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Video nottheshoe November 13 2011, 19:02:02 UTC
[Nike had recognized the look, the wavering voice. She didn't know Death or Ned, heard about them in passing, but hadn't interacted with them face to face.

But somewhere deep inside herself she felt the need to reach out, to comfort. Because she knew the pain of someone close to you disappearing suddenly-- even if it felt selfish because that only meant they were going home.

Losing Daemyn had possibly been one of the most shocking and sobering moments in her time at Promenade. Maybe not as much as watching so many people die during the monster attack-- but she had seen death before. She had watched people die... having them disappear without a trace, with only your memories and not even a grave or a funeral to celebrate who they had been... Nike dreaded every moment, knowing it could happen again.

So she flips on her PORTAL and sends a message... one she felt a little silly saying.]

Hey-- I just saw your message. Y'okay?

[She's sure this woman didn't know who she was, but Nike always figured they all had to stick together. Watch ( ... )


Video dontfearmebaby November 13 2011, 19:50:34 UTC
I'm...[a pause and a small, trying not to be so sad chuckle] fine. I'm fine. [Death nods.

By now, she's moved into the kitchen, unplugging the appliances that don't necessarily need to be plugged in.]


Video nottheshoe November 13 2011, 20:09:59 UTC
[Nike looks back to her current "Daycare", which was a good deal more calm than yesterday. Kitten and Rapunzel really helped get things under control. She gives her a small smile]

Y'need some company? I got a bit of free time.


Video dontfearmebaby November 13 2011, 20:14:52 UTC
No, thank you. I'm alright. I'm just gonna focus on work. [Death nods, doing her best to not look quite so much like a kicked puppy.]


video; skyglide November 13 2011, 19:43:57 UTC
Ah... Um...

What is... 'pie'..?


video; dontfearmebaby November 13 2011, 19:51:58 UTC
Pie is a dessert. A pastry-type confection where there's a sweetened, flaky crust and some sort of filling. Either fruit or a cream concoction. It's baked and often served with ice cream.


video; skyglide November 13 2011, 19:54:28 UTC
Ah.. What is a 'dessert'?

U-Um... And also 'pastry'... and 'cream'... Ah... and 'ice cream'..?


video; dontfearmebaby November 13 2011, 20:01:41 UTC
[Death sighs softly, scratching at the back of her neck.] Um, dessert is the food you eat after your meal. It's usually sweet.

Pastries are often baked desserts, but there are some that can be eaten for breakfast. Cream is a soft, sweet filling. Ice cream is basically the cream, but frozen...and eaten that way.


video; believeshim November 13 2011, 19:52:47 UTC
[ Carly watches quietly. It's her first time seeing a farewell broadcast... given everything seems to be about confused and disoriented children. ]

Do people normally leave without warning?


video; dontfearmebaby November 13 2011, 19:58:25 UTC
[Death sniffs once, glancing to the PORTAL.] That is usually how it happens. People often arrive at the beginning of the month. In the first week or so. But when people leave, there's never a warning.

[Never a chance to.... Nope. Can't think about that.]


video; believeshim November 13 2011, 20:10:43 UTC
[ She glances down and nods. That means she or Sam could leave at any point without warning. It's... far from comforting, but the woman needs comforting now. Carly scoots closer to the PORTAL. ]

He's home now, isn't he? That's a bright side.


video; dontfearmebaby November 13 2011, 20:22:03 UTC
Yeah. That's a bright side. [Not for Death, however. But Ned's home with his friends and Chuck and his real Pie Hole. She should be happy for him.]


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video; dontfearmebaby November 13 2011, 22:14:52 UTC
[As upset as she is, Death brightens a little when she sees Desmond.] Hey, you're up! How was your nap?


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video; dontfearmebaby November 13 2011, 22:28:13 UTC
Well, that's good to hear. [Death nods, giving Desmond a smile.]

Oh, I don't want to be a bother. You just woke up, you don't want to do anything boring like work.


video; potterisatool November 13 2011, 23:01:01 UTC
[ He considers Didi a friend of sorts and seeing her upset makes him think. In life he had to just watch from the sidelines, unable to help friends because of the greater plan he was bound to. No more. Not here. ]

Didi, I am very sorry for your loss. My ... friend lost her son not too long ago. Though I understand why he would have been sent back. Perhaps it is similar with Ned? The need at home was far greater than here? [ He runs a hand through his hair. ] Little comfort really.

[ Oh look who hasn't realized yet he looks way younger than Didi knows him as. ] Is there anything I can do?


video; dontfearmebaby November 13 2011, 23:26:46 UTC
[For a moment, she doesn't recognize the young man on the PORTAL. Then it takes her a few seconds. She'd seen his earlier transmission in passing. Severus.]

It is for the best, really. He's got people that care about him there. And a...girlfriend. He'll be happiest at home. [God, it hurts to say that.]

[Death is quiet for a long moment.] If you have a bucket of ice cream and sappy movies, I think that could help.


video; potterisatool November 13 2011, 23:53:41 UTC
You don't know that without a doubt Didi.

[ He goes quiet before finally deciding on- ] I could manage the ice cream but you are entirely on your own to obtain the movies.


video; dontfearmebaby November 14 2011, 00:12:25 UTC
[She shakes her head.] No, I know. [It's safest for him, anyways. It's her curse, after all. Any mortal that she fell in love with would be in terrible danger.]

[There's a long moment where she's quiet.] You're really going to come and eat ice cream and watch chick flicks with me?


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