good citizens ask him to come and help, after all ( ... )


[voice] inabook February 12 2010, 15:26:41 UTC
A blue box?

[well, she supposes there have been stranger requests given here...]

What is it made out of?


[voice] im_brilliant February 12 2010, 15:37:25 UTC
[Hurried, rambling tone.]

Wood! It looks wooden. Blue police box, to be specific. Old English.


[voice] inabook February 12 2010, 15:40:28 UTC
...Police box?

[That doesn't help her to visualize it at all. Maybe he means some sort of chest...]

Well, most missing things turn up in the item shop.


[voice] im_brilliant February 12 2010, 16:05:51 UTC
It's tall, well, not very tall but taller than me. Could fit a person! [He gestures with his hand even though it can't be seen.]

But what would the shop want with it?


[voice] lt_linguist February 12 2010, 15:59:52 UTC
[Her voice sounds vaguely amused, and maybe even a bit apologetic.]

Your box might be in the item shop, but if it's technological in nature, it probably won't work here, even if you find it.

If it's magical, it might work, but from what I hear it probably won't work as well as it did in your home world.

Welcome to Luceti. Enjoy the wings.


[voice] im_brilliant February 12 2010, 16:11:10 UTC
[Laughs, but his tone comes off as a little bitter.] Something tells me I shouldn't be happy to be here.

So, this place has the means to disable technology? Yet they support the belief in magic... How is this possible? Are they trying to proliferate some sort of cult, by chance?


[voice] lt_linguist February 12 2010, 16:22:29 UTC
No cults, as far as I know. I think they just can't completely suppress all magical abilities, but they can deprive us of things like electricity.

Here. [You might hear her flipping through some pages quickly.] Take a look at the guide, it clarifies a lot of things.


[voice] im_brilliant February 12 2010, 16:43:35 UTC
That's good to know. And thank you, for the guide. I'll be sure to go through it in its entirety. Perhaps be able to figure out a thing or two.


[Action] rideircc February 12 2010, 16:21:29 UTC
[Have you ever met King Macbeth, Doctor? Well here's your chance (and you totally have permission to recognize him). An elderly man wearing a black trenchcoat will spot the New Feather making his way through town soon enough and overhear the rambling.]

'tis a bit cold to be running out like that, lad.


[Action] im_brilliant February 12 2010, 16:49:25 UTC
[Thinks he hears a familiar voice but is unsure. Turns to look...]

Yes, well, you wouldn't happen to know where my clothes might have gone, would you?


[Action] rideircc February 12 2010, 16:53:15 UTC
Aye, that I do. And if not yours, any clothes would do. This way. [He turns towards the plaza. It's not that far away, fortunately.]


[Action] im_brilliant February 12 2010, 17:01:41 UTC
[He follows, but in a cautious manner, light on his toes and his guard up.]

They just give you clothes here, as well?


1/? mydadsthedoctor February 12 2010, 16:58:42 UTC
What the bloody he-


Re: 2/? mydadsthedoctor February 12 2010, 16:59:37 UTC
Re: 3/? mydadsthedoctor February 12 2010, 17:01:37 UTC
4/? mydadsthedoctor February 12 2010, 17:02:15 UTC

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