> [TEXT | NIGHT] Eridan: Demand some answers.

Apr 10, 2011 10:22

-- caligulasAquariam [CA] began trolling ilPromenade [IP] --

ok guess wwhat its fuckin question time so evverybody shut your loosejawws an listen up got it
one wwhere the fuck am i and twwo howw the fuck did i evven get here
three wwhy the fuck cant i fuckin speak wwhat the shit happened to me
four no seriously wwhere the fuckin fuck am i there arent evven any trolls wwhy the hell are there land dwwellin humans wwalkin around evverywwhere
wwhat the FUCK havve you done
for starters i should be in the vveil wwith the other trolls and also this is disgraceful
a highblood like me cant be seen glubbin around wwith some lowwlife humans evven for a lowwblood land dwwellin troll that wwould be the most fuckin disgustin shit i evver seen it just aint right
but im fuckin royalty this is an insult to my status an dignity you knoww
answwer the fuckin questions
or im gonna start forcin answwers out a wwhatevver lowwlifes i find

-- caligulasAquariam [CA] ceased trolling ilPromenade [IP] --

charlotte: seiken densetsu 3, xion: kingdom hearts, lucifer: supernatural, dormouse: original character, the cheshire cat: alice in wonderland, *eridan ampora: homestuck, dracula: screamland, kirachi zukuno: original character, tony stark: iron man, yuuta matsukawa: original character

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