✖03, action/day

Feb 15, 2011 15:09

[ Provided you're not totally hungover, in love or otherwise reeling from Dite's Valentine's Day party, you might chance upon a midget stalking Prom's streets this afternoon. Head bent low, stride purposeful, he wanders -- no end destination, just avoiding his mirror and biding the time until nightfall when he can tuck into bed ( Read more... )

jarlaxle baenre: forgotten realms, alphonse elric: fullmetal alchemist, *edward elric: fullmetal alchemist

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Comments 36

keepthestrength February 16 2011, 05:26:52 UTC
[Whenever you get home, Brother, he made you some stuff for your birthdaaaaaaaay. Although it's weird that you're turning 16 and not, you know, 12. Still.]


✖ action/teneka/night -- fast-forward to 7 pm fuckmyaltitude February 17 2011, 02:20:35 UTC
[ Ed returns home. By his calculations, if he stretches out dinner and catches some conversation on his floor, he should make it to bed by the time his mirror-self's closed his eyes. It'll even look natural.

So he turns the key, opens the large house door and clambers slowly up the steps to the kitchen, still introspective. Maybe grilling a steak'll stop his head's gears for a while; gotta concentrate not to burn it and all. ]

[ ooc: ♥ ]


keepthestrength February 17 2011, 08:39:11 UTC
[Peeks as much as he can around a corner without hopefully being see, making sure that it's Ed coming. When he gets to the kitchen, Al pops out with a grin.] Surprise! Happy birthday!


✖ action -- 1/2 fuckmyaltitude February 18 2011, 06:35:41 UTC
Alpho -- !

[ Frightened by an exclamation sent straight to his brain that feels more like a memory -- a birthday he had once -- than something tangible, concrete, "spoken" by a (now) flesh-and-blood part of his past. Jars him out of introspection but sets those gears backwards for a second, too.

Ed had left the house well before his usual time that morning. He'd been careful not to disturb his brother; even left him a note saying he'd be out all day. Alphonse would understand. His age didn't matter. ]


[action] showmeshinies February 17 2011, 16:56:44 UTC
[Jarlaxle's been wandering around too, mostly trying to figure out where Gromph has holed himself up, when he spies Edward wandering ahead. Jarlaxle hurries to catch up and ends in a casual stroll that keeps pace with the human's.]

Fancy meeting you out here.


✖ action -- 2 pm fuckmyaltitude February 18 2011, 06:43:06 UTC
[ Ed starts -- very, very slightly; you can only tell at the shoulders -- and turns to look at Jarlaxle. ]

Oh, hey. What're you doing out?


showmeshinies February 18 2011, 06:54:19 UTC
The same as usual. What about yourself? I don't usually run into you out of the house.


fuckmyaltitude February 18 2011, 07:01:29 UTC
[ Shrugs. ]

Just walking. I felt kinda restless this morning. Don't usually see you out much, either.


solarpaws February 17 2011, 17:34:07 UTC
[ ohhhh edward! there just so happens to be someone who doing the same walking about- head held high and jaws open to allow panting while she trotted. When she notices ed up ahead, her ears perk and her mouth closes.

when she gets closer, she slows her trotting to a leasure walk, watching the blond as she stepped by-

instead of continuing on her way, she stops in her tracks, faces edward, and watches him. ]


✖ action -- 4 pm fuckmyaltitude February 18 2011, 06:51:25 UTC
[ Hard not to notice; he's never seen a wolf with those kinds of markings, let alone one that carries itself with... what, gentle purpose? These guys usually assault Edward. Squish him on occasion.

In spite of himself, Ed's brought out of his thoughts and smiles, but makes to continue walking on his way. Wolf doesn't have anything to do with him, right? (Wrong!) ]


✖ action solarpaws February 18 2011, 09:24:47 UTC
[ positive reaction achieved! ammy continues to watch, and before he danger any farther, she begins to follow him. ]


Re: ✖ action fuckmyaltitude February 18 2011, 18:14:10 UTC
[ And it doesn't register for a while, seeing how Ed's just hit the quandary that he's inside of his own head inside of his own head and -- what was that theory about a string of little men living inside your brain, living inside their brains living inside their brains, ad infinitum...? Shame it's only a short distraction.

Just when his thoughts turn back to his birthday, to Resembool and Amestris and Winry, Al, Pinako, his mother and good-for-nothing fucker of a father, Ed hears the soft tap-tap-tap of paws.

Stops, turns. ]

Hey there. Do you --

[ -- need anything? Are you kidding, Edward? This wolf can definitely handle itself. But why'd he catch its attention? MAYBE IT WANTS TO EAT YOU. ]


ACTION/DAY. raketen February 19 2011, 16:19:25 UTC
[ Bizarre thing, timing, isn't it? Especially when it lends itself to otherwise improbable coincidences, such as that Alfons, upon stepping around a street corner, would spot what appears to be a familiar brooding alchemist in the relatively near distance. A second of hesitation gives way to Alfons catching up quickly, dropping a soft hand upon Edward's left shoulder. ]

Hey! [ A smile, more knowing than perhaps it ought to be. ] It's funny that I'd run into you. I actually just-- well, here--

[ He holds out a small, cardboard pastry box that he'd been carrying. If Edward opens it, now or later, he'll find a quarter of an apple pie. ]


✖ action -- 5:30 pm fuckmyaltitude February 19 2011, 19:14:14 UTC
Oh! Uh, hey. What's --

[ Broken out of his thoughts in pieces by the hello, the hand on his shoulder, the smile, the box suddenly in his hands, he remembers -- but that doesn't mean we have to be hindered by it, right? -- and bites the question off at the root.

Smiles a little, weighs the box in his hands instead. ]

Thanks. Where're you headed?


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