cameca wrote in ihasatardis May 25, 2011 12:17
11 lodger, xover: terry pratchett, 4 pirate planet, 5 castrovalva, xover: h2g2
honorh wrote in ihasatardis Jun 29, 2010 21:32
11 the big bang, xover: terry pratchett, 11 pandorica opens
shadydave wrote in ihasatardis Jun 24, 2010 14:58
xover: terry pratchett, 11 pandorica opens, companion: rory
othellia wrote in ihasatardis Jan 23, 2010 00:38
11th doctor, xover: terry pratchett
othellia wrote in ihasatardis May 30, 2009 22:18
10 the next doctor, companion: donna, xover: terry pratchett, 10 runaway bride, 10 love and monsters
7tree_hugger wrote in ihasatardis May 27, 2009 09:39
xover: terry pratchett, actor: david tennant
jjsngadget wrote in ihasatardis Jan 31, 2009 11:06
10 tse/journey's end, xover: terry pratchett, 10th doctor
firestorm172001 wrote in ihasatardis Aug 24, 2008 23:05
languages other than english, nsfw, xover: terry pratchett, 10 forest of the dead, xover: misc movies, xover: h2g2, xover: harry potter, 9 boomtown, torchwood: ianto, 5 the five doctors, alien: slitheen, 10 rise of the cybermen/army of steel, alien: daleks, torchwood: cyberwoman, joss whedon in any form, alien: vashta nerada, 10th doctor!hand, torchwood: kiss kiss bang bang, 9 empty child/doctor dances, 10 silence in the library, 2 tomb of the cybermen, 10 tse/journey's end, 10 voyage of the damned, 10 gitface, seriously miscellaneous crossovers, xover: misc tv, 5 planet of fire, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, 6 two doctors, scottishness, torchwood: gwen, companion: donna, 9 aliens of london/wwiii, lyrics, 10 army of ghosts/doomsday