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Comments 30

aistorm3104 January 30 2016, 19:34:11 UTC
Thank you for the translations~ :D
as for the photos of ohno drawn by the members in 2008, right (if thats what you were asking for)? i have them, ill send it to you on twitter later :)


ihsarafes January 30 2016, 19:35:59 UTC
That'd be great, thank you!


hibara95 January 30 2016, 19:37:35 UTC
thank you very much for translating that , I really enjoyed it ! so ohno will be the man of the year =D
Can't wait for his next drama !! Tanoshimiiiii ^^


dingax1983 January 30 2016, 22:00:32 UTC
Lol at Aiba spoiling the drama for Jun. That was a good read. Thanks for translating.


leiva21 January 31 2016, 04:28:19 UTC
Thank you for the translation. It's an enjoyable read. What Jun means by he haven't gone to Nino's house? I thought he had a drinking session in Nino's house before or did Nino bought a new house? lols. Haha Aiba was the spoiler for his own drama. He must have been talking excitedly with his manager without being too careful about it haha


ihsarafes January 31 2016, 04:29:35 UTC
Oh, when did he say he's been to Nino's place?


leiva21 January 31 2016, 04:54:45 UTC
A few years ago I think but for the life of me I can't remember where I read it. Both of them talk about drinking together in a bar and then they decided to continue drinking in Nino's house. I'm sorry my memory is too fragile to remember when >.


nadeen332 January 31 2016, 13:45:23 UTC
Thank you for the translations ..


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