I can Almost Believe That They Are Real

Jan 05, 2007 13:20

I've been babbling incessantly about crap I am doing, so I thought mebbe I should put up some pix so y'all have some idea what I have been doing this week. I apologise in advance - you're not going blind, all the pictures are blurry 'cos while you can see, I apparently have palsy.

But first, you get kittehs!

This is Grr. He usually runs from the camera. But, as you can see, in this case, I woke him up. HA HA SUCKA.
Hmm. Maybe I should not say that. He looks like he is Very Grunchy. (Also, it's kinda terrifyingscaryfreaky that it looks like his eyes are glowing. GET BACK, SPAWN OF HELL!)

This is Booboo. She is Very Sleepy, she wants you to know.

Also Booboo. You will note that Ward is also having a nap, just there above her.

Craft room! No longer the Den of Hell in Chaos Form!

This is the Amazing Wall of Shelving that HotRod put up for me. Yeh, I know. It's only ClosetMaid, but it gets the job done (my Mom's gonna kill me 'cos she hates ClosetMaid, but d00d, it's cheap and Daddy is not here to make custom shelving for me, so she will have to get over it). It is (obviously) not organised yet, but look! ShrinkyDink maker! I thought I had lost you forever! Soap-pot! There you are! Up there at the top, you see Wilbur. He was The Yuppy Puppy's snuggle-bear when he was growing up. Why in fifteen hells do I have it now? No one knows. But he's cute, so he stays. You can also see, very blurrily, some of my Barbie collection.

This is the wall over my sewing table. You see those boxen in the lower right hand corner? Yeh, they are filled with shit too. Under them is my actual sewing table. In the cabinets themselves, you can see some things I have been gifted with - like on the right-hand shelf in the middle are some decoupaged boxen ilovehounds made and on the top of the left-hand self is the "ME" doll that dj_spider made for me. All on my 30th birthday, 'cos they love me. There are also other lil' bits of awesome there. Like my Animaniacs snowglobe.

It looks like I've just painted this wall black in order to get Gofficks street cred, but I totally didn't. 's chalkboard. Which is what those tripes of greenish stuff are - I started curing the board and then realised I needed to sand it down some more, so I did and then repainted... But not he whole wall, just the parts I am most likely to use. So, some chalk remains from the previous curing. Over on the right hand side, there, you can see my altar and on my AWESOME $20 DRAFTING TABLE (omg) you can see some examples of art that metamaric made. 'Cos she loffs me. Also, 155_metrocard came over today and fixed the parallel bar on my table and cooed over the radness of my find. (OK, so it's possible that she told me she hated me. But I am ignoring that 'cos HI MRS. PEACH! I LOVE YOU!) You will also note the remaining shelving to be put up and also a wreath I got at the after Xmess sale last year. 's sparkly so I like it muchly.

There is the s00pa-fly sparkly wreath again, also my bat wreath. The pic is my Mama's wedding portrait, and the green thing above it is the remaining bits of my Junior Scout sash (we started transfering the stuff to my Cadet's uniform, but I gave up and so half is here and half has disappeared forever). To the left, you see the big honkin' boxen filled with more crap, but on top of them is a gorgeous watercolour that ms_soilique made for me when she started recouperating from her illness. I was told it was one of the first pieces she did.

You will note there is a wall missing, and there are no pictures that include the floor? Yeh. There's a reason for that.

Paint colours 'n things

This is the horrible clour my entire house is right now. Kinda makes you wanna kill yourself, huh?

This is the awesome colour I am painting the hall and entryway. Yeh, it's kinda apricot. I kinda love it. 'Cos I am sick like that. Though, I havta say, it's disturbing to me that anyone at a PAINT COMPANY thinks this is anything resembling "rose" coloured anything.

Because I am mentally unstable (and quite possibly unhinged), this is what the wall/ trim combo will look like. Yeh, I know every decor "guru" ever sez to paint your walls the darker colour and the trim lighter, but I don't wanna. I like this better, so this is what I am doing. Yes, I also know HotRod will loathe it. *shrug* If so, he's welcome to paint it another colour :P

This is the not-quite-clotted-blood colour I am doing the library/ dining room. Hot, right? Especially with black trim, the inlaid Asian panels and kimono sleeves I have, and the shelving I am gonna build(someday). (chezerina and doji_shiori will be the only ppl that get this, but OMG, all I can think is "You look like a to-MAAAAAA-tooooo!")

None of the walls are actually painted, I feel I should mention. Just swatched so I can see if I like to colours enough to buy whole gallons of them and tackle the whole project. So right now, I have giant walls of death-gross eggshell, with patches of colour on 'em. 'S pretty redonkulous in my house right now.

Also, the whole rest of the house? Utter distaster. Tornado Pave came through. The dogs are cranky 'cos it's been pissing rain all day long, and I am keeping them in (like I wanna deal with washing them too? No thanks) and the cats are Very Displeased with the utter upset of their sanctuary (the library room). SO MUCH FUN!

Finally, the last thing I am photo-whoring today: reupholstering my dining room chairs

Is this not the ugliest seat of a chair you have ever seen? Booboo is cute, tho, ducking in the back there. 'Cos that's where the food is. Also, why do I still have a rat-exercise ball? I have no idea.

Just in case you dod not grasp the full hideousness of the chair above, I give you CLOSE UP DUN DUN DAH! Dood. The fabric is so gnarly it's not even all one colour anymore! Part of it is brown, part is purplish, and part is black! How is that good? IT IS NOT!

So I made it prettier.

See? And with the black! Like the trim! See?

And this is a detail of the fluers 'cos I LOVE THE LITTLE FLOWERS SO MUCH. (Also - see? PINK. There must be PINK EVERYWHERE! Not really, but it's pretty amusing nonetheless, huh? 'Cos see, there's also red in there.)

'k. So that's this week. I'll have more later. I know. 's almost too much to bear. But right now I desperately need to go buy cigarettes to smoke while I am waiting for my joint compound to dry so I can sand 'cos I always forget something in a project, and this time the thing I forgot was to PATCH the damn HOLES in the wall before getting started. See? So smart. So many things I can help you learn from!

mission 101, pix0r5!, hizzouse

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