Norway Legacy 4.2

Nov 20, 2010 22:18

Last time:
- Jacob did some makeovers. He recommended use of BumpIts, and dyed one girl's hair green.
- The spares came over for a party. They made fun of my bad NaNoWriMo entry, and everyone played guitar. Taryn and Sam hit each other with a football.
- Sam and Kai had some relationship issues. Particularly in bed. (Probably doesn't help they're getting old. >.>)
- Jacobine was born, with a very fitting name.
- I moved the Norway family to a new house. And forgot to tell Sam. Whoops. >.<
- Sam gave vaccinations in the park.
- Pernille, Jeannie, Sam, and Kai went to an epic concert while Jacob went to a party that involved a fire pit.
- Hating the new house/realizing the new lot was corrupted, I copied the family's file and moved them to Bridgeport. Yeah!

Sorry about the blue buttons, but this was the best picture of the outside of the house I could get (read: I was lazy). Oh, and I downloaded it off a website, so it isn't mine or EA's. But whoever made it, you are awesome and full of win. <3

But here's an awesome house tour!

Kitchen, complete with smelly fridge.

A lovely, long hall. <3

The rec room.

Welcome to the second floor! :3

Balconies galore.

And hay... bales? o.O

More second floor hallway madness.

Looking out at the balcony from inside the house.

Weird outdoor area with fake chimneys.

Sam and Kai's bedroom.

This colorful place is Jeannie's bedroom.

Small hallway leading up to the third floor.

Best view ever. This is the flat part of the roof of the house.

So far no one has claimed this bedroom. But it definitely will be used.

Master bedroom! Claimed by Maja and Jacob, of course. A crib got added for Jacobine after I took these photos.

Jeannie: Okay! Enough touring! This rancid food in the fridge is really starting to stink up the place!

After cleaning out the fridge, Jeannie listens to Jacob talk about the new house.
Jacob: The house is great, Mrs. N, but could have we gotten a place with less plants?
Jeannie: If you want less plants, you're digging them up yourself!

Meanwhile, Maja breaks out her guitar for the 329057329057932th time and she has a jam session outside, with her dad watching.

And with her infant daughter laying down on the stone pathway, unattended.
Jacobine: Um... hello? I think there's moss starting to grow on me...

Anyways... time for a flashback interlude. But first, an explanation: I realized that I left Oslo's urn and the heir paintings at the old house, so I went back to the old house from an old save file. Then I could put the things in someone's personal inventory and move them into the old house and then delete the extra person. When I got there, though, I found...

Ghost Oslo! This was the only the second time I saw him haunt, and I wanted more people to interact with him before I moved his urn.

Ghost!Oslo: God, you smell rancid! Did you literally go dumpster diving today?
Jacob: Oh, no, no. Just a long night of partying.
(Yes, this was right after he got back from that formal party... where he burned marshmallows on a stick in the fire pit. >.>)

Ghost!Oslo: Oh! I don't think we have met. Jacob, correct?
Jacob: Yes. And judging by the fact you're the only ghost with dreadlocks that I know of, you must be Oslo. I'm your grand-daughter Maja's husband. But first off...

Jacob: What the hell are you wearing, man. You couldn't die in something more snazzy?? Gym clothes... really??!
Ghost!Oslo: Not my fault I died while I was running on the treadmill!
(Note: Yes, he is not wearing the same clothes as he died in. Those are his PJs. I have no idea what happened. I'm not bothering to fix it. It's close enough to the gym clothes anyways.)

G!O: But look, I can make you recoil back in horror, too! RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!

G!O: Calm down! I was just kidding around. Old men do that. Especially dead ones.
Jacob: Okay, fine, old man. I'm sorry. You're wearing gym clothes, I'm smelly, we'll call it even.
G!O: Sounds good to me.
Jacob: Doing anything productive in that afterlife place?
G!O: Um, well...

G!O: Not exactly...

Exit Jacob, enter Jeannie.
Jeannie: Go away, drug-fueled hallucination!
G!O: Jeannie, it's really me. Just made of ectoplasm instead of flesh.
Jeannie: Oh. Forget what I said about drugs. And the hallucinations. >.>

They apparently can combine their forces to become the first mixed band with ghosts and humans! They should be called Dead and Alive. *snort*

And apparently marriage really does last until death. Then it only becomes an engagement.

Yes, I desperately wanted to know this. I'm an astrology buff so I was super excited when Sims 3 added zodiac signs.

Mystery solved! BTW: Jeannie and Kai are Virgos, Sam is a Taurus (YEAH TAURUS POWER - I'm a Taurus too if you didn't figure that out :P), Jacob and Maja are Capricorns, and Jacobine is a Cancer.

And at this house, Jacobine is left abandoned again.
Jacobine: Um... I really hope that's a splinter digging into my blanket! And it's cold! I'm crying until the social worker comes!

Yay! Time to make like a tree and get out of here leave.

Meet Jacob's clone that I took from the old save file. I took out everything I needed from what I put in his inventory, then moved him out. I tried to just delete him from existence but it deleted the whole household. So I figured this was better. I'll delete the clone if he causes too much chaos.

Andddd I could have moved him out immediately instead of moving his stuff straight from his inventory into the house. Great to know now.

But in other news, Jacobine is turning into a toddler!
Jacobine: I'm... I'm actually being held?? Is this some sort of special occa... oh. My birthday. At least I can move around as a toddler and not be stuck on the floor, trapped in a pink blanket...

Umm... yeah. I think she gets her crossed eyes from Jacob. And got Maja's toddler hair, which does not work on toddlers at all.

I'm experimenting with new info pages, especially since I want to put the zodiac signs in there now, too. I may change the organization of the text later on. But this will do for now. Anyways, Jacobine is the first Great Kisser of the legacy, and got her technophobia from her Grandpa Sam.

Maja is quick to start with the walking lessons.

Maja: Ughhhh... don't feel good...
Jacobine: Another sibling already? Noooooooo! I was just starting to get the attention I wanted!

** Obligatory BLARF picture **

I was starting to focus on Jeannie's wishes more since she would be dying any day now, and I saw this and I HAD to try it out. It was just too awesome to pass up.

Out of all of this time I've known Kai (since birth!) he has never shown this moodlet EVER. Maybe old men are the most crankiest men to ever walk the earth?

Maja: Oh look, I just popped! :D
Jacobine: Must... escape...

Gender preferences for the new baby. IT IS ON NOW. OH SNAP!

I send the geezers out to crash the first party I find on the map. Here is the thrilling ride on the taxi...

Kai being cranky per usual...

Traveling on the subway...

Wow... this party looks... exciting.

Enter the geezers.
Man: Boo!!! Old geezers suck! Get 'em out of here!
I think they were really booing at them because they weren't celebrities. Apparently this was a swankier party than I had originally assumed.

Also, formal wear.


Sam: Is he TRYING to make me jealous by dancing with a younger man? *scoff!*
Kai: I love making my husband jealous! :3

CELEBRITY ALERT! IT'S EMMY STARR... whoever that is. >.>

That doesn't surprise me. Who wouldn't want to impress Emmy Starr?

Emmy: What is this crazy Asian geezer fanboy doing at this party?
Sam: *fanboy flails*
Girl: Damn girl, you have some crazy guns for an old lady!
Jeannie: Well, I do play a lot of catch...

And you were expecting to know Sam because...?

Emmy: Here, have an autograph. Now go back to Old Geezer Fanboy Land.


Pink baby grand piano playing... not so much.

Guy coming downstairs: Boo! Not enough famous people here! Boooo!
Kai: What is up with that guy?
Sam: Wouldn't we all like to know?

Jeannie: How are you guys liking the party?
Sam: I got called a fanboy geezer. BY A CELEBRITY. :D
Kai: I danced with some hot guy. That's about it.

Apparently stair guy was mad that no one was as famous as him.

And he seems... happy to see the paparazzi? Is Matthew Hamming having an affair with Lenny Shutter? :o

Eh, I guess we're stuck with talking to three-star Alan Stanley. I wanted each person to meet a celebrity, and Kai hadn't talked to one yet.

Kai: Well, hello there, three-star Alan Stanley!
Three-Star Alan Stanley: *scoff!* I'm supposed to be impressed you know how many stars I am because...?

Since Sam didn't get a chance to impress Emmy, I decide to make a true effort for Kai to impress Alan. I wanted to see what happened.

Kai: First off, I'm an undiscovered talent. Look at how long I can hold this note!




Alan: THAT WAS AWESOME. **plus**

Kai: Also, I am one of the top thieves. I love to commit crimes.

Kai: Also, we're really rich. We couldn't be here if we were rich, right? *waggles eyebrows* Oh, and if you aren't impressed by me yet, I'm just going to steal your stuff.

What do you know, Kai has very good negotiating skills.

Kai becomes a celebrity, albeit just a D-lister? AWESOME! He has a nice shiny gold star by his name now if you mouse over him or his icon. It's awesome.

Now we go to... WAIT WHAT??? What kind of a want is that??? Not happening, Jeannie. Even if you are dying at any minute.

I guess they have been bonding over catch lately? Who the hell knows. I do feel kind of bad that Jeannie has been without spouse or romance for a while, though. But still... that's your son's husband. Ew.

I come back home to see the happy family sleeping all cozily in the master bedroom. Awww. <3

Oh, and I find this downstairs. Maybe Kai's work didn't appreciate him telling a celebrity about his job description.

Robber: Now I'm going to take some...

Robber: Oh, fuck.
Alarm: *alarms*

Robber: *girly flail*
He could have run away easily, or even stole a few things along the way while leaving, but no. THIS IS WHAT HE DID THE WHOLE TIME.

Robber: I don't know what to do!!! Will panicking more make it turn off????

Robber: Hey, can you help me with this alarm thing? It won't shut off.
Jeannie: We put that alarm there for a reason, bub.

Sam: LE'ME AT 'IM! *prepares to tackle*
Robber: Oh it's on, old geezer fanboy!
Jeannie: I was not aware this burglar alarm lowered IQs.

Jacob: Hey, what's going on here? I heard a distinct ringing noise from downstairs and decided to check it out.
Robber: More people stacked against me??? No!!! I'm going to get fired for this!!!

Jacob: *turns around* Is that a robber I see?? LE'ME AT 'IM!!!
Sam: No, le'me at 'im!!!
Jacob: Me first!
Sam: No, me!
Jacob: Fine, we'll go at the same time.
Maja: I'll hide in this corner and pretend nothing is happening... yes, denial is the answer...
Jeannie: Oh for... *sigh*

After literally HOURS of everyone just standing around and FREAKING THE FUCK OUT, the police FINALLY come. Oh, and guess what happens?

The robber got away! If you came here earlier, he would have been too freaked out and just surrendered! What the hell!

Maja finds comfort in her Satanist music box, just like the old days.

Then she flipped some pancakes. Sounds like my kind of day. :3

Not a problem, cutie!

One second later...

Oh for... I hate when people do this on The Sims AND in real life.

Since there wasn't anyone else to makeover in the area, Jacob played catch with the tattoo artist. (What's up with these people and catch? I think it's the new sport of choice since I uploaded that block on autonomous tag because it was making everyone run around all the time as a result.)

While Jacob was playing catch outside of the salon and Maja was playing her guitar for her dad, something happened.


This is all I caught of the death. Poo.

Kai: I sense a disturbance in the force... :(

Cue bawling.

Maja: Oh Daddy, I feel horrible missing Grandma's death. *lunges into Kai's arms*
Kai: Wait, whoa, why are you clinging to me?

Kai: It's.... okay? *awkward pats on the back*

Now we cut to some comedic relief with Jacob going to a club to get some bar food.

Secret agent running (mini)spam:

Bouncer: Well HELLO there. May I help you? >:3
Jacob: Um... uh.... guh...

Jacob: Yeah... so... money! Bouncers like money, don't they? *takes out a pile of bills*
Bouncer: I'm liking the sound of this...

Bouncer: I know you're supposed to be a celebrity to go in... but I also like money...
Jacob: So...?

Jacob: Yay! Bribery is awesome!

Jacob: Waaaait a minute. Was this an elaborate scam to rob me of my riches? All I see is a gray wall.
Bouncer: Turn around, darlin'.

Jacob: Oh... haha. I see. The stairs.

I want this crazy color bubble hookah thing to exist in real life.

And of course, typical of a swanky club, all the food is overpriced. Holy shit.

Jacob: Can I have some of your overpriced sushi? Is this sushi made by Masaharu Morimoto?
Bartender: Not exactly...

He literally took it out from under the table. No preparation.

The drinks were somewhat more reasonable, but still qualified as ripoffs.

Drink making spam!


Bartender: Okay drink making over. Here you go!

Bartender: Enjoy your girly love drink, sir.

Jacob: Mmm... fizzy and fruity!

It puts him "In the Mood." Ahem. >.>

In other news, Sam gets a promotion! This is probably the most successful he's been at any of his careers.

I go back to the house and moved Jeannie's urn to its rightful place. And yes, this is the new mausoleum. It's not technically in a room - it's in one of the huge hallways on the second level.

Kai: Hey Alan, how's it going?
Alan: I'm... okay I guess? How did you get this number?
Kai: ...From sources. You are famous, after all.
Alan: Yeah, I g...AHHH!
Kai: You okay?
Alan: Sorry, surprise paparazzi attack.
(What? I want to see how famous he gets from just talking to famous people. >.>)

Kai: Yeah, I don't like it when people take pictures of me either.
Alan: Uh huh. So why you called? To impress me more?

Kai: Oh no, no, I just wanted to hang out with you again. That night at the party was fun. And I want to get out of this house. Relations with my husband have been... sour. I wouldn't be surprised if we break up at this point.
Alan: Talk to Sam. Seriously. I gotta go.
Kai: But... damn.

Kai: You! You are a monster!
Sam: What the hell are you talking about?
Kai: I can't do anything without worrying about you bitching me out about something!

Sam: Well, fine. I'll leave you alone from now on.
Kai: Fine.
Sam: Fine!

Self-explanatory. And yes, their relationship is in the early reds. :/

Sam: The drink will take the sad away... yes...

Sam: *sigh*

Sam: *drinks all in one gulp*

Kai: Oh god, I've fucked this up.
Sam: Kai?
Kai: Yeah?

Sam: Can we talk?
Kai: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck... Yeah, sure.
Sam: I'm tired of this, Kai. Something has to change.

Kai: What's that supposed to mean?! Why is it always my fault??!
Sam: Kai, calm down. And please don't punch me.
Kai: Give me a reason why I shouldn't deck you right now.

Sam: Because if we don't work this out... this relationship is doomed. Maybe I should have listened to my friends and family before getting involved with you way back when we were in high school. I know you're a dick, Kai...
Kai: A dick? I know most people didn't like me at school, but I didn't know they saw so little redeemable quality in me...

Sam: You're a dick, but I loved you. I think I still love you, but... I don't know! This hurts me, too, you know!

Sam: Please, just try to change your ways. Just a little.

Kai: What do you want me to do? I'm just as lost as you are.

Kai: Oh, I see. So you want me to be a completely different person. Someone completely different from who you married. Then go ahead, find someone else. I'm not changing. I don't understand why this suddenly is an issue.
Sam: Oh, I see. So you like being an ass even though you're pushing away everyone who loves you... your children, your grandchild, me... and you were shitty to your parents, too, and there's not much you can do about that now since they're both dead...

Sam: Please Kai, I really don't want to leave. Please just do this to keep the family together. I know you love them, even if it's hard for you to be nice.

Sam: It's embarrassing to see you dig these holes. I think you know deep inside that none of your behavior is justified.

Kai: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You've made your case. I'll learn some anger management.
Sam: R...really?
Kai: But...

Sam: You don't mean it, do you. You're just going to tack on another condition that will make your bullying okay...
Kai: No, no, no. I just want to know if I do this for you... you'll keep loving me. Even if I slip up. And give me space to rant some days about things that are okay to get angry at.

Kai: I don't want to upset you like this ever again. I know things suck now. I want to make it better. I never want to lose you.
Sam: *wibble*

Sam: *breaks into uncontrollable sobbing* Thank.... you....
Kai: What do you think Mom would have wanted for us? Stay together? Split ways?

Sam: *sniff* She always supported us, even when you were being mean. I think we were meant to work this out.
Kai: Yeah... that makes sense.

Kai: So see, we're going to be okay!
Sam: Thanks, Kai. That's what I wanted to hear.

Then they told some gay man gossip and all was good. This reminds me of the ending of a cheesy sitcom.

... >.>

Roll the credits, this update is over!

This is probably the most picture-heavy update I've done, probably because it includes a bunch of pictures I took of the house. I feel bad I've been haphazard with my update schedule, but I should have a second update coming up in a few days. I was shocked at how many comments I got for my last update, though. You guys are amazing! Thank you so much! <3

<3 illusion_sims

legacy, norway, sims 3

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