icons: will turner (with the green bandana)

Jun 14, 2007 21:43

Okay, so I had BIG troubles doing these. I don’t know if it is for the fact that some screencaps where just TOO dark, and I suck with making the colors seem right, but it took me days to end this batch, and I’m still not quite sure about it. =/
Well, it hd_obsession asked me to do a Will Turner with the green bandana icon (it doesn’t have icons from TEH last ( Read more... )

icons, orlando, will turner, art:icons, green bandana

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amygirl June 15 2007, 00:55:11 UTC

*clears throat*

Guh. Love these...love that man...don't love Liz but that's okay...at least I don't hate her as much as I did after DMC. Anyway...snagging 4,8,10,26, of course will credit when used...thanks dear!

Oh and the best thing about this...that you have a green bandana tag... *giggles like Orlando*


ilovemybaby June 15 2007, 01:00:22 UTC
You love it?? You really mean it??
Because I'm totally not sure about this batch...
I swear I spent days trying to find the right colors for those last fucking pictures (even though I - like you - don't like Elizabeth), and I still don't think it is good. Dammit.

Anyway, you have no idea how happy I am that you liked it! ♥

Oh and the best thing about this...that you have a green bandana tag... *giggles like Orlando*
LOL! Well, that is a great tag to have *nods*

PS:. And that fic you want me to do the banner for (I'm working on it, btw!)? Is already in the making?


amygirl June 15 2007, 01:07:05 UTC
Well considering that the screener copy caps are anything but HQ I think they're wonderful... *nods*

Yes it's started...I'm arguing with the muses as we speak (well arguing with Sean to leave Orlando alone -- he's bored because he doesn't show up until chapter 3) I probably won't be posting it until August at the earliest though, I'm determined to have it fully completed before posting. Why?


ilovemybaby June 15 2007, 01:21:49 UTC
Oh no, I was just kinda curious XD
It's because when I did the banner for Giselle I had already read a bit, so I kinda knew how the story was, the feeling of it, to make the banners. But I guess the muses are cooperating with me (hopefully). I'll see if I can end your banners by next week to show them to you ;)


amygirl June 15 2007, 01:32:45 UTC
Well I can share the bit I have written if you'd like, it's just the early set up chapters and not really the feel of anything other than Orlando.

But the fic is based on the movie Romancing the Stone so if you've seen that you know the basic content and feeling.

But like I said if you've like a really rough sneak peak I'll be happy to send it your way but I'll need an email address.


amygirl June 15 2007, 01:34:22 UTC
Oh and there's no huge hurry for you to get them done...as I said most likely I won't start posting this until August. Although pretty pictures might inspire me to write faster...or the muses to cooperate at least... *snerks*


ilovemybaby June 15 2007, 01:43:18 UTC
Well, I don't think I've seen that movie, so I don't know exactly the feeling it has... is it angsty? Fluffy?

(I just sent you an e-mail ;))

LOL! I'll try to have something by next week for you to check out, and then maybe you'll have more ideas in your head. Or not. XDDDD


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