The State of My Tooth

Oct 17, 2008 16:02

Here is my tooth update.

This is easily the most painful thing I've ever experienced. The Vicadin doesn't do shit. I get a tiny bit of relief for about an hour every four hours. Eating and sleeping aren't really happening. Well, I called the dentist because FUCK! it hurts and they want me to come in and have the infection drained. How the fuck did a little toothache turn into such an ordeal? So, Mr. Ilke is riding home on his bike right now, my dad will drop us off at the dentist (oh yeah, did I tell you we don't have a car? Normally, not an issue, but times like there...) and then we have to BUS back! UGH! I'm so aggravated!

And tomorrow, I have to be feeling better because Mr. Ilke bought us tickets to see Greg Brown and he wants to do an all-day-date type of thing. :(

*this is me pouting* (or trying to, cause it HURTS too much to really pout!)

real life

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