look, it's not all grim here

May 14, 2010 15:47

... as previously noted, I now have a new hat, and it is awesome. And a purchase almost entirely inspired by White Collar, not going to lie. (I mean, I've always loved hats? I had nearly 100 when I graduated high school, and I've spent most of my adult life winnowing out the ones I don't wear. I've successfully been resisting adding anything in the fedora family for years. Until now.)

Within the hour, I must leave for Indian food and Ironman 2. From what I understand without clicking cut tags, it possibly may not suck. *g*

Next week, I am going to a book signing for sarahtales (and Holly Black), and then I will have the sequel to The Demon's Lexicon and be a happy reader. I'm re-reading Demon's Lexicon right now, actually, and enjoying the way things still fit together now that I know the full story in advance.

And I am going to a baaaaby shower tomorrow. Which means I am going on a very long drive to the baaaaby shower tomorrow. Which means I get to sing really loud to the radio and half-assedly plot fanfic.

I may be approaching done on the long-for-me fic (currently 5000 words). I still have to write the ending, and there's another conversation/scene I wanted to wedge in somewhere, but the major part of it exists on screen and not just in my head. Weird! Also, it's still more or less gen, even considering what I see as the inherent slashiness of the source. Confusing! But this means that the only story I've got tumbling around in my brain at the moment is a dS crack fic idea that I'm trying to ignore. Trust me, you want me to ignore it. So given my upcoming drive, I'm hitting y'all up for prompts. Any fandom (though if I don't know it, I reserve the right to make stuff up) and crossover requests are fair game. *eyes kanzenhanzai warily*

Hit me with a pairing or character, and either give me a one word prompt or ask me about The One Where...

The Dreamwidth version of this entry currently has

save me from myself, fanfic

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