DV - A Treacherous Peace

May 27, 2012 22:00

Title: A Treacherous Peace
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Stargate: SG-1
Claim/Pairing: Daniel Jackson & Vala Mal Doran
Media: fanfic
Word Count: 2,816
Rating: T, only for talk of death and destruction - well terrorist actions really, but it's a more mature theme.
Warnings: This is an established DV fic - They are married in my world, have been for about a year. Jack/Sam is mentioned as well as Cam/Carolyn, though this is purely angsty DV love.
Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate SG-1 nor has any money changed hands for the production of this fic. It was purely to satisfy my muse and the little plot bunnies that have taken over my brain.
Summary: Daniel goes to broker a peace treaty off-world when a rag tag group of revolutionary rebel terrorists attack. Vala is left at home in the SGC trying to hold herself together and praying for his safe return.
Table/Prompt/Listing... for _____ Community: promises from my bingo card for love_bingo - This fic will be cross-posted for my mission_insane claim of Daniel/Vala - Table # 8 - Hurt/Comfort, Prompt 8 - Hold Me.

A Treacherous Peace

She’d walked back through the ‘Gate before the situation had imploded. Peace talks had been going well, the Jaffa were on hand, helping out with security, and both sides seemed to be adhering to the guidelines Daniel had set forth as their mediator. SG-1, 5, and 12 had just been recalled to the SGC, with the exception of Daniel so that he could finish brokering the fragile peace between the two factions.

Even though she was the last member of the team, save her husband, to walk through the Iris, Vala had been the last to make it through alive. Just as SG-12, the final team to return was preparing to walk through the Iris, extremists began their attack. They tried to cover and return fire, but it was too late. The revolutionaries’ actions had been well planned. The bomb had been planted near the DHD and when it was remotely detonated, SG-12 had no chance of survival. They were too close.

Vala’s first indication that something was wrong came when instead of SG-12 returning through the ‘Gate, there were pieces of debris splattered with blood and a shockwave. Only one word had escaped her before she’d collapsed to the ground fearing for his life. The blood drained from her face, leaving her complexion a ghostly white.



The first instinct at the SGC was to lock down the Iris. The second was to attempt to find out what had happened to their people. At first there was no response from any one. No response came from the planet to their hails. Even Teal’c couldn’t raise his people. Every one began to fear the worst.

General Landry and Teal’c continued trying to get in touch with the planet, though through different channels. Teal’c had enlisted Bra’tac to help investigate. Daniel was their friend, but more importantly they saw how crushed Vala was without her husband. The team had vowed to find him, no matter what his fate had been for Vala.

Hours turned in to a days, days to a week before any news was heard of what had unfurled at the peace talks. The ragtag band of revolutionary rebels had planted and detonated numerous bombs across the conference grounds in order to make their point. They destroyed the DHD, which was why they were unable to communicate with the planet. The Hammond was on its way, but wasn’t due to arrive for another three days. There were no other means of communication with the planet, other than through Bra’tac and his troops who had assured them that they were doing their best to see that all the hostages the rebels had taken would be released unharmed, however they had not been able to ascertain who was among the reported casualties from the explosion that had collapsed the roof of the conference room.

The stress of not knowing had shattered every shred of confidence Vala had had. She’d collapsed when they had told her that they knew only that those who had survived the explosion in the conference room had been taken hostage, though they could not confirm Daniel was among them they would remain hopeful. Carolyn had invoked her power as CMO and relieved Vala of duty, demanding that she eat and rest otherwise she would be forced to keep her locked down in the infirmary.

She couldn’t go home; Daniel wasn’t there. She couldn’t stay in her old quarters in the SGC, even though they were still available to her. Since she and Daniel had married the year before, they’d promised to leave them available to her for any moments when Daniel was off world. They trusted Vala to a point not to do anything stupid in the general population, but they felt it “safer” if she were locked down in the SGC when Daniel wasn’t there. Vala had taken to living in Daniel’s office. It helped her to be surrounded by his things. Everything in that room smelled of him. It was a sensory overload that first night, and she’d needed it. She’d played strong in front of the team, General Landry… Even Jack, but there were some who knew she was falling to pieces, no matter what she chose to let them see. Carolyn Lam had been one of them.

She’d only been locked inside for a few moments, barely long enough to really find herself a comfortable position on the comfortable leather couch that was screaming her name, when there was a knock at the door. Vala thought about playing it off. She didn’t have to answer it, she didn’t need anything right now but Daniel and his arms around her. Though she wanted nothing more but to ignore the visitor at the door, the knocking continued followed by the soft sound of Carolyn calling her name.

Cautiously glancing at her face in the mirror, Vala decided that it was best to let her in before she used her medical clearance to check on her. Carolyn and Vala had become dear friends since Sam had begun her tour on the Hammond. Sam was still her BFF, it was just different now. Jack had retired and there was no more sneaking around for him and Sam. Daniel and Vala had married, not that it was really a surprise to anyone. Cam and Carolyn… Well, they too had found their happy ending. But unlike Sam, Carolyn was always here in the Springs. She and Vala had struck up an easy friendship, helping neither to feel as outnumbered by the men in their lives when they had such a strong female ally. Vala opened the door and walked back to seat herself on the couch.

Carolyn let herself in, shutting the door behind her with her hip. In her arms were bags of every kind of junk food imaginable and few well-worn DVDs meant to cheer up her friend. Cam had understood when she’d told him she wouldn’t be home; there was a strong need for a girl’s night.

“Alright,” Carolyn began as she dropped bags onto Daniel’s desk, “I have few choices for you - Dirty Dancing, always a favourite of mine; This Means War, that one doesn’t look too bad; Underworld Awakening, I think you said you wanted to see that one… and finally, if none of those do it, I brought the classics - the original 3 Star Wars movies!”

Vala couldn’t help but laugh at that last one. Though her eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying, she had to admit, there was not a single soul other than Carolyn who could make her laugh when the world was falling apart around her. Besides, Sam, Teal’c, Cam and Jack were the friends who could physically go looking for Daniel. Carolyn was forced to stay here just like her, that’s why this small gesture of a girl’s night made her smile. No matter how small the gesture seemed to others, to Vala this was one of the greatest things about her friends.

“Well, let’s start with This Means War and we can take it from there,” Vala chuckled as she spoke and then, after taking a deep breath, continued softly, “I don’t know that I could take Dirty Dancing just yet. It would make me think of Daniel and I just don’t want to cry right now. I want to forget there’s anything bad happening, if only for tonight.”

“Deal,” Carolyn said, plopping the other titles on top of the DVD player and fishing the disc from its case. “Now, popcorn? Salt and Vinegar chips? Or Gummy Bears?”

“Boo, no ketchup? “

Carolyn turned and ducked her head into one of the bags on the desk. Ruffling through it she turned with a bright red bag in her hand. “Do you doubt me to know my best friend?” She winked at her and tossed the chip bag to Vala’s waiting hands. Carrying the rest of the treat bags over within reach, Carolyn settled on to the couch with Vala and pressed play on the remote.

They watched This Means War and Underworld Awakening before Vala insisted that she was ready for Dirty Dancing. She didn’t cry until the very last moment, when Patrick Swayze lifts Jennifer Gray in dramatic fashion and she looks soooo happy to be in his arms. It wasn’t shaking sobs, but it did make her miss Daniel and remember that she couldn’t even be certain that he was alive anymore. A couple of stray tears escaped her. Carolyn noticed and took her hand, squeezing tightly.

“He’s alive, hon,” she said softly, “You know he could never leave you.”

Vala had watched so many people die in her time; her parents, her daughter, her friends… She’d even watched Daniel Ascend once, as painful as that had been for her, he had come back. Somehow she knew that he wouldn’t allow anything to take him from her again.

I hope so, I really truly do…

The evening ended with the women asleep with their heads against each other on the couch. Return of the Jedi was playing in a loop on the DVD player as they slept. Vala was snoring, it had been days since she’d truly slept or felt this much peace.


Five more days passed. Sam and the Hammond had arrived at the planet to help remedy the hostage situation, along with Bra’tac and extra Jaffa forces. Cam and Teal’c had used the ‘Gate to transport to the nearest planet and were picked up by Bra’tac on the way. They were going to bring Daniel home, no matter what his condition.

Vala’s nights and days were uneasy. Carolyn had stayed with her every night since Cam had left. They were each other’s comfort as they worried about the safety of their lovers.

Please, bring him home to me…


Four more days passed before the situation was resolved and the hostages released. There were more casualties reported. The hostages had attempted an uprising to free themselves, with terrible results. Though they were free, several people had died.

Vala had stayed in the Gate Room, absorbing every word that was coming through to see if one of those lost souls had been her Daniel. There was nothing said about human casualties, only Jaffa and Halderous, the species they were helping to broker peace. She had to believe that he was alive, the alternative would break her. Hours of communiquees came through, before word came from Sam and the Hammond.

“Stargate Command, do you read me?” Sam’s cheerful voice came across the airwaves loud and clear.

“We read you Colonel Carter, what’s your status?” Walter answered with a smile.

“We have Daniel - he’s alright! We’re on our way back!”

A cheer erupted throughout the Gate Room. Vala clasped her hands together before her mouth.

“He’s alive,” she whispered, her whole body shaking as the tears flowed freely down her cheeks, “He’s alive! Daniel’s alive!”

She wanted to join in the festivities, she wanted nothing more than to rejoice with them, but it was all too much. Vala turned and left the room. Every face was happy with congratulatory words for her as she made her way back to Daniel’s office. For each one she feigned a smile, feigned the joy that she was supposed to feel. Though he was alive, she still was not relieved - until she saw Daniel, held him in her arms, she would feel no peace.

Vala entered the office, resting her back against the closed door. It was here that she finally collapsed, sliding down to the floor, her body shaking with the force of emotion. It was here that she let go.


Daniel stood by the windows in the mess hall of the Hammond staring out into space as they travelled. It was supposed to be a simple mission - broker a truce between warring Halderian tribes who both had been in communication with them seeking peace. He’d gained their trust, both sides, and so he had been the obvious choice. Then the worst had happened.


Sam’s voice broke his train of thought. He turned to her with a grateful smile. This woman was like a sister to him after all they had been through. She’d saved his life once more, and for that he was truly grateful.

“Sam, nice ship you’ve got here,” he said, playfully punching her in the arm. Sam chuckled and punched him back playfully. “Thank you, again Sam. It seems like you’re always coming to my rescue.”

“Well, aside from the fact that Jack would be lost without you,” she chuckled as she continued, “I think Vala would have killed me if I didn’t come and save your ass.”

“God, Vala! Is she alright?”

“She’s been better, Daniel,” Sam’s reply was a little more somber than joking. He’d known that this would be tough on her, but he had no idea what kind of emotional state he would find her in. “I think you’ll be hard pressed to get her to let you off-world again anytime soon!”

He couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. No, he didn’t doubt Vala wouldn’t be letting him out of her sight for a while. Frankly, he wasn’t sure that he really minded after the last few weeks without her.


When he arrived back at the SGC, Daniel was shocked that Vala wasn’t standing there to greet him. Jack, Teal’c, Cam, General Landry, even Carolyn Lam stood in the Gate Room when he and Sam transported in. Hugs, cheers, everyone was overjoyed at his return. He hugged each of his friends, their welcoming embraces and kind words truly bringing him joy, but his smile was masking the worry and fear for his wife. Carolyn saw through him.

“Check your office,” she whispered in his ear as she gave him a welcoming hug. Daniel left them to their celebrations and headed for his office.


She was standing behind his desk, facing the wall when he entered. She had their wedding photo in her hands. He didn’t need to see her face to know that tears were flowing.

“Vala, honey?”

She placed the photo back on the credenza and spun on her heels to face him.

“Don’t you ever - EVER - do that to me again!”

Anger, fear, pain. She was in a worse emotional state than he had believed possible.

“I thought you were dead,” she spat at him, “I thought that you had left me here alone - I was terrified every time word came through of casualties. Deaths, hostages - never was there word of you. We knew there had been deaths in the conference room - we knew, but we didn’t know if it was you.” Tears were streaming down her face. He wanted to gather her up in his arms and take all of her pain away, take away the fear that she had felt, but he knew that she needed to speak first. She needed to get this out.

“I’m - “ Daniel tried to apologize, but she cut him off.

“Don’t! Darling, you have no idea the hell that I have lived through until Sam’s said that she had you onboard the Hammond. I have seen so many people die. I have lost all of my family, my daughter, friends. I don’t think… “she choked back the sobs that were threatening to take all of her control.

Daniel didn’t speak. He couldn’t. He had no idea how deep this had cut her until this moment. He was all that Vala had left in this world, he knew that now. He did not doubt that she would be broken if anything had happened to him.

“Promise me that you’ll never leave. Promise me that you’ll never leave me here all alone. I don’t - I don’t think - I couldn’t… survive…”

She was choking back the sobs, trying in vain to stop the flow of tears that were streaming down her face. Too many deaths, too much heartache. It was taking all the strength she had to continue to stand. He reached out for her hand, pulling her into his embrace and when his arms closed around her, Vala let go. She looped her arms about his neck and buried her head in his chest, crumbling in to a limp mass of tears. Daniel kissed the top of her head and pulled her up into his arms.

“Shhhh,” he whispered into her hair, rocking slightly. He couldn’t take her pain away. He couldn’t make the fear she felt every time he stepped off-world without her disappear, but he could hold her, reassure her, and make those promises she needed to hear because he had every intention of keeping them. “I’m not going anywhere, baby. I promise you, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Damn right you’re not!” she whispered through tears. Daniel had no doubt that was not only a threat, but a promise.

!hurt/comfort table, daniel jackson, !love_bingo, dv, tv: stargate sg1, list:promises, vala mal doran, promp:hold me, fanfic, mission:insane, tv

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