seven cabbages

Jul 12, 2011 23:45

►Phone 「 768 Bunker Street ∆ Early Morning 」

[He knew about drones. He saw them every day. He even had them living in his house before. But seeing somebody you actually know become a drone is... rather unsettling. You start to imagine the same thing happening to yourself at any point. You wonder if they might ever come back, but then days, weeks, months pass by and... nothing. Well, might as well make the call now.]

Just thought I'd let everyone that knew her know, Naoto is... gone. Hopefully she's back home working on new cases. Her drone is really kind of... depressing to live with, though.

...And, there's something else I'd like to tell you guys. Before I ended up in Mayfield, I was kind of in jail. Fifth year, actually. See, I'm... sort of a murderer. Well, was. I'm responsible for two deaths. I know, big shocker. ...huh. I don't know why I suddenly felt the urge to tell everyone. Oh well, that cat is out of the bag now. No need for worrying about it anymore, right?

[filtered to Persona cast... or is it?

So, I've kind of put this off for a while. ...Which doesn't really help my case any, I guess. But I thought you all should know...

[A long pause, and then a sigh. He kind of planned on telling them already, but... for some reason today just seemed like the perfect day to tell them!]

I got it back. My persona. And before you kids get any crazy ideas ...I didn't ask for this, okay? Honestly, I'm terrified of it. I don't even want to think about actually using it again. The last time I... thought I was going to die. The pain that surged through my body every time I called it out... It was like fire running through my veins. Maybe that was all because of that, ...whatever the hell it was called. But still, I'd rather not find out.

[[OOC: Adachi is at Stage 4, if it wasn't obvious. Feel free to troll/harass/baw at him.]]

derp, confessions, yay drones, confusion, event: speak up

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