The State of My Tooth

Oct 17, 2008 16:02

Here is my tooth update.

If you really want to know.... )

real life

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Comments 18

dari_67 October 17 2008, 23:29:21 UTC

You poor thing! I don't know if you can take tylenol and/or aspirin, but if you take 2 (extra strength) tylenol and one aspirin, it has the same affect as a narcotic pain killer. This is advice I received from a hospice nurse, and I've used them in combination. It does work. I know the concern with the vicodin, so this could be an alternative. I'm sorry I didn't think of it the other day. I hope you feel better soon and have a good weekend.


ilkee October 18 2008, 16:08:07 UTC
Thank you for the advice and for the good wishes!


potterentourage October 18 2008, 00:03:16 UTC
Awww, hope you feel better! Hop on over to lulabelle72's post and distract yourself! ;)


ilkee October 18 2008, 16:09:11 UTC
I tried, I really did. Bad timing. *pout* Did you have fun over there? Pick out a toy to buy? lol!


wildcatcdc October 18 2008, 00:38:41 UTC
I know how terrible this all is, but it's good you called. If they drain it, at least that should ease some of the pressure and the pain, and I hope they give you a stronger antibiotic to kill the infection.

Feel better, hon. Soon it will all be a distant memory.


lennanightrun October 18 2008, 00:43:59 UTC
Ugh, I'm so sorry. I got two dry sockets when I had my wisdom teeth pulled and it was pretty much the worst pain I've ever been in in my whole life, even with the vicodin. I can't imagine how awful it is if there's an infection. Drink lots of water, get lots of sleep, and try to relax. Use this as an excuse to live off of mashed potatoes and milkshakes! That bit cheered me up when I wasn't feeling too hot. Get well soon!


ilkee October 18 2008, 16:38:50 UTC
Thank you for validating my vicodin experience. I'm like, "how can people get addicted to this? It doesn't efffin' DO anything?" After the dentist yesterday they gave me one two hours after I had taken one, though, and I was apparently very amusing on the way home. harumph.

Yes! Mashed potatoes. I put in my request for mashed roasted butternut squash for dinner! Yummmy!


ilkee October 18 2008, 16:11:54 UTC
It really was good that I called. How shitty is this? The dentist looked at it and said it was too big to drain!!!! WTF? *cries* He did put me on two different antibiotics that are supposed to target the gums and upped the vicodin dosage (heh. but I don't have to take it if I don't NEED to and I'm smart enough not to rationalize it if I don't.)

Hoping for the distant memory. Thank you luv!


wildflower4evr October 18 2008, 03:04:26 UTC
You poor thing! I can certainly sympathize with you when it comes to tooth pain, though I know that doesn't help it go away. :(

I hope you're able to be relieved of the worst pain soon! I'll pray for ya!


ilkee October 18 2008, 16:39:25 UTC
Thank you so much! *hugs*


dynonugget October 18 2008, 03:17:14 UTC
Oh, I'm so sorry. The infection and inflammation are causing the pain, and if they drain the gook out that should give you some relief. I'm sorry that the Vicadin is not helping or maybe they can try a different med?

Activity will add to the swelling, so maybe taking it easy would be the order of the day. Lots of sleep is good, too.

*hugs you gently*


ilkee October 18 2008, 16:45:01 UTC
Oooh dyno! Thank you for the gentle hug - the strong hugs are too much for me right now. I can't believe how a little toothache has spiraled out of control!

They couldn't drain it - said it was too big! Yikes! And it feels so gross!!! But they gave me new antibiotics to target the gums. As for the vicodin, they said I could take two if needed. Meh.

Lots of sleep and rest for me. Oh, and a concert tonight! Come hell or high water, I'm going to the concert with my babeh!


dynonugget October 18 2008, 17:03:05 UTC
Hoping those new antibiotics will work wonders.

I hope you're able to enjoy the concert! Gonna take pictures?


ilkee October 18 2008, 17:09:44 UTC
No, no pictrues. It'll be a sit down, folk music type of thing. And I'm not much of one for photos at these types of things anyway. I'm just going to enjoy the music. :)


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