[You know. Minding your own business/exploring this huge place only works when you can see where you're going.
So having a flier smack Terra right in the face is seriously off-putting. Especially when he's controlling a rather fast personal hover-glider, and his vision is already limited thanks to the armored helm on your head.] What the--
[Stopping--more like skidding sideways to come to a complete stop, and then getting the offending piece of paper out of his face. And then reading the offending piece of paper.] ... what's a Struggle Tournament?
[He will forever be in denial if anyone saw that little moment of derp.]
[ And Roxas is coasting along, stopping every once in a while to post one of the pieces of paper that's in his hands on a random wall of a building or door.
--Until he sees the armored person and the cool hover thing that he's riding on. Just what is that? Curiosity gets the better of him and if it turns out to be someone dangers, he's not going to hesitate in defending himself.
But the voice is kinda familiar... And he sees his (and Rapunzel's) flier in the person's hands. ]
Uh, hey! You interested?
[ He keeps his distance just until he knows it's safe. ]
[When it's done, Terra's just standing there, the flier in his hands. And no sign of the glider or the armor he was wearing. He's also got a grin on his face.
Um. What.] You could say that. Mind if I ask what a 'Struggle Tournament' is?
[And yes, he's acting like the trick with the glider and the armor is just an everyday thing for him.]
[Aqua was just practicing her twirling skills--and by twirling, we mean swinging Rainstorm around her like a baton--when she sees Roxas going around on his skate-
Ow... Okay, distractions are bad. She just lightly bopped herself on the head with her own Keyblade. Walking over to see the poster...|]
[Yes, yes it was. And hearing Roxas behind her causes her to stop reading the poster and turn around to face him. ...T-that aura. It was... something so different and unnatural, but he was a good kid. She couldn't say anything about that much; it would be rude.]
Yes. ...Roxas?
[A good handful or two, Roxas. All from different times...]
[ He kinda takes a second to look her over because it looked like it hurt to be bopped on the head with a Keyblade, a slightly concerned look on his face. He doesn't notice any kind of discomfort she has and if he did, he would peg it to being injured. ]
Yeah. Are you okay? Looks like you took a hit to the head there.
[ Not acknowledging the Keyblade just yet, probably because he's more worried about her being hurt. But he'll get to it in a second. ]
Comments 187
Kinda like a fighting tournament that happens every summer in my home world. It's to see who's the best fighter in town.
So having a flier smack Terra right in the face is seriously off-putting. Especially when he's controlling a rather fast personal hover-glider, and his vision is already limited thanks to the armored helm on your head.] What the--
[Stopping--more like skidding sideways to come to a complete stop, and then getting the offending piece of paper out of his face. And then reading the offending piece of paper.] ... what's a Struggle Tournament?
[He will forever be in denial if anyone saw that little moment of derp.]
--Until he sees the armored person and the cool hover thing that he's riding on. Just what is that? Curiosity gets the better of him and if it turns out to be someone dangers, he's not going to hesitate in defending himself.
But the voice is kinda familiar... And he sees his (and Rapunzel's) flier in the person's hands. ]
Uh, hey! You interested?
[ He keeps his distance just until he knows it's safe. ]
[There's some kind of effect where it looks like the glider is going through a reverse-data summon--]
Um. What.] You could say that. Mind if I ask what a 'Struggle Tournament' is?
[And yes, he's acting like the trick with the glider and the armor is just an everyday thing for him.]
Ow... Okay, distractions are bad. She just lightly bopped herself on the head with her own Keyblade. Walking over to see the poster...|]
...Struggle tournament?
Approaching with some caution, his eyes widen when he see a familiar face. ]
Uh, Aqua? Is that you?
[ Just how many Keybearers are there?! ]
Yes. ...Roxas?
[A good handful or two, Roxas. All from different times...]
Yeah. Are you okay? Looks like you took a hit to the head there.
[ Not acknowledging the Keyblade just yet, probably because he's more worried about her being hurt. But he'll get to it in a second. ]
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