A Plan from Someone Who is Unexpected

Oct 18, 2012 05:25

Title: A Plan From Someone Who is Unexpected
Pairing: Break!YeHae,YeWon,EunHae
Genre:romance?,fluff?,some angst?
Chaptered: 9/?
Rating: PG 15
Summary Yesung and Donghae are the perfect couple,they are always show their love for each other and it's very rare to find them fighting.but with someone's plan everything will change.

Chapter 9 )

yesung, yewon, siwon, chaptered, fanfic: a plan from someone who is unexp

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Comments 11

rayie_159 October 18 2012, 01:10:23 UTC
waaahhhhh.... i read from chap 1 sooo fast
hmm... so curious... but this story will be yewon right
I like your fic^^
update soon ne >_<


if_rchanluvsj October 21 2012, 21:58:44 UTC
Yes this story definitely is YeWon :)
Thank you so much

ps: I live your pic.


jongwoonadmirer October 18 2012, 06:10:46 UTC
yeah...its been a while you update this story...i almost forgot what this story is all about...but still i read this chapt and will read the next and next and next chapt...

oohh i hope hae n yesung would clear things up so that yesung n siwon will be together keekekkeke...

tq for the update^^


if_rchanluvsj October 21 2012, 21:59:33 UTC
Thank you so much for keep reading ILY
kekeke i hope so


Welcome Back ^^ evilmind28 October 18 2012, 16:25:40 UTC
Hello there....firstable, How are u? Miss u, u know *hugs*. It's been a while u didnt update anything *pout* Anyway..glad u're back ^^ n yeah i really miss this fic but seems u lost ur touch in writing,am i rite? It's way too short kekeke..Sorry ^^

To the story..why in the world Yesung is so afraid if Hae get mad? Dun tell me that Hae has a weird habbit when he get mad. And i see Yesung is the 1 who act so weird after siwon took care of him. I think yesung is the 1 who got change..his feeling for Hae's lessening. We all he has a crush on Siwon but he already w/ hae at the moment so he'll act normally but he got the chance to be w/ Siwon alone..everything change. OOkey..i guess it was just my thought kekeke..

I hope u still have a time to stay here n keep writing Yewon ^^ LUV U :)


Re: Welcome Back ^^ if_rchanluvsj October 21 2012, 22:03:17 UTC
Yeah I am sorry!! Thank you for you keep reading this story.
AHHH really? You think i lost my touch in writing? :(

He may have or he may not have the weird habit kekekeke.
I think you are right, yesung's feeling little by little changing again.

Yeah, I want to back here and write many Yewon's story :D
Thank you for reading


yuyumunaw October 19 2012, 04:12:34 UTC
hi there~~ welcome back :D
ah fyi i've been stalking ur journal hehehe

okay so i think Yesung's love for Hae is lessening? O.O that's great actually so YeWon can be together soon! and EunHae too! lol :D
can't wait for next chapter >


if_rchanluvsj October 21 2012, 22:05:17 UTC
Oh why i am so happy to know there is someone stalking my journal!! kyaaa *screaming in happiness*

I think you are right too, yesung's feeling is changing now

Thank you so much for reading and commenting


charismavi November 7 2012, 12:52:36 UTC
Hi, new reader here ^_^
I've read your story from the very beginning..Is Yesung really having a change of heart or it's just my imagination? :D
Well, I'm looking forward for the next update :D


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