> [TEXT | NIGHT] Eridan: Demand some answers.

Apr 10, 2011 10:22

-- caligulasAquariam [CA] began trolling ilPromenade [IP] --

ok guess wwhat its fuckin question time so evverybody shut your loosejawws an listen up got it
one wwhere the fuck am i and twwo howw the fuck did i evven get here
three wwhy the fuck cant i fuckin speak wwhat the shit happened to me
four no seriously wwhere the fuckin fuck am i there arent ( Read more... )

charlotte: seiken densetsu 3, xion: kingdom hearts, lucifer: supernatural, dormouse: original character, the cheshire cat: alice in wonderland, *eridan ampora: homestuck, dracula: screamland, kirachi zukuno: original character, tony stark: iron man, yuuta matsukawa: original character

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[Text] xfire_birdx April 10 2011, 01:27:37 UTC
There's this thing called anger management. You might want to look into it.


xfire_birdx April 10 2011, 03:10:32 UTC
You all sound like a group of moody twelve year olds, but okay, if you say so.
You found it? Alright, that makes a bit more sense. Kinda hard to pass up a random ship.


roemance April 10 2011, 03:23:01 UTC
i dont evven knoww howw old that is im six swweeps old
but those humans wwe wwatched looked about the same as us i think and they wwere thirteen or somethin
yeah i wwas on a treasure hunt wwith vvri an i found it
and livvin underwwater is pretty common so i movved in there


xfire_birdx April 11 2011, 02:25:05 UTC
Then I was right, you're a bunch of moody kids. Lovely.
... Treasure hunt? Really?


roemance April 11 2011, 03:09:36 UTC
wwe aint moody
yeah a treasure hunt
dont humans go on those wwe wwere flarpin and tryin to collect treasure so wwe could gain all a the flarp levvels
all of em
cod me an vvri wwere the fuckin best at flarp


xfire_birdx April 11 2011, 03:10:46 UTC
You haven't really given me any reason to think that you aren't.
... What the fuck is a flarp?


roemance April 11 2011, 03:17:04 UTC
howw about fuck you
thats a pretty vvalid reason
you dont evven havve flarp wwhat the fuck is wwrong wwith other species
flarp is like larp its roleplayin
but extreme
extreme roleplayin wwhere trolls usually die an stuff


xfire_birdx April 11 2011, 03:18:49 UTC
How about considering "fuck you" to be a valid reason is only proving my point? Really. Moody, and immature.
... What the fuck is a larp?


roemance April 11 2011, 03:28:00 UTC
im a kid im allowwed to be fuckin immature
im more mature than human nibblers anywway they devvelop so sloww its ridiculous
howw the fuck can you not evven knoww wwhat larp is
livve action role playin


xfire_birdx April 11 2011, 03:30:54 UTC
Well, at least you're not denying immature. Now if you'll stop denying moody...
Is it really? Sorry, those in my world have better things to do with their time than running around having pretend fun that apparently ends in death on occasion. You trolls are brilliant creatures, I feel so fucking below you guys.


roemance April 11 2011, 03:37:49 UTC
flarp is a good wway for troll kids to devvelop ok
they learn howw to fight and howw to steal and stop bein fuckin yelloww-gilled wwrigglers about killin each other
important skills for evvery adult troll
thats right you are fuckin beloww us
wwas that your human sarcasm
fuck i dont evven understand that its so fuckin dumb


xfire_birdx April 11 2011, 03:39:43 UTC
[Kirachi's really tempted to turn on video just so he can witness her facepalm. But she'll resist.]

Is it really that "dumb" or are you too challenged to understand it?


roemance April 11 2011, 03:58:30 UTC
none of us really got the point
except kan maybe but i think thats just cause she wwanted to challenge the rose human
an kar but thats cause he wwas tryin to get a kismesis out a one of em
its a wweird thing trolls dont havve sarcasm


xfire_birdx April 11 2011, 03:59:28 UTC
I'm honestly surprised you guys don't.
Do I even want to know what a kismesis is?


roemance April 11 2011, 04:25:23 UTC
wwait wwas that more sarcasm
kismesis is one a our relationship quadrants
its one of the twwo hate quadrants the other ones are pity
a kismesis is like your fated enemy you cant not hate them an you hate them and only them more than anythin in the wworld
me and vvri used to havve a pretty beautiful kismesis thing goin and we could a been great together
but then she got bored wwith me


xfire_birdx April 11 2011, 04:29:17 UTC
No, actually, I was serious that time. I'm serious this time, too. See this? This is a line of seriousness. No sarcasm to be reported from anywhere in this line of complete honesty and serious.
She got bored? Wow, I wonder why. ... That, for your personal record (and before I get a sob story on your "relationship"), was sarcasm.


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