one hell of a weekend...and birthdays!

Feb 16, 2009 22:23

First of all, thank you to __tiana__ and karmicunderpath for the lovely Valentine's Day v-gifts! :D You two are so sweet. drvsilla! I got your v-day thingy in the mail. HEE. Adorable! ♥ And thank you so much to those who left those kind comments over at the Valentine's Day game!. It was fun to see the outpouring of love from everyone. :D You guys are amazing. Never forget that.

And then on Friday I saw Friday the 13th with a bunch of lovely fangirls and I really enjoyed it. Disjointed thoughts! I'm glad I watched the original film beforehand, seeing as it tied into the beginning! Anyway, fun and action-y and Jared looked gorgeous and tall. Felt a Sam/Dean vibe with Clay/Whitney. SORRY, CAN'T HELP IT. I just did. Motorcycle was too tiny though. The douche guy cracked me up. I thought the story for Jason was interesting, having only seen the first film. Now I want to watch the rest. I thought the beginning sequence was fantastic, though that part felt the goriest. IDK, MBV seemed much more gorier. Or I've been desensitized, I have no idea.

Then there was karaoke marathon on Saturday and I yelled my lungs out (not to be confused with Dean ripping them out, obvs.) and had an amazing time with some seriously cool people. I am aaaall full of adjectives in this post. This is what happens when I wait to post. Ugh. IT WAS GREAT. FUN. AMAZING. I found a cool shirt that said 'Anti-Valentine's' in a bloody heart (it reminded me of MBV) so I wore it then. Nifty.

Anyway, enough talking about shirts. Adjectives because it is an important occasion! Happy birthday rejeneration and regala_electra! You both are two of the coolest, most thoughtful, sassiest and loveliest women I know. I am so very glad that I know you both, and plz continue to be even more awesome in the coming year.

regala_electra, you are my braintwin and the Dean to my Sam. You make me laugh hard enough until I cry, you're always there for me, and you are so smart and so talented. Even though you hate freedom and are tall. Whatever. As a result, here is your fannish birthday gift, made on a cracky high when I was blocked in the writing department, but oh ho, not in the cracky art department!

Jensen Ackles™ Paper Doll - Version 2.0: Bearded
Featuring cool accessories! Cut and play to your heart's content!

* Pickaxe and Polly Pocket Padalecki toys sold separately.

hanging out, movies, movies: friday the 13th 2009, birthdays

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