Norway Legacy 1.1

May 26, 2010 22:12

Last time: Oslo was created and set out into the world. He got a job, met a few people (with mixed results), and hit it off the best with Jeannie. Jeannie then moved in with Oslo. As you can see, not a lot has happened.

Soon after Jeannie moves in with Oslo, they settle into the lull of married life really quickly. And they aren't even married or engaged!
Oslo: So... those were some good waffles.
Jeannie: Mmmmhmmm.
Oslo: Did you like your waffles?
Jeannie: Uh huh.
Oslo: What are you going to do today?
Jeannie: Yup.
Oslo: ...I'm going to clown college and then join the circus.
Jeannie: Hmmmm.
Oslo: *sigh*

Jeannie likes the bookstore. And I like this picture on the account that it's purty.

Jeannie's unawareness extends to outside the house.
Jeannie: Hey, how are you, I'm going to take this cheeseburger from your picnic basket. Kthx.
Child: ....

The child runs away from the crazy Jeannie and Cycl0ne Sw0rd sits with Jeannie, and the two continue to eat from a picnic basket that isn't theirs.

Jeannie: Nice to meet you, I'm Jeannie.
Cycl0ne Sw0rd: Cycl0ne Sw0rd. *thinks* God, I shouldn't have come here right after work, I smell like ass...

Nonetheless, Jeannie does her good thing and brightens his day... well, night.

Jeannie: I like your hat. :)

Jeannie: It reminds me of the Big Dipper. I'm really not sure why.

He apparently approves of her attempt at a compliment.

Another promotion! Yay!

Oslo tells Jeannie the good news.

Jeannie: I knew you could make it through clown college and to the circus!
Oslo: Wait, what?

They celebrate Oslo's promotion by making BABIEEEZ!

At first you don't conceive...

try, try again ;)

One of the few times Jeannie goes to work, at least for a longggggg time. You'll see why later.

While Jeannie is at work, Oslo... hits a toilet with a hammer.

But never fear, Oslo was only installing a self-cleaning device onto the toilet. Too bad it still clogs... quite often. D:{

After a long day of work and toilet upgrading, Jeannie and Oslo take a nap together. Aww.

This is when I realized the light in the living room was not sufficient.

Muuuuchhh better. :)

I don't blame Oslo for running straight to bed considering his very red energy meter. I'm surprised he didn't pass out before reaching his house.

Oslo makes it to bed and Jeannie pops! :D

Jeannie wished for this immediately after she popped. I'll see what I can do, Jeannie.

DLing XKCD shirts = best CC decision I've made so far. I totally adore those maternity pjs.

Jeannie spent her maternity leave reading.

And playing a mean game of chess on her own.

I like the maternity everyday, too. I like the Sims 3 maternity wear more than the Sims 2. And she's a trooper for keeping those high heels on while pregnant >.>

Time to buy some kiddie books for the expectant family :)

This bitch ERIN KENNEDY stood in Jeannie's way for like, forever. They stared each other down for an eternity, also.

....What? She said she wanted a boy!

I finally zoomed out enough to realize the color of the staircase did not match the original color of the living room for some reason. (And I totally feel like Perez Hilton writing in that white paintbrush... >.>)

Much better. It doesn't look like the whole room matches, but it does. It's just wonky lighting.

Getting bigger! :D

At this point, they whined about their place being dirty so often, and I didn't know what they were complaining about, so I saw if hiring a maid would help.

And this is the last picture I have because I lost a bunch of caps. I don't know what happened! D: Let's just say that the next picture I have after this is THREE KIDS LATER. Yeah. A lot of time missed, but nothing epically big was missed except births.

I'll give a recap next update to write out what happened in between pictures. It will all be okay. I have a second generation now, even if I lack some pictures! :D

legacy, norway, sims 3

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