Well, of course, I mean gay men all have HIV and thus it's totally logical not to let them give blood. Plus, if you infuse normal people with the blood of a gay man you might turn them turn them into hairdressers and the Good Shepherd knows we have too many of those, lol. Christ is Lord!
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May 15, 2007 18:00
so i am too lazy to find your post and update it. talked to my friend and she said she doesn't get a subsidy (I guess she was saying you should see if you qualify). She said her rent (no subsidy) is $1100 for a 1 bedroom apartment. I thought it was pretty spacious, bigger than yours. Actually it's in palo alto, right next to mountainview. it's
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Apr 16, 2007 14:22
Well, coincidentally after the shooting in VA today, I attended a workshop called "The Bias Against Guns" held by economist John Lott. While I wasn't convinced about right to carry laws before going to the lecture, I thought he made some good arguments as to why gun control laws do not tend to work and why right to carry laws do
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Mar 15, 2007 21:15
I forced myself not to think about debt and school and think only about good stuff. I thought about my cute lil doggies. The new Donvier ice cream maker I bought yesterday for $2 at the thrift store I just found next to school. All the free lunches we get at school (at least one a week for some gathering or another). usually it's pizza. I love
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Jan 25, 2007 11:14
i did really poorly in school and it sucks to have people tell me how great they did in the same classes
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Dec 12, 2006 11:15
Great now i have to go put a fraud alert w/ the credit bureaus. actually unlike other security breaches this was a particularly sophisticated one and didn't necessarily involve major boneheadedness (like the breach in US Berkeley a couple of years back). Still, rather troubling
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Dec 04, 2006 15:17
i just cant compete with these kids who are still young and have good memories. man i should have gone to law school while i was still young...
Nov 08, 2006 12:36
rumsfeld gone. CHECK!
house changed over. CHECK!
still waiting on senate.