And then there was this...

Jan 05, 2007 17:49

And 'cos I know there's at least one person out there beatin' him/herself (yes, you. You thought I wouldn't know?) up 'cos of my last post.

So now I offer the disaster the rest of the house is:

So if you're doin' that, I hereby advise you to stop. 'Cos I am not that awesome, and now you have proof. 'Cos... Day-UM the mess, y'all. And I still only have one wall painted.

And I really, really hate cleaning brushes and roller-sleeves. Also, chezerina? I am holding you fully responsible for my insane desire to paint things in colours 'cos of your old place. *mutters: riggimfriggumburgandyriggimfriggum*

why yes i am a mess, mission 101, pix0r5!, hizzouse

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