Five Acts Meme

Aug 27, 2010 22:23

Here's how it works:
1. Cut a hole in the box.
2. Put your--uh ... Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks/themes/tropes to read about. Check out this list if you need some inspiration. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
3. Go HERE and post a link to your list. Read other people's lists.
4. Write comment-fic (or longer pieces) based off of other people's lists. Post either the fic or a link to the fic in the person's post.

Five Acts - My List

  • Clothes fetishization (of any kind, e.g., uniforms; leather gear; worn blue jeans; thigh-highs; stilettos; leather jackets; tuxedos or GQ wear; constricting or modest clothes; boxer-briefs; going commando)

  • Forbidden pleasures (love affairs or trysts; in general, wanting someone or something that's expressly forbidden)

  • Friendship sex or buddy-sex (fuck buddies)

  • Restraints (handcuffs, leather ties, chains, etc)

  • Voyeurism and vision themes (character A secretly watches B and C have sex; character A is forced to watch B and C have sex; character A watches character B perform/masturbate; viewing one's beloved in general; taking pictures or video; eye contact, especially as flirting; establishing authority with a look; closing eyes as a trust gesture; character A feeling that character B truly sees him, when no one else does; the quality of light, e.g., characters lit by moonlight or candlelight, or gilded by the setting sun; being in the dark; temporary or permanent blindness; gazes as objectification)


    Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Spike/Buffy, Willow/Xander
    Castle - Castle/Beckett
    Chuck - Chuck/Hannah, Casey/Sarah
    Community - Jeff/Britta, Abed/Annie, Troy/Britta
    Dollhouse - Topher/Claire, Victor/Sierra, Topher/Sierra
    Friday Night Lights - Matt/Lyla, Landry/Julie
    Glee - Puck/Rachel, Will/Emma, Emma/Terri, Santana/Brittany
    Harry Potter - Harry/Hermione, Harry/Cho
    Heroes - Sylar/Elle, Peter/Elle, Zach/Claire, Mohinder/Eden
    House - House/Wilson, Chase/Thirteen, Thirteen/Cameron
    How I Met Your Mother - Ted/Robin
    Party Down - Henry/Casey, Casey/Uda, Henry/Uda, Uda/Roman
    Psych - Gus/Juliet, Shawn/Gus (in a non slash OTP kind of way)
    Queer as Folk (US) - Brian/Michael
    Secret Diary of a Call Girl - Ben/Hannah
    Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock/John
    Star Trek XI - Spock/McCoy, Sulu/Uhura, Kirk/Uhura, Spock/Chapel, Kirk/Sulu
    True Blood - Sam/Sookie, Alcide/Sookie, Jason/Tara, Pam/Sookie
    Veronica Mars - Logan/Veronica, Dick/Veronica

    Fics Received
    Tell Us What's Wrong [And What's Right] (Dollhouse || Topher/Priya || forbidden) by crickets
    Score (Friday Night Lights || Julie/Landry || fuck buddies) by stainofmylove
    Tiles (Glee || Santana/Brittany || voyeurism) by one_windiga
    every future you, every past me (Veronica Mars || Logan/Veronica || Clothes Fetishization, Forbidden Pleasures, and Restraints) by mollivanders

    Fics Given Out
    Left Behind (Friday Night Lights || Julie/Landry || sharing, UST) for stainofmylove
    Tether (Heroes || Peter/Elle || bondage) for superkappa
    Clash and Crash (How I Met Your Mother || Ted/Robin || sex against a wall) for mollivanders
  • .meme

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