seven cabbages

Jul 12, 2011 23:45

►Phone 「 768 Bunker Street ∆ Early Morning 」

[He knew about drones. He saw them every day. He even had them living in his house before. But seeing somebody you actually know become a drone is... rather unsettling. You start to imagine the same thing happening to yourself at any point. You wonder if they might ever come back, but then days, weeks, ( Read more... )

derp, confessions, yay drones, confusion, event: speak up

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Comments 150

[Stage 1 for now] doudemoe July 13 2011, 05:03:19 UTC
But you're okay now, right?

More importantly, why did you tell the town?

[Concerned protag is concerned.]


iheartcabbage July 13 2011, 05:17:39 UTC
Well, I guess so.

And, well... Why not? It would've gotten out eventually, right? It's... actually a pretty big weight off my shoulders.


doudemoe July 13 2011, 05:29:26 UTC
That's good to hear. But what brought it on? Until now, you were interested in keeping it known only to us.


iheartcabbage July 13 2011, 05:42:20 UTC
...I really don't know. It just kind of happened? I mean, my morning was pretty normal aside from... that coming out. Had my breakfast, grabbed the paper, enjoyed the sweet smell in the air. I didn't realize Mayfield had such strong smelling flowers. It's pretty... relaxing, I guess? Maybe that's why.


[ Phone ] - Normal, FOR NOW DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN inababanchou July 13 2011, 05:10:29 UTC
How long have you had your Persona?


iheartcabbage July 13 2011, 05:18:30 UTC
Remember that time we ran in to each other looking at TVs?



inababanchou July 13 2011, 05:23:51 UTC
You've had your Persona for a while.

[ He doesn't sound mad. Then again who knows with this kid! ]

So you just wanted to get some stuff off your chest?


iheartcabbage July 13 2011, 05:46:27 UTC
Yeah, I guess so. ...It does seem a little odd, now that I think about it.


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iheartcabbage July 13 2011, 05:36:36 UTC
Oh, hey Nina. What's up?

[Because a casual conversation is total possible after something like that.]


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iheartcabbage July 13 2011, 19:42:40 UTC
She always did kind of intimidate me, but... that's to be expected of a child prodigy, I guess. Beyond that, I actually admired her drive. She did a lot of stuff nobody else would be capable of.

[A pause. He's really starting to wonder why he of all people would be this open about his past. Before now, he's only told a select few people he considering trustworthy. So, why suddenly blurt it out to the entire populace? ...Well, why not?]

...Not really? I just thought I might as well get it out of the way. Was kind of annoying having such a huge secret weighing me down all the time, you know? I mean, if people dislike me for it, I can't help it. It's who I was then, not who I am now, right?


[Stage 3] puzzlerprince July 13 2011, 06:06:32 UTC
...a murderer?


iheartcabbage July 13 2011, 06:19:39 UTC
...Yeah. I mean, I didn't technically kill them. The shadows did that. But... I was the one that pushed them into the Midnight Channel in the first place.


puzzlerprince July 13 2011, 06:28:25 UTC
[Shadows? Midnight Channel? These are questions Edward feels he should ask, but instead, he's compelled to respond:]

How long was your sentence? I can't imagine it would have been longer than any of mine.


iheartcabbage July 13 2011, 06:40:54 UTC
[He's kind of thankful for that, since it would only make him seem like a raving lunatic.]

Would've been twenty five years or so, but thanks to my ties with the Inaba PD, I got it reduced to fifteen. Probably could've even made it with only ten on good behavior.


[ stage 1 for now ] partytoastess July 13 2011, 08:14:21 UTC
And yet I'm crazy.

[ beat; hypocritical humor. moral myopia. She doesn't actually care but he did call her out for things he did himself ]

Why did you kill them?


iheartcabbage July 13 2011, 19:49:13 UTC
I always did tell you that you reminded me of somebody, right? I didn't exactly mean Rise-chan all the time. I'll admit I was a little, well, okay, full-blown crazy back then.

As for why? The same reason a lot of guys do stupid shit. Rejection. I've dealt with that shit my entire life. Do you know what that feels like? My parents, my friends, co-workers, women. It eventually reached a boiling point and... well, thanks to a nifty little power I discovered, I could pretty much get away with it without ever being found out. Of course, that didn't really work out the way I wanted in the end. It never does.

[A pause.]

...At least I regret my actions.


partytoastess July 14 2011, 10:49:32 UTC
Ew! I don't want myself to remind you of you! That's so icky and gross and you don't even like me!

[ You are talking to a girl who lacks empathy.

Cue childish mocking laughter ] That's a really sad reason! I mean, you killed people because women wouldn't go out with you? I get it on some aspects because if I showed interest in a guy, Miha-nii would disembowel them violently but I don't think that's rejection anyways... Would you have still killed those people if you knew that there was a chance that you'd never get caught? Like it was guaranteed that you wouldn't be noticed or anything?


iheartcabbage July 15 2011, 23:07:04 UTC
[Siiigh. Why does he even try?]

I would've never killed anyone in the first place if it hadn't of been for those damned powers. I only wanted to scare her. I didn't know I could push her through the fucking TV. But once you do something, it can't be undone, right? And then I ended up doing it again for almost the same reason. And then I pawned the job off on some other poor sap to make it even harder for any of the shit to be traced back to me. I got what I deserved in the end.


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