icons: will turner (with the green bandana)

Jun 14, 2007 21:43

Okay, so I had BIG troubles doing these. I don’t know if it is for the fact that some screencaps where just TOO dark, and I suck with making the colors seem right, but it took me days to end this batch, and I’m still not quite sure about it. =/
Well, it hd_obsession asked me to do a Will Turner with the green bandana icon (it doesn’t have icons from TEH last ( Read more... )

icons, orlando, will turner, art:icons, green bandana

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Comments 53

amygirl June 15 2007, 00:55:11 UTC

*clears throat*

Guh. Love these...love that man...don't love Liz but that's okay...at least I don't hate her as much as I did after DMC. Anyway...snagging 4,8,10,26, of course will credit when used...thanks dear!

Oh and the best thing about this...that you have a green bandana tag... *giggles like Orlando*


ilovemybaby June 15 2007, 01:00:22 UTC
You love it?? You really mean it??
Because I'm totally not sure about this batch...
I swear I spent days trying to find the right colors for those last fucking pictures (even though I - like you - don't like Elizabeth), and I still don't think it is good. Dammit.

Anyway, you have no idea how happy I am that you liked it! ♥

Oh and the best thing about this...that you have a green bandana tag... *giggles like Orlando*
LOL! Well, that is a great tag to have *nods*

PS:. And that fic you want me to do the banner for (I'm working on it, btw!)? Is already in the making?


amygirl June 15 2007, 01:07:05 UTC
Well considering that the screener copy caps are anything but HQ I think they're wonderful... *nods*

Yes it's started...I'm arguing with the muses as we speak (well arguing with Sean to leave Orlando alone -- he's bored because he doesn't show up until chapter 3) I probably won't be posting it until August at the earliest though, I'm determined to have it fully completed before posting. Why?


ilovemybaby June 15 2007, 01:21:49 UTC
Oh no, I was just kinda curious XD
It's because when I did the banner for Giselle I had already read a bit, so I kinda knew how the story was, the feeling of it, to make the banners. But I guess the muses are cooperating with me (hopefully). I'll see if I can end your banners by next week to show them to you ;)


giselleslash June 15 2007, 02:51:01 UTC
Good God woman! Is there anything you CAN'T do with graphics??? Honestly, your icons just keep getting more and more gorgeous...I'm going to need a new folder to hold them all! :D

These are just beautiful, I think I pretty much saved all of them. The way you crop the pictures kills me, I LOVE your cropping...and I adore 23 and 24...you grabbed just the right moment in the kiss...that just before dreamy sigh-worthy happiness. *sighs in dreamy sigh-worthy happiness*


Love you sweetpea...I bow down to my Orlando icon goddess *squishes*


ilovemybaby June 15 2007, 12:17:48 UTC
Nah... this batch is shitty. *pouts*
Anyway, I'm glad you liked it, baby!! *squishes*

The way you crop the pictures kills me, I LOVE your cropping...
Well, thanks a whole lotta lot for that, baby!! I pay close attention to the croppings I do, to make them different from the ones you see around.

Orlando/Will looks really sweet on 24-24, doesn't he?? I looooove that dreamy look ♥ Although I wish he was having that because he kissed me, not Elizabeth, but oh well. XDDDDDDD

Love you, babygirl ♥


giselleslash June 15 2007, 23:01:40 UTC
Shitty??? Pshaw I say! PSHAW!


You may very well think they're shitty but I'll just keep on thinking they're absolutely gorgeous and highly lickable :)

Oooh, he needs to be kissing me too! *g*

*loves and adores*


ilovemybaby June 15 2007, 23:15:18 UTC
DUDE!!! I was thinking of you like right.now! And then bang! There was your reply! xDDDDDD

Crazy stuff. *nods*

Anyway, I'm already kinda preparing a new batch. It's all Orlando tho, no more Will Turner... and something tells me you'll like it. Well, something besides the fact that it is Orlando *rolls eyes*


If you wanna know which pics I'll use, take a look at my icon *winks* *looks* *melts*


melissamcgregor June 15 2007, 03:04:24 UTC
nice icons, personally i like will and elizabeth together, i adore orlando :)


ilovemybaby June 15 2007, 12:10:35 UTC
personally i like will and elizabeth together
Well, I'm glad I did some icons of the two of them together, then! =DDD

Thanks for dropping a comment, babe! ;)


stephanie_gb June 15 2007, 03:32:17 UTC
Yummy! ^_^


ilovemybaby June 15 2007, 12:08:53 UTC
Indeed!! ^^


suzyx June 15 2007, 03:37:47 UTC
Guh. He is so HOT. I love the icons! :) I'm definitely going to take some and credit, I just don't know which ones because they are all so gorgeous.


ilovemybaby June 15 2007, 12:08:10 UTC
Hot indeed! ;)
Thanks for the sweet comment, hunny! Enjoy them (when you choose the ones you'll snag, that is XDD)

*hugs tight*


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