✖03, action/day

Feb 15, 2011 15:09

[ Provided you're not totally hungover, in love or otherwise reeling from Dite's Valentine's Day party, you might chance upon a midget stalking Prom's streets this afternoon. Head bent low, stride purposeful, he wanders -- no end destination, just avoiding his mirror and biding the time until nightfall when he can tuck into bed ( Read more... )

jarlaxle baenre: forgotten realms, alphonse elric: fullmetal alchemist, *edward elric: fullmetal alchemist

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keepthestrength February 16 2011, 05:26:52 UTC
[Whenever you get home, Brother, he made you some stuff for your birthdaaaaaaaay. Although it's weird that you're turning 16 and not, you know, 12. Still.]


✖ action/teneka/night -- fast-forward to 7 pm fuckmyaltitude February 17 2011, 02:20:35 UTC
[ Ed returns home. By his calculations, if he stretches out dinner and catches some conversation on his floor, he should make it to bed by the time his mirror-self's closed his eyes. It'll even look natural.

So he turns the key, opens the large house door and clambers slowly up the steps to the kitchen, still introspective. Maybe grilling a steak'll stop his head's gears for a while; gotta concentrate not to burn it and all. ]

[ ooc: ♥ ]


keepthestrength February 17 2011, 08:39:11 UTC
[Peeks as much as he can around a corner without hopefully being see, making sure that it's Ed coming. When he gets to the kitchen, Al pops out with a grin.] Surprise! Happy birthday!


✖ action -- 1/2 fuckmyaltitude February 18 2011, 06:35:41 UTC
Alpho -- !

[ Frightened by an exclamation sent straight to his brain that feels more like a memory -- a birthday he had once -- than something tangible, concrete, "spoken" by a (now) flesh-and-blood part of his past. Jars him out of introspection but sets those gears backwards for a second, too.

Ed had left the house well before his usual time that morning. He'd been careful not to disturb his brother; even left him a note saying he'd be out all day. Alphonse would understand. His age didn't matter. ]


✖ action -- 2/2 fuckmyaltitude February 18 2011, 06:37:11 UTC
You have something to eat yet tonight?


[Action] keepthestrength February 18 2011, 08:18:38 UTC
I got you something! Come see, come see! [It's a cake! ... Okay, it's not a cake, it's a few cupcakes but that still counts, right? And a present! Must have presents.]


fuckmyaltitude February 18 2011, 17:55:16 UTC
[ .... Awwww. Even at that age, his little bro could cook better than Edward! He's just not one for domestics, you know?

Ed dips a finger in some frosting, grins when he puts it in his mouth. ]

I guess I could skip dinner.

[ Tosses one to Al -- CATCH IT CATCH IT CATCH IT -- and gobbles his own up. What's the present? ]


keepthestrength February 18 2011, 18:36:55 UTC
[Catches it then wiggles a finger at Ed scoldingly.] A cupcake does not count as dinner.

[It's a picture of everyone from Rizembool! Although they're all younger, sorry. He doesn't know what older Winry looks like! But there's Pinako, Winry, Den, Trisha, Little Ed, and Al.

He promises there is no cat hair on it.]


fuckmyaltitude February 19 2011, 05:44:34 UTC
Excuse me, but who's the older brother here? Oh right -- me.

[ And just to spite you, Al, he scarfs down another one. WHAT NOW. No, but seriously, you can't skip dinner, little bro. Ed's gonna burn char incinerate cook some steak. But before that --

-- he holds the picture very carefully with both hands, looks at it for a long time. Finally, Ed smiles and says -- ]

Thanks, Al.

[ -- and goes to tuck it away in his room, away from the mess of the kitchen. Lump in his throat's not from cat hair. He comes back a minute later. ]


keepthestrength February 19 2011, 10:27:46 UTC
[Just rolls his eyes at the cupcake eating but hey, they're for him anyway.] Don't eat all of them, you have to put a candle in at least one!

[Stands there anxiously waiting and fidgeting a bit when Ed looks at the picture, then grins in relief when Ed smiles at him. Yay, he likes it!]

You're welcome!


fuckmyaltitude February 19 2011, 19:29:42 UTC
What, and make a wish? I can grant my own.

[ Pass the butcher knife, little brother! As cool as it would look if Edward cut the meat by turning his arm into a blade, that probably wouldn't sit well with the floormates. You could maybe also steam some vegetables. At least we'll have one thing that's edible. ]


keepthestrength February 19 2011, 22:00:10 UTC
But it's tradition!

[Carefully handles the sharp knife and gives it to him. Yay, veggies! He can do that.]


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