Title: Clean Cut Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Jessica/Tommy Summary: Without a warning, he drags it across his skin and bright red drops soon appear. Warnings: um, bloodplay A/N: Written for stainfomylove's prompt at her comment fic meme
Title: Shush Pairing: Landry/Julie Rating: PG-13 Summary: Landry loves to talk and it's getting on Julie's nerves. A/N: Written for stainofmylove at her comment fic meme
Title: A Lesson in Being Awkward Pairing: Julie/Landry Rating: PG Summary: Later, she'll blame it on the fact that he wouldn't shut up and she was slightly drunk from the beer she had consumed at the party. A/N: written for stainofmylove's prompt "yeah...awkward" at a comment fic meme
Title: Learn to Like Pairing: Peter/Elle Rating: PG-13 Summary: She had told him that he'd get used to the shocks and that he'd learn to like it. A/N: Written for stainofmylove's prompt "band-aid" at a comment fic meme ( here)
Title: A Union and a Reunion Pairing: Matt/Lyla Rating: PG-13 Summary: It's been ten years since they graduated, nine years since they last saw each other. A/N: Written for disalae's prompt "Matt/Lyla class reunion" at a comment fic meme hosted by stainofmylove
Title: Not So Different You and I Characters: Sam, Jessica Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: none Summary: Sam and Jessica connect over a shared feeling. A/N: Written for stainofmylove at the Vampire (and other supes) Drabble Meme
Title: Hate to Let You Go Pairing: Sam/Sookie Rating: PG Summary: She could feel him, the lust practically jumping from his body... A/N: written for stainofmylove for the Five Acts Meme
Title: Never Really There Pairing: Peter/Elle Rating: R Summary: Peter's desperate to prove that he's not someone else. A/N: written for the writer's block meme ( here)
Title: Stop Thinking Pairing: Matt/Lyla Rating: PG-13 Summary: They both think too much and only one thing can stop it. A/N: written for the writer's block meme ( here)