Norway Legacy 5.2

Aug 15, 2012 20:25

Last time on the Norways:

* Upon discovering Jacobine was pregnant with their first child, Napoleon suddenly sold Jacobine's apartment and bought a plot of land for both of them. They soon suddenly got married. Also, Napoleon loves him some kids. But not in a creepy way.

* Cai was born, even though Napoleon almost missed the birth.

* Napoleon had magic hair.

* Stiles was... a weird teen. Who grew up to a weird YA thanks to Cai not wanting to age up at his own birthday party. Then Stiles became evil and was never seen again.

* The Norways were repoed when Jacobine wasn't wearing any pants. How dare they do that!

* Jacobine gave birth to twins Viggo and Julia.

* Esteban, Cai's new friend, made Cai a celebrity due to Esteban and his family being famous.

* And finally, many a SPINKLER MONTAGE was had.

Let's start out this update with Napoleon fixing a TV... yay? But it's not just anyone's TV!!

Napoleon: I remember you! You used to stalk my wife!
Wayne: Um... thanks?

Oh well, we get money for the job.

That means we can finally afford a new stove! I also made it match nicely with the counters. :)

Yeah yeah I know your LTW want raise five babies to teens... I'm getting to it!

Oh. It's YOU. Are you actually going to be competent at babysitting this time?

Well... at least you're acknowledging Viggo's presence. That's... something.

Good thing the babysitting is working out, because Jacobine got arrested for the first time at her criminal job... criminalizing.

Well, that makes more sense than what they said to Kai in generation 3. lol.

Speaking of Kai, Cai does his homework.

Then makes a sandwich, and sits in the other chair. He lives such an exciting life.

But look! Later on, Esteban stopped by!
Esteban: Boy, I'll make you a star! You'll be the top celebrity in the city by the time I'm done!

Cai: *doesn't know what to say*
Esteban: He's stunned speechless. My work here is done.

A very weird potty training experience. o.o

But now Napoleon is going to celebrate his adult birthday with a bunch of moldy newspapers! Yay!

Napoleon: Um, hello, aging here! Get out of the way, freaking babysitter!
Babysitter: *is apparently blind, deaf, and doesn't have a sense of touch*

Please don't merge into the babysitter.

I would be too if I was in that close of contact to embodied stupidity.

Cai's room actually looks fully remodeled! Yay!

He rewards me by cleaning up all those nasty newspapers no one picked up. Thank you, Cai!

Time for Cai's birthday! Esteban arrives, and guess who the old lady is?

I'll give you a hint: red and black underwear.

Maja: So you're my oldest grandchild... turning into a teen today? Wow, I am older than I thought...

Jacob: Don't worry, Maja! We'll be old together.
Yes, I got them to come back! I took them from an old save file and aged them to elders. I wanted someone from the last generation to be in town with them. :)

Birthday time!

Yay, I don't get to choose his trait again! Eccentric is at least a little interesting to have, though.

I realized Cai's resemblance to Jacob was strong when I put Jacob's former hair on new teen Cai.

But not wanting a Jacob clone, I gave him a snazzy hat instead.

Jacobine: Daddy! We going to catch up on old times?
Jacob: Nope, gonna play my guitar. Later!
I haven't had much chance to use them in the story, sadly. But at least they're around now.

I was reminded by Cai's makeover to do Napoleon's midlife makeover. Yes, that is the maid shirt. Yes, it does suit him. :)

I also gave Jacobine a makeover.... nah... this is just her work uniform. But it is quite fitting considering her fashion taste.

Teen Cai channels teen Kai...

Apparently me making him over didn't count toward his midlife crisis want, so I sent him to get this temporary makeover at the salon place.

Mission complete. Now makeover lady is happy she gets to... go home to brush her teeth? Okay? I appreciate the enthusiasm for dental health.

Oh, then I had him pick up a seed or two on the way back because I want him to start a garden. It's been long enough.

Cai, you didn't know this before? They're the biggest celebrities in town...

I guess he figured it out when he saw three flat screen TVs in the same room.

Cai: Dude, your house rocks! THREE TVS! We don't even own ONE TV! Wow! I should come over more often!

Esteban: Thanks, but don't get all faggy on me. Not into that.
(Keep this picture statement in mind. Things get REALLY weird after this.)

Cai: Faggy or not, your house is awesome. We're sitting next to a freaking pool that runs UNDERNEATH YOUR HOUSE. UNDERNEATH. YOUR. HOUSE. Dude.
Esteban: Eh, we used to live in a space station. This is nothing.

Cai: But tell me this... can we invite people over for movies? We could charge and could get even richer! We could run three movies at once to show on those three big TVs! I'm a genius!
Esteban: Uh huh. I'll get back to you on that.

Cai continues to impress with his celebrity smoozing... by telling non-controversial gossip about his own grandparents.

Back at home...
Jacobine: Guess what baby???
Viggo: ...What?

Jacobine: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY YAYYYYY *clap clap*

Jacobine: Time to party!
Viggo: ...k.

Jacobine: Oh, here come the crippling sparkles of age...

Jacobine: Want to have hot middle-age sex so we don't feel so... middle-age?
Napoleon: o.o ....Okay!

So it was done.

And it was apparently not satisfying enough for Napoleon. I expected Jacobine to roll this before he did... this was another of many signs I should change Jacobine's LTW. (Spoiler alert: I do so later on.)

Last update, pagessims3 commented that Jacobine had gems and such in her inventory which were very valuable and I could sell them, which would help ease their poverty woes.

So I did. Thank you, pagessims3!

Guess we're going to have another heir potential soon! :)

Cai's field trip shenanigans. Not surprised this happened, lol.

Look what I found! More money! Yeah!

To celebrate, let's age up the twins! First up is Viggo.

Not bad for not being able to choose the trait. Now he shares that trait with Julia, who was born with it.

Second is Julia.

Huh, I guess I taught her all the toddler skills after all.

Well, that'll be entertaining. And it always reminds me of the awesome that was Arrested Development... though there are new episodes being made right now! Yay! :)

Where I put the twins' new beds before I gave them their own room. (Another spoiler alert, technically... >.>)

Here's Julia post-makeover.

Here's Viggo post-makeover.

...Just kidding. This is his real makeover. But he's in that other outfit a LOT more. You'll see.

Viggo: Oh boy oh boy! Can I have some cake, Mom?
Jacobine: ...You already had four slices.

Viggo: Nonsense! *stands on chair* Dear sister, give me a slice of cake from the fridge. Dear brother, a fork!
Julia: What the fuck is he on?
Cai: .... *walks away*

Viggo: Hey, that doesn't look like you're getting me the proper cutlery! It's like you're just pretending I don't exist! ...RELEASE THE HOUNDS!
Julia: Getting the hell out of here now to eat my sandwich in peace...
Jacobine: At least they are not screaming babies anymore...

*After finishing her shift that night*
Jacobine: ...Really?

I guess the crime syndicate didn't like Jacobine needing maternity leave for the third time.

Goodbye... whatever that item was. A dresser? A bed? A lamp? I have no idea.

Cai: Oh em gee! Robber! Maybe if I panic he'll leave in peace!

Thief: Easiest job ever. Jacobine Norway has nothing on me. That'll teach her to have children! Plus it's not like that teenager has a future in anything except being a pussy.

But I remembered we have MONEY despite losing some stuff, so the house actually looks like a non-shack for the first time.

Napoleon also gathered some seeds for that garden that should be made because I said so. Well, he did roll wants for it, too. :P

He also got a butterfly.

And so the garden begins with the very first seed.
Napoleon: ...I'm burying the butterfly I suffocated in my pocket.
illusion_sims: ........ And so the garden begins with the very first butterfly burial.

Now for the garden! :D

Maybe if Viggo goes into scouting he'll put his energy into... not being crazy.

I had Julia accompany him.

Adventures at 5:03 pm:

Cai: Can I stop by and use the other TVs in your house I haven't tried yet??? Pleeeasseee??

After scouting, Julia and Viggo do homework outside of school.


Bartender: One Long Island Ice Tea coming up!
illusion_sims: D:

Apparently Jacobine has gone back to her old ways. Shame, shame!

I'm surprised she didn't roll this sooner.

And finally, Napoleon reminds me of his LTW for the 5720935723th time.

So I make him take care of his garden so he'll STFU about it.

Viggo: Dear lord, what are you doing?
Julia: Eating...?
Did I mention there's a chair shortage in the house?

Viggo: Well, that's for the kitchen. I need to tinkle, dear sister.
Julia: Fine, as long as you stop calling me "dear sister."

Viggo: ...And the king regains his throne.

His dad has magical hair - Cai has a magical hat.

Jacobine: Well, we'll be celebrating another birthday soon!
Napoleon: You mean that Cai will be turning over a new leaf as an adult?
Jacobine: ...I'm pregnant again, freak.
Napoleon: Oh!

Then she made Napoleon work out since she couldn't do so as well because of the pregnancy.

Then she went into labor.
Jacobine: What's the big deal? I've done this before!

Napoleon: Ohhh, my poor back... how does she exercise on that torture device so often?

A new girl!

Jacobine: Here we go again...

Jacobine rolled this immediately after the birth. I think she's tired of babies.

That may not help you with your "no more baby" issue, especially since Napoleon wants one more...

Oh man, the adult vacation arrives.

Aaaand they leave their newborn behind. That's actually sort of sad. Shows how much they care. @_@

They got this babysitter when everyone was at school - she's a high school student, so she's missing school for this. Sense... this makes none.

Oh well, she's competent compared to the other one! Happy happy joy joy!

Sweet, carpets are awesome!

This is what I was talking about when I was going out of my way to show that Esteban was straight earlier this update. I did say yes, but this confused me a LOT.

This confuses me even more. EA, your logic is so much fail. (And it doesn't get better...)

The shower broke so this guy in a funny hat fixed it.

Viggo: The prince has returned!
Oh, no....


Cai: Almost ready to shove this wooden spoon down his throat... *grumble*

I think funny hat repair guy left early... note the water leaking out from the wall. I think he has a low tolerance for children screaming singing Disney songs.

Cai: Sticking my head in the oven now...

Yeah... bathroom is not doing great now, despite the shower being finally fixed.

Oh well, pillow fight!
Julia: Anything to stop him from putting on that costume again...

Oh, either the toilet broke after the repair guy left, or he just left it broken...

Oh yeah, that dance thing! Gotta get the babysitter. Again. Sigh.

Pimpin outfit, Cai. (And when I thought I had stopped doing it... I wrote his name as "Kai" once again in the original draft.)

Now for more weird...

And I thought they were only going as friends. Even though Esteban has a girlfriend. So yeah.... fail logic!

Then it all made sense - it was all a ploy to make Cai famous! Esteban did stay true to his promise... but this is quite... an extreme promise. I mean they never kissed...

Um... never mind. Esteban is going the extra mile. Or likes cheating on his girlfriend a little too much... wait... ex-girlfriend, since they're going steady now...

I admit, it was cute to watch this, despite the massive confusion going on in my head.


Cai: I feel like I'm being watched...
Yeah, because that's totally the girl Esteban used to claim to date. Have fun with that.

And of course, Cai has to come back to this.
Viggo: The dream of having my own moat has come true!!

High School Babysitter: Did you kids do okay when I stopped at pr...oh shit.
Julia: That's coming out of your pay, missy.

Awesome job, guys!

Cai: I'm gonna need reinforcements...

Funny Hat Repairman: WHAT IS MY LIFE

Yes, as you can see, the adults are back. We got the mess mostly cleaned up. Key word being "mostly."

It seems peaceful, but not for long... *ominous foreshadowing*

Enjoy this prom picture of Esteban and Cai as I close this update.

Ugh, this took forever to write and edit. But it's done! Yay! Hope you enjoyed!

<3 illusion_sims

legacy, norway, sims 3

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