Norway Legacy 5.1

Jun 06, 2012 18:47

Last time on the Norways:

* Jacobine was revived from an old file when she was a baby. She was instantly transformed to an adult and plopped into a new world.

* Things didn't go well with the welcome wagon.

* She went to France, and went home semi-early. She met many people there, but most importantly, Napoleon. She also almost burned a house down in an attempt to kindle a romantic fire.

* Wayne Bumble was creepy.

* Jacobine bribed her way into a club and let out her inner lush... not that she denies it outside of the bar.

* Napoleon came from France and proceeded to make a baby with Jacobine, which is now in her toaster oven/womb. Hurray!

Jacobine: Well... time to break the news to loverboy...

But before that, my game decides they need to share in this pregnancy together.

Jacobine: So... we'll be needing to buy little shoes soon!
Napoleon: ....Huh??

Jacobine: Little shoes. For the baby. In my belly.
Napoleon: You're pregnant?????
Jacobine: You could say that.

Napoleon: Oh my God! That's great! I love kids!
Jacobine: Yeah, sure. You're just saying that.

No, really. He actually really likes kids.

And he's going to want more.

Jacobine: ...I want to marry Napoleon.
illusion_sims: WHAT???!! Where did this come from? You wanted to have affair after affair before!
Jacobine: Well... the alternative is looking more appealing as time goes on. Face it, the only guy I've ever managed to seduce that isn't a total creeper is Napoleon. I might as well stop embarressing myself.
illusion_sims: Um, well... okay then...

*A few hours later, when Jacobine is out and Napoleon is home alone*
Napoleon: Oh boy, I can't wait to show the surprise I got for her!

Napoleon: I can't wait to make J... M... A... uhhh... what's her name again?

Napoleon: Jacobine! Yes! Sorry. Kind of hard considering I've only known her for less than a month. And yet I'm marrying her... oh well!

*A few more hours later*
Jacobine: Can I open my eyes yet? I want to know where we are!
Napoleon: Relax, relax! You can open them now.

Napoleon: Surprise!!
Jacobine: It's beautiful... but there's nothing here... except this mailbox... what's going on?
Napoleon: I sold your apartment and bought this strip of land! ...Surprise!!!
Jacobine: WHAT?????????
Napoleon: We don't have enough room in that apartment to start a family! We need to do things right!
Jacobine: But... just... this is so sudden! Why did this have to be a surprise!?
Napoleon: And your pregnancy wasn't sudden? Life happens suddenly, so why not be just as impulsive in our own decisions, especially if you know what you want. I know I want a big family...
Jacobine: I don't know what I want anymore, Napoleon...

Jacobine: I don't know what I want anymore, Napoleon... *looks off into distance*
Napoleon: *somehow changes into formal wear and morphs his hair short*

Napoleon: But I know I can't live without you. Kind of like a baby and her teddy bear.
Jacobine: You are totally cheesy. And what the hell happened to your hair... again?

Napoleon: And that's why I want to marry you, Jes...Jacobine! Jacobine!
Jacobine: It's brighter than the moon! No, seriously, I really think it is!

Napoleon: Is that a yes?
Jacobine: Yes! *squee*

*post-engagement cuddles*

Jacobine: You're weird without your long, luscious French locks.

Then they got married right then and there. Might as well!

Napoleon: I'm tired. Let's fast forward and build our house so we have a bed to sleep in!

Crappy Build View picture. It will suffice for now, I hope. :P That sign in the front? Yeah, Jacobine stole that when I wasn't looking. Might as well show off the fruits of her kleptomania.

I took Jacobine to the library to read up on pregnancy since she wanted to, and then she really had to pee. I kept clicking in the bathroom but for some reason she wouldn't go in...
Jacobine: Because it's the men's bathroom...

*walks Jacobine over to the women's bathroom* Is this better?
Jacobine: Uhh...
illusion_sims: What's wrong?



Let's just say that's from her water breaking, not from her wetting herself... >.>

So stinky smelly Jacobine hauled her pregnant ass to the hospital via subway.

She made it, though.

???: Wait!

Napoleon: Wait for me!!!

I rolled for a Norwegian name in my handy dandy name generator... and got this. I already have a Kai from generation two! You know, the one I made a huge collage for after he died! Oh well, maybe it's fitting since I rebooted this legacy recently. Also, I will show each time I write "Kai" instead of "Cai".

Nevertheless, here's Kai Cai and Jacobine still drugged up.
Jacobine: O.O I am... seeing... pretty lights.... woooooooooo

Annddddd he has the wrong last name.

Which means Jacobine does too! I used to have a hack that would ask which last name to use but it wasn't updated for the latest patch at the time. I'll fix this problem before next generation starts. *is lazy at the moment*

His firstborn has arrived and Napoleon celebrates by unclogging their cheap toilet.

Jacobine celebrates with waffles. And probably is still tripping balls.
Jacobine: *snort* Balls... waffles... waffle balls? Ahahahahahahahaa

...Did you not notice your hours-old son??? Jeez, be patient!

This just in... Napoleon is BALD when he takes a shower. Wtf. (And is a nevernude. :3)

Napoleon's hair condition reminded me that I should give him a makeover. Here's the final results of his daily wear. It isn't too different from before since I liked the basic idea of the original outfit. :) Oh, and I kept all his different hairstyles from before for each outfit. :P

Jacobine: Maybe I should have been a doctor instead of going into crime...

Ok... story time. So I sent Jacobine to the grocery store so she wouldn't feel so cooped up in the house, especially with maternity leave tending to make mothers go stir crazy... and also for the fact they were running out of food. So I sent her out... and forgot Napoleon had to go to work. I called a baby sitter at the very last minute...

And Jacobine comes home right when Napoleon leaves, making the babysitter useless. Yeah.

But they talked about their favorite color, blue, for like, a sim hour. It was bizzare. Look at all these pictures talking about a COLOR! One damned color!

Stiles the teenage babysitter: Speaking of blue, your house is very nice!
Awkward segue FTW.

Stiles: Allow to entertain you, ma'am, with my greatest talent!
Jacobine: What would that be?

Stiles: Eating dirt! Om nom nom nom!
Jacobine: ...Please stop. Really.

Jacobine: How about you eat some cookies? Cookies are my favorite. Better than dirt.

Stiles: Cookies are my favorite food too (author's note: WTF how can they like the same color AND the same food!) but dirt is my favorite non-food to eat.
Jacobine: I think you should go look after my child, you know, what you're getting paid for. And don't expose him to your dirt habit that should be on My Strange Addiction.

Stiles went back to his appointed job while Jacobine had a nice exercise to recover from her pregnancy weight... even though Sims lose all the weight they need immediately after they pop out the baby.

In all honesty, he was a good babysitter though. :)

After Jacobine's workout, she tried to burn the house down. Not on purpose, as far as I know.

Napoleon got home and freaked out. Luckily he changed into his shorter hair so it would be less of a hazard in the fire.

Napoleon: Put it out! Put it out!
Jacobine: What do you THINK I'm doing? Making the fire bigger?

*Five minutes after the fire was put out and a new oven was installed instantly*
Fireman: Awww man, I missed the fire! *pout*

*Another five minutes later*
You've got to be kidding...
Jacobine: And more importantly, it seems like the gods want me to starve!

Jacobine: He doesn't care if I'm starving, and I'm doing all the work for him...

Yeah, after that second fire, we can't afford a new stove. This is how poor this family is. :(

So Jacobine savors her cereal by the crispy black nonfunctional stove.

Cai's birthday! I decided to have a birthday party and invite everyone the family knew. This was... not a smart idea.

They all assumed the bedroom was the living room. Or something.

They put up with it for a while. Jacobine chatted with this guy about what garden spades make the best weapons while this girl just stood in the corner, acting like the room was closing in on her.

Ummm what?? That's random.

Then there was an impromtu upright bass concert. Yup. Perfect entertainment for a baby's birthday.

Sick of all the people that came, they used the musical performance's distraction to get away from the crazy townspeople that they invited over but they shouldn't have.

Oh, and the best part? KaiCai wouldn't age up! So to make this an actual birthday party, I took our good friend Stiles to be aged to an adult.

The party has begun!


Jacobine: So...
Stiles: So...
Darn. Guess my attempts to set them up to fall in love for Jacobine's LTW (remember that?) aren't going so great.. blah. Oh well.

What??? Someone did age up! Whatever...

Stiles: Guess it's just you and me, baby.

Stiles: Which means only one thing!
Napoleon: *whispers* Do you think we should tell him we can totally see what he's doing?
Jacobine: Eh, too tired to care.

Stiles: I took your candy! Even though babies can't have lollipops this big in the first place!
Jacobine and Napoleon: WTF?

Cai: Waaaahhhhhhh
Stiles: I was just kidding! I'm only evil!
Jacobine and Napoleon: *get up to kick their now evil babysitter out of the house*

Jacobine: ...Wanna woohoo?
Napoleon: Hell yeah!

Well, something went good that day, at least.

And there was no baby jingle...

So extra sex was had. And Jacobine is now pregnant! Yay!

Crap.... this bad luck never stops does it?

Ugly repo guy: *checks out Jacobine's ass*
Jacobine: He's looking at my ass, isn't he? I probably should have put pants on before he came over, though...

Jacobine: All right buddy, I'm going to put some pants on. Don't take too long with the zapping our possessions into oblivion.

Napoleon: Not the stand lamp!!! Nooooooooo!!!

Napoleon: This is for taking the lamp!!! *headbutts* Ughhhhhhh!!
Ugly repo man: ...Are you done yet?

Gonna celebrate this birthday for real without crazies.

Jacobine: You're crosseyed! Hehe.
Like every growing sim, probably including you...

Cai <3 I editing his hair color a wee bit since it was that ugly green-brown. And he has Napoleon's light purple eyes! :D

Cai anxiously awaits his first meal as a toddler. So cute <3

First walks!

Jacobine: Holy crap! You're Three Star Alan Stanley! Grandpa Kai used to talk about you all the time! I'm surprised you're still alive!
Well, Jacobine, you kind of did go through a time warp to become an adult...

Daww :(

So cute! I swear, his eyes almost match the crib, as strange as that sounds.

Oh, BTW, Jacobine popped. Forgot to mention. >.>

Which also reminds me...
Jacobine: Napoleon, I think we're going to need some more toys in the house.
Napoleon: But Jacobine...

Jacobine: I'm pregnant!

Napoleon: Oh, wow! That's why you were saying that! I was just worried because we don't have a lot of money in the bank right now... but now that I think about THAT, how in the hell are we going to raise another child?

Jacobine: I KNOW that, Napoleon, but you wanted these kids... I am cutting my work hours to take care of them... what is there to do? You can only make so much...

Napoleon: There, there, darling. We'll find a way.

Jacobine: Well, maybe Napoleon is right. Maybe things will work out.

Jacobine: So that's why I'm going to play in the sprinkler and have a big montage about it!

Jacobine: Okay, sprinkler party's over. A bunch of water just squirted up my nose.

Jacobine: Come here, sweetie! Hopefully nothing will happen while I am bending down heavily pregnant...

Jacobine: Well that's just AWESOME.

Napoleon: Ahhhh!!! Labor!!!! We have to go the hospital!
Jacobine: I think it's too late... the labor is going faster than I thought...

Napoleon: What is that supposed to mean??
Jacobine: I should have slept with more people before settling down... why did I decide to do this?

*an inexplicable change of clothes later*
Jacobine: Ughhhh feel disgusting... here it comes! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

First is girl Julia.

Um... why are you going outside?
Jacobine: Maternal... instinct...

Jacobine: Wait... I'm not done yet????

Boy Viggo.

Jacobine: I now have three children. What the hell.

Yes, as a matter a fact, I could only afford one new crib. And didn't have room to put them in the same room. Being poor is awesome! Yeah... not really.

Jacobine: Come on little buddy, we're going to finish your potty training and age you up because there's no way in hell I'm raising a toddler and two babies at once. We'll somehow figure out how to get you a bed.

Aging up!

A daredevil... just like Stiles, Mr. Dirt Eater. Great. I guess he did influence him as an infant after all.

More crosseyedness. Also, he looks so much like Kai as a kid! Crazy! Especially with that hair.

Cai: Hmm.... should I take an EXTREEEMEEEE nap?

Cai: Or go into some EXTREEEMEEEE sleep?
I admit, the "EXTREEEEMEEE" options from being a daredevil amuse me. Especially fitting that he's also a couch potato. He can be lazy and EXTREEMEEE at the same time! That's mad talent.

The best I could arrange the house. Kai sadly has to sleep next to the workout machine. He will get his own room once we have the money to do it. I could have put his bed in the new widened master bedroom, but I would like to have one less person wake up and complain from screaming babies. And yes, that is a couch that ended up outside thanks to all my adjustments.

Someone else has discovered the wonders of the sprinkler. I think it is the most entertaining thing on their property, which is why everyone flocks to it. Also, time for another sprinkler play montage! (Yes, I know, I haven't had the money or time to paint the outside of their house yet. Or give them windows.)

Cai: That was fun! *laughs*

Oh, and I was late in making him over, also. I gave him different hair to look a bit different from Kai.

His new look. :)

The beginnings of Cai's bedroom. It's obviously not ready. I couldn't afford two more walls. Or a door. Napoleon's job at the restaurant helps, but not a whole lot.


Cai does some EXTREEEEMEEE reading. No really, I think it's EXTRREEEMEE because it's outside. At night. And probably cold.

Napoleon joins his son in reading outside together. I find this cute, actually. :)

Napoleon: I want another child and I want one NOW! *little kid pout and glare*
illusion_sims: Okay, okay... calm your jets, buddy.

Napoleon: Can I at least have a stove?
illusion_sims: Look at your bank account, buddy. You're about 323 dollars short of being able to get even the cheapest stove.

First day of school for KaiCai!


Esteban: Dude, your mom is HOT.
Cai: You did NOT just say that.

Esteban: Well, you don't have an older sister I can gawk, so your hot mom will have to do for my hot viewing pleasure.
Cai: *eyes narrow as he envisions much death and destruction coming to Esteban*

MONEY!!!!! That means...

Finished bedroom for Cai, albeit a bit bare...

Cai: Can't you just use the internet for your "hot viewing needs." There is porn, you know.
Esteban: Hell no! To get the good stuff you need to pay. Free porn sucks and I'm not using my parent's credit card and risk that type of embarrassing!

Cai: Oh? So I should just tell my mom about what you said. I think she'd love to hear it.
Esteban: No, please! I'll give you anything! Don't embarress me! I'll give you anything!
Cai: Anything, huh?

Did I mention Esteban comes from a famous family?

So a star is born.

And then later that night, with barely any effort, he got another star! He's already a two-star celebrity by threatening a famous kid. Awesome.

Napoleon: Can I PLEASE have my fourth child now? And possibly my fifth at the same time so I can complete my LTW?
illusion_sims: *sigh* Just go play in the sprinkler for now.

Have fun, you crazy kid. (Yes, I am going to do the third sprinkler playing montage this update.)

Napoleon: *gurgle gurgle spppssshshhsh*

Yes I KNOW! You're just as whiny as Jacobine when she was going through her alcoholic stage last update.

So the new babysitter isn't much better. She's in her swimsuit because, of course, she was playing in the sprinkler. She is unworthy of a montage because all she did was complain about the crying babies and did nothing to take care of them. Ugh. Just as bad as the nannies in Sims 2.

But to make up for this fail, here are the cute little twins toddlerized:

Julia doesn't have Napoleon's outlandish eye color, but she has his blonde hair! :)

Also changed Viggo's hair color to be similar to Cai's.

Have a little spam of these two since they are too young to play in the sprinkler:

Sooooo cute. Viggo has a killer smile <3

Oh, well... at least you two agree! Now get to work! :P

Oh... is this your LTW finally shining through for the first time in sims years? Or do you just want to meet your new baby?

Guess we'll find out next update!

legacy, norway, sims 3

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