I was sobbing at this moment...

May 26, 2012 22:58

I'm a Gleek. Yes, I love SciFi and Fantasy. No, I have not lost my mind... There are very few shows that I cannot stand to miss in the main stream TV. The two shows that haven't dropped from my fandom loves since they started are Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. I always swore that the Gleeks were losers... I couldn't imagine loving this show when it first started.

Fast forward to the Saturday Night Glee-ver episode. I was randomly flipping the channels that night and couldn't find anything that I could watch with my son that wouldn't get him all wound up like the Disney Channel would. I have no idea if any one knows just how stimulating and energy filled children's programming is. The only calm show is called In The Night Garden and even it is hyper in parts!

Anyways, back on track here... I couldn't find anything that was really appropriate for him to watch... And he loves music so when I heard the singing I decided to stop on the channel. Wow, was I amazed! It was good and of course, I've always been a musical theatre person, so seeing this was like... Well, a dream come true. At the moment "You Should Be Dancing" started rolling, I was in heaven - and I knew, I would be a Gleek too. Payweek meant that the extra money I could spare went into purchasing Season 1 and 2, plus a pass for the rest of Season 3 on iTunes. I watched them all... Then I bought the concert movie on Blu Ray. You know you're hooked when!

So, I thought I would post this here. I was sobbing at this moment because I was hooked. I had been taken in by the show and fallen in love with the characters and regardless of the fact that Rachel was going to NYADA to live her dream, my heart ached for her and Finn. It was heartbreaking... I was sobbing. Don't watch the vid if you haven't seen the finale yet.

Now I can't wait for September!

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tv: glee, rachel/finn, tv

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