Norway Legacy 4.3

Nov 28, 2010 21:44

Last time:
- I gave a huge-ass tour of the huge-ass house.
- Ghost!Oslo talked to Jacob and Jeannie at the old new house.
- Jeannie, Sam, and Kai crashed a posh party. Kai impressed Three-Star Alan Stanley, which gave him a lovely gold star for himself.
- When the old folgies got home from party crashing, they were face to face with a stupid robber. That somehow managed to get away even after literal hours of just standing there, freaking out. >.<
- Maja did some creepy music box swaying then made some pancakes.
- Jeannie died and EVERYONE missed it and didn't realize it until she was ashes in an urn.
- Jacob pretended he was a celebrity and used his wealth to buy his way into a club with overpriced food and drinks. The bartender was awesome, though.
- Kai and Sam had some major marital issues. Luckily, they were resolved by the end.

Jacob teaches his daughter to talk. He tells her about the amazing benefits of fishing and such outdoor activities.
Jacob: You not only get food to feed yourself, but you get a nice tan, too!

Jacob rolls more excuses to stay outside.

He has friends over late for a reason...

He's a vampire. Yay! The first one I met!

Dude, those eyes...


After! Yes, I put even less clothes on him. I mean, look at his body. I mean, damn!

Vampire: What are you trying to do, make me look like a prostitute? I wanted you to cover me up, not reveal more of me! Ugh!
Jacob: Aren't you a "man of the night"? I thought that was a euphemism for "prostitute"...

Vampire: *snarl* That's the last time I go get a makeover, especially during the day. Ughhhhh. I better get home before my skin melts off...
Jacob: Don't think of his butt, don't think of his butt...

Jacob: Did he know I was thinking of his butt? o.o

At least he got a promotion! :D

Because he got promoted. I indulged him.


And while those luxuries were being purchased, Maja gave birth! Twins! Maja is holding the Alfred, the boy, who was born with the Athletic and Friendly traits, and Jacob is holding Vanja, the girl, born with the the Good and Genius traits. This is the first time I've had any children that I couldn't choose their traits at all. Oh well.

Let's put away the babies and focus on something more important...

Old men in the hot tub!

Kai: Ohhhhhh yeah. That's the stuff. :3

Sam: *emerges from water, coughing and gagging* That was harder than I thought!
Kai: *snerk*
Sam: Oh, HA-HA. Does everything have to be a double entendere for you?
Kai: ....Yes.

Sam: *puts arm around Kai* The things I put up with for you...
Kai: Maybe that move you tried on me will work better if I try it. I do have some hankering for some oriental meat... *eyebrow waggle*
Sam: *GROAN*

Kai: ...OR we could just stay here like this.
Sam: I agree.

Maja: I'm so stressed out. I feel disgusting, I have three children under the age of three... I wish Grandma was here...

Maja: I want my children to be taken care of... I know what I have to do...

Maja: Get some live-in help. We're rich bastards, anyways.

While waiting for the butler to arrive, I remembered I needed to do Jeannie's epitaph. Here it is. Yes, she was really old.

This is our new butler, Camilla. She reminds me of a robot. I have never seen someone so robotic looking in my life. The leather gloves and very stern expression don't help. It just reminds me of Mechakara, an evil robot version of one of the internet reviewers I watch.... yeah. Makes a ton of sense, doesn't it? (Here is a picture of Mechakara with the aforementioned leather gloves.)

Camilla: Must... destory...

Camilla: This blender will do nicely. Let me test some food that has the consistency of human flesh and bone. Yes... this is promising.
Kai: Oh hey, aren't you the new butler? Are you making food for us? Oh well, I'll just eat this salad. I don't feel like waiting. See you later, lady servent!
Camilla: ...I'm slaying that one first.

Camilla: ...What do I do with this small human? And... it's starting to smell... ugh! It's foul!
Kai: *shows off his old-man-butt in the distance*

Maybe Kai should take care of the kids... I'm not sure if I trust Camille with them...
Kai: You're so cute, I could eat you up!
...Or not.

Or maybe Jacob?
Jacob: Om nom nom nom!
Has Camilla brainwashed them so they will all eat each other? o.o

Camilla: Yes, everything is going to plan! And this job isn't too bad. I don't mind making beds.

Camilla: ...I take that back.

I gave this to Sam so it would help him interact with Kai better.

And I gave this to Kai so he would interact with Sam better, and be less crabby in general.

Walking lessons: complete!

He rolled these at the same time.

Maja... didn't have such wishes.

Talking lessons: complete!

I will be using this option once I get the chance. >.>

But for now, they can snuggle in the hot tub.

And make out.

Sam: So...
Kai: So...

Kai: Let's DO IT.

Sam: ...'kay.
*makeouty makeout*

Yes, Kai and Sam have been recovering their relationship, thankfully.

Maja wanting to quit her job for the millionth time, though there isn't really much point in doing so since she basically has the option to paint whenever she feels like it.

I guess she'd rather be a stay-at-home mom, even though ti was her idea to get a butler.... okay... but anyways - potty training: complete!

Now all the toddler skills are acquired, time to grow up Jacobine!

Camilla: There seems to be some sort of ceremony going on, involving candles in a short cylinder with a distasteful color scheme. Hmm. I will investigate this.

Camilla: Must not draw attention. I'll clean some plates while I watch this ceremony for the oldest. That Asian American elder is quite enthusiastic, especially around that other male elder. I wonder why.

Camilla: The candles have been extinguished. The males of the house are still yelling in my ear. Is this the second phase of the ceremony?
Maja: That new butler gives me the creeps. Eh, probably just me.

Jacobine: Where am I and why is all I can see is the bridge of my nose!
The cross-eyed look has returned.

But after uncrossing her eyes and giving her a makeover, she's adorable!

Jacobine's info card. She got the Norway family's Kleptomania trait.

Camilla: Time to make the family's breakfast. What should I do. Put in some cyanide and say the french toast has 'a touch of almond'? Or just put in a bunch of drain cleaner that will have them dead after one bite? Hmm...

Camilla: Eh. I'll just kill them later. *breaks an egg*

I figure this a throwback to the Tragic Clown from Sims 1. And I didn't know there was one in Sims 3 until I read that Wikia entry. o.o

I was excited there was another writer in the family. This was the first wish she rolled.

But thennnn I realized she would have to be on the computer constantly, which doesn't fare well for a technophobe.
Jacobine: So... many... keys! Aaaaahhhh!

I decided to push through at least one, especially after I saw this generated title.

Jacobine: Keys... letters... screen... THIS IS SCARING ME. WITCHCRAFT!!! *throws down keyboard, runs away*

Camilla actually made french toast that wasn't poison. Maybe she's not as evil as I originally assumed?

Camilla: Note to self: never give anyone the benefit of the doubt ever again, especially if they make you pick up excrement out of small toilets.

Camilla: Mr. Norway, your garbage has been deposited...
Kai: Thanks!
Camilla: On the floor.
Kai: ...Oh.

I'm not sure if I would ask Camilla for a massage or advice.

Jacob and Camilla: AHEM
Maja: Come back later. Too busy smelling cute babies.

Maja: My value has a mother has been revived. Totally worth it.


Lovin' in the oven bed

This confused me at first, but then I realized there was still a Jacob clone running around town. >.> And apparently vampires don't like Jacob's clone, either.

More gay porn Kai and Sam chillin' in the hot tub.

Sam: So, I've been having a hankerin' for your meat, if you know what I mean... *eyebrow waggle*

Kai: No, just no. You're right. Double entendres are lame.
Sam: Aww, but I actually did want sex! And I am actually hungry, too. Let's have some leftover french toast.

The picture Maja was working on. I like it. <3

Camilla: These shrill noises from these very tiny humans are grating on my circuits - literally!

Camilla: But this little one in the pink blanket looks like she would fit in the blender...

Camilla: Too bad the blue one is being watched like a hawk. I would try to find a use for him, too...

Already?? That was REALLY fast.

Maja finished her painting and sold it for monies.

And she got promoted for the first time since she got the job.

Kai: Let the ceremony begin. Bring out the cheerleaders!

Camilla: Oh, my bad! I "accidently" dropped this biohazard bag onto the ground by the child!
Kai: Eh, what won't kill the little girl will make her stronger.

Camilla: Shucks! Foiled again!

Maja: Haha! Vanja's BALD! *snort*

Here is Vanja with hair. I think we have another Pernille and/or Jeannie on our hands. Still a doll, regardless.

Maja: Haha! I think Alfred is going to be bald, too!

Alfred: *completely oblivious that his mother is making fun of him*

I gave him a little bit of hair. He looks very Asian, just like Sam.

And this is probably the first time in forever I'm fully caught up. That means I need to play more! Woo!

Hope you all enjoyed, and had a great Thanksgiving break!

<3 illusion_sims

legacy, norway, sims 3

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