Папа об Оригене

Mar 24, 2012 02:17

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Theology to him was essentially explaining, understanding Scripture; or we might also say that his theology was a perfect symbiosis between theology and exegesis.
He was a true "maestro", and so it was that his pupils remembered him with nostalgia and emotion: he was not only a brilliant theologian but also an exemplary witness of the doctrine he passed on.
Furthermore, this so-called "allegorism", as von Balthasar wrote, coincides exactly "with the development of Christian dogma, effected by the teaching of the Church Doctors", who in one way or another accepted Origen's "lessons".

Прогулявшись по сайту, можно узнать, что Ориген great Christian teacher (см.), он great Christian writer - он назван так в одной из проповедей, где вообще нет ссылок ни на какие источники, кроме Писания и Оригена - вот, или, например, еще. Ориген - Christian Father (Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, John Chrysostom and other Christian Fathers of the East who were equally important [*]), great Alexandrian theologian и one of the great masters of this [**] way of reading the Bible (см.), Father of the Church (см.). Для ясности мысли ссылки на Оригена проставлены в ККЦ.

[*] Замечено Анонимом
[**] When you read the Bible, God speaks to you; when you pray, you speak to God
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