Norway Legacy 5.3

Nov 10, 2012 21:00

Hello all! Long time no story! I apologize for the wait. Here's an entry I've been wanting to make for a while, even though it's shorter than usual.

Last time:

* WAYNE BUMBLE RETURNED.... Eh, wasn't that big of a deal. Napoleon only fixed his TV again.

* Maja and Jacob returned as elders to celebrate Cai's teen birthday.

* Napoleon had his adult birthday and got a makeover for his midlife crisis.

* The twins aged to children. From then on Viggo wouldn't STFU with his "being king" thing.

* Cai bugged the crap out of Esteban and somehow got Esteban to ask him to prom... and then proceeded to break up with his vampire girlfriend, Bellisma, to hook up with Cai. I have yet to see these two kiss, flirt, or do anything remotely romantic. I smell conspiracy.

* New baby girl Susann arrived!

* The house tried to flood itself when the parents went on a vacation. A guy in a funny hat tried to fix it. The house looked okay by the time they came back.. or so they thought...

You know Napoleon and Cai are telling each other telepathically how they are going to make sure Viggo never does this again. (And don't worry, he actually doesn't do this anymore! But there are problems to come...)

Jacobine: Cai? About when we left last week...
Cai: Yes?

Jacobine: HOW DARE YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE A MESS? You are irresponsible! I knew you would have a party!
Cai: B...b...but I didn...

Jacobine: You are grounded until further notice, mister!
Cai: O...kay....

She seriously up and grounded him. I have no idea why. Because there was a small puddle that Julia was cleaning when they got back? So stupid...

What? "Trashing house"? It's not like he broke the plumbing on purpose! He didn't even have a party!

Jacobine: *sigh* And to think things were getting better... we could finally afford an ugly carpet and couch!

The more appealing side of the entry room.

While Jacobine and Cai fume, Julia takes the opportunity to cause trouble.

Julia: Hehehe, they'll blame Cai for sure!

Viggo: My hair feels... oddly yellow...

Oh lovely, this is also what Cai needs. An angry vampire wanting his blood.

Even better! Don't you love when your life falls apart, especially when you're in the mindset of an angsty teen!?

Cai: ...and to finish the cake, use a buttercream frosting...
Viggo: Isn't that your phone ringing?

Cai: What?
Viggo: Your phone. Is ringing. Loudly. With that blasted dubstep ringtone you downloaded.
Cai: It's... it's no one I want to talk to right now, at least.
Viggo: You're weird. I guess that's why you read me cookbooks to bed...

Cai: See, avoidance is the answer to everything, young Viggo. Love you. Get some sleep and stay away from vampires.
Viggo: O...kay....

Cai: I really hope that wasn't Esteban on the phone. I just didn't want to talk to him in front of Viggo... maybe I can call him back...

Changed Jacobine's LTW to this. She grew out of romancing really fast and went back to the Norway way of stealing.

Eh, why not. Time for another montage!

Awww, so much cuter than being obnoxious royalty. <3

Wow, I don't think this ever happened before. I guess this is what happens when you only have one bathroom that is being used when you need to barf. That puke looks radioactive...

At least if you barf on the floor, it instantly self cleans with no effort. Awesome!

Napoleon's garden!

Money solves all. And prevents lawsuits.


Jacobine? Where are you going?

Jacobine: YOU WENT OUT WHEN YOU WERE GROUNDED??? Where were you????
Cai: I went to work... you know... so I wouldn't be fired?
Jacobine: Don't get smart with me... go into time out!
Cai: Time out??? That's for little kids!!!
Jacobine: Stay out here and think about what you did! Do NOT come back inside until I say so.
Cai: *grumble* Fine.

But to break from the drama, look how cute Susann is! Blonde hair like Julia! She has a different face from Julia's, though. It's more apparent as she gets older.


Cai: *on phone with Esteban* Yeah dude, it fucking sucks! My mom has gone insane!!! She grounds me for doing nothing wrong but doing my best while my parents went on that stupid free vacation, and then she puts me in this little kid "time out" outside in the dark for going to work. How dare I be productive and make money for the family, right?

Cai: ...Yeah, I think you're right. Once I'm a celebrity I won't have to worry about this. You're so smart. Oh, here comes my dad, I'll talk to you later.

Cai: Hey dad, what's going on with mom? She should know I have things to do and people to see. I was only at work and school today, I swear!

Napoleon: I understand, son.
Cai: Really, Dad?!?!? I was hoping you would...

Cai: Whoa whoa whoa, she never told me not to talk on the phone while I was outside. It got boring, I wanted to talk and pass the time... rant and all. I was only mad...
Napoleon: I don't care!!!! You need to respect us! I'm taking your phone and you are in time out for another hour!
Cai: But..!

Cai: *sigh* My life sucks...

Julia: Why are Mom and Dad so mad at Cai? Maybe I can ask him...

Cai: ..."Then the ladybug grew big and flew his human companion to Mars on his back. The end."
Julia: Good story... I guess.

Cai: I gotta go.
Julia: Why are Mom and Dad so mad at you?
Cai: ...Good night, Julia.

Julia: You are never this eager to go to sleep. I'm not tired at all. Just tell me. *sits up*
Cai: Why are you so curious? You're too young to get any of it.
Julia: Teachers say I'm smart for my age.
Cai: *sigh* All I'm going to say is... no one understands me. They really don't. Good night, Julia. Get to your bed before you fall asleep in Mom and Dad's bed.

Jacobine: Pregnant again. Who'da thought? Wonder about Cai, though...

Jacobine: So I was thinking we should do something fun tonight, especially with our fifth child coming soon.
Napoleon: Yes, for sure! Would be a nice break from all this drama with Cai... I'm so tired of it...

Napoleon: I suppose this would be a good occasion for these.
Jacobine: Thank you so much! It's perfect!
Napoleon: Want to go watch the stars?
Jacobine: I would love to.

Jacobine: Napoleon?
Napoleon: Yes, dear?

Jacobine: Am I being too hard on Cai? I guess I am like this because I grew up very fast and maybe it's wrong to expect that of him...
Napoleon: Oh sweetheart, you're just trying to give him some structure.

Jacobine: But he's been so sad lately. I feel bad I sent you out there for breaking his punishment again. It should have been me...
Napoleon: No, sweetheart. Both parents should be involved in discipline. I was doing my job as a parent.

Jacobine: I know I have been ridiculous and made my own mistakes - but that just makes me want my kids to make those mistakes even less.
Napoleon: Cai will be a fine young man. And our other kids will grow up wonderfully, too, even if there's problems. Cai will be in shape by tomorrow and in a better mood.
Jacobine: I hope you're right...

Cai: Man, this homework is hard!
*door creak*
Cai: H...hello?

Jacobine: *sigh* What are you doing here? You need to be in school. It started an hour ago.
Cai: Oh. Yeah. My bad. I thought it was the weekend. I just was doing homework and you came in and...

Cai: What the hell???
Cai: No I didn't!!! What are you t..
Jacobine: I'M SO SICK OF YOU!

Cai: Oh, oh, I see, you're sick of me. That would explain why you left me alone to take care of two children and a NEWBORN. Me. I'M 15 YEARS OLD! If I'm so irresponsible why did you expect me to do everything perfectly with NO help or NO directions? I was the one who hired the babysitters for the baby when the three of us were at school. I never threw a party. You can ask the neighbors for proof. The house was a mess because all your fucking cheap plumbing broke at the same time. You wanted me to be trustworthy but I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. You just left your children at the drop of a hat like we didn't matter at all for some fucking free vacation. Good fucking job, Mom. Go collect your Mom of the Year Award right now.

Jacobine: You really do think I'm a fool? You're the fool! You could have called me or your dad for questions!
Cai: When would I have? I didn't feel comfortable interrupting your vacation. I didn't know what to ask. You left so suddenly I felt like you wouldn't have cared to help me.

Cai: You're foolish and you know it! You should have never become a parent! Your behavior is disgusting!
Jacobine: I am only doing my best, Cai.

Cai: Huh, that's weird. I hear someone who claims to be my mom. Saying that she's "trying" to excuse punishing me. I'm just going to close my eyes and ignore it.
Jacobine: I can't believe you!!! You know, I don't care anymore. I don't want to see you anymore. Goodbye.

Hours later...

Cai: Lord, slay me now in my sleep.

Jacobine: I REALLY need some good advice...

Jacobine: Hello? Mom?


The final result of all the drama between Jacobine and Cai.

Cai: Oh Susann, I hope Mom doesn't talk you into hating me.

Cai: Sleeping in my bed again, I see. Get out. I need it.
Julia: Gonna tell me what's wrong now?
Cai: Surprised you're still talking to me. Figured Mom told you I was possessed by the devil by now.
Julia: Whatever it is, Cai, you're not bad. But Mom isn't either.
Cai: Just go, Julia.
Julia: Okay, okay, I'm going! But remember it's really going to be okay. Okay?
Cai: I guess. ....Thanks.

Cai: You know what... I could do for some company for longer. Bedtime story?
Julia: Yeah!!
Cai: I got a great one for a smart girl like you.

Cai: See, this is a pawn, which are all on the front row, and these are the other pieces, which go in a certain order in the back.
Julia: Cool!

Before you know it, Julia became a teen. She got her mother's Inappropriate trait, which was randomized.

And obvoiusly, so did her twin Viggo. He got the Schmoozer trait, which I didn't choose.

Jacobine: The preparations have been made... now the moment of truth.

Jacobine: Hello, Fort Starch Military School? I have a new student to enroll.

Jacobine: Please let this not be an omen to what I have just done.

Jacobine: I really hope I have the money to replace this stove... again.

The stove is okay! We don't need a replacement!

Julia: Hey Mom, what's up?
Jacobine: Making the stove inflammable. Just because. You?
Julia: Can you hurry it up because I wanna make some waffles!
Jacobine: As long as you don't burn them!

Viggo: Hey Cai!
Cai: Hey...
Viggo: So Julia made these waffles without burning them! Can't say the same with Mom using the stove.
Cai: Heh, yeah...

Viggo: Makes me almost want to learn to cook! Even though I'd rather have someone cook for me! Haha!
Cai: Yeah.

Viggo: Well, gotta clean up. Hope you have a good time at military school. I'll miss ya! Bye!
Cai: *stops midbite* Military... school??

Cai: So. When were you going to tell me you were sending me to boarding school? When I was already there?
Jacobine: It's for both our own good. You'll learn something. And I won't be around to bother you for a long time.
Cai: Whatever.

The sprinkler never gets old for them.

Meanwhile, Cai reflects on his transition to a new life.
Cai: Goodbye, house. I guess I'll miss you or something. I kind of glad I'll be back when I'm an adult, though. No parents to push me around.

As the taxi pulls up to take Cai to military school, we end this update.

To explain this big mess: I had installed Generations and the whole punishment system is super broken. So I ended up making a plot around just that. It totally destroyed Jacobine and Cai's relationship. She just kept punishing him for stupid reasons, like breaking his grounding for going to school or work. And then when he stayed home from school, he also got in trouble. EA, please fix this.

But don't worry, Cai will be back sooner than you think! Hope you enjoyed reading!

Update: Jacobine and Napoleon are now on the exchange.

<3 illusion_sims

legacy, norway, sims 3

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