A Plan from Someone Who is Unexpected

Oct 18, 2012 05:25

Title: A Plan From Someone Who is Unexpected
Pairing: Break!YeHae,YeWon,EunHae
Genre:romance?,fluff?,some angst?
Chaptered: 9/?
Rating: PG 15
Summary Yesung and Donghae are the perfect couple,they are always show their love for each other and it's very rare to find them fighting.but with someone's plan everything will change.

Donghae shook his head ‘No, he said he remember it when siwon tried to give him his medicine he won’t remember anything if his habit appear. Then its mean his habit didn’t show this time, you just thinking too much lee donghae’ He thought

He walked back to his and yesung’s room, he smiled when he saw yesung already asleep again, he slip into the blanket and wrap his arms around yesung.

‘Yes, I am thinking too much’


Indeed, love was something that couldn’t have been predicted. When it’s would come and when it’s gone. Love was something that unexpected. That’s what made someone like me was just sitting on my bed while thinking really hard.

In the next morning, Yesung’s fever was gone and fortunately Donghae didn’t catch the cold because of his “way” to give Yesung his medicine. All things went like normal, or that’s what some people thought.

(Donghae POV)

The room was dark with just a dim of the moon’s light that fell straight to me. I was sighing; I put my two palms on my face.

“What? What actually happened?” That what was running in my mind.
What was the problem that made the cheerful and cheesy guy like me looked so troubled? It’s between my family, career, or his lover. And this time it’s about my lover. Yes, it’s about Yesung

What happened with him? Nothing actually, but that’s the problem.
(Flash back)

I woke up and saw yesung beside me already opened his eyes. He looked in dazed, I could see from his empty stared at the ceiling.

I smiled and I kissed his cheek, he looked at my eyes still in dazed. I lift my burrows and kissed his lips. I licked and suck his lips but got no response. It’s too long for him not to replay my kiss, with a little patience I bit his lips and made him startled. He pulled from my kissed and gave me a shocked stared.

Frowning I asked him “What’s wrong?”
He opened his mouth, but closed it again. Then he looked lost again, before smiling at me. “Nothing”

He leaning at me and kissed my lips softly, but when he wanted to pulled away, I grab his arms and deepening our kiss. He seemed hesitated, but still replays my kiss.

(Flash back end)

Today, he keeps avoiding me, it all began when I tried to touch him and him getting startled and slap me away. He looked shock himself and mumbled an apology, after that It was getting really awkward; I can not even makes eyes contact with him for more than 2 seconds because he always averted his eyes from me.

Those all makes me irritated and anxious enough to stop trying to reach him, what is actually his problems?

Suddenly, I remembering the purple mark on his neck, and my next thought was to siwon. Once again I shook my head, “Keep in alert is good, but too much is burdensome”

(Donghae’s POV ends)

(Heechul’s POV)

“Do you have some quarrel? Why don’t you get in mushy at each other?” I asked the startled couple.

“What? We are fine hyung” said donghae a little too childish.

“Like I would believe that rubbish, don’t you underestimate your hyung. What ever just get normal again as soon as possible alright? I am not quite comfortable now without seeing your PDA”

“Ah, hyung you don’t need to worry, we’re fine. Really” said Yesung smiling. Snorting I took away my dirty plate; I pinch yesung’s chubby cheek and went to my room.

Not till 15 minutes later, I found hankyung knocking on my door.

“Chullie, I think you shouldn’t say so bluntly about what you think” he said as soon as I closed the door.

Lifting my burrow I asked him back “Why? It’s my mouth not yours. I said what I want”

Hankyung occasionally shifting from one leg to another “Well, I know behind your honest and blunt words you just share your care. But sometimes, we need to observe everything first before we butted in because maybe we will just made the situation worse.”

I think about it, and said “Well, actually you are right. Okay from now on, I will try to hold my self but I won’t stop completely”

This guy before me smiled “I never said you should stop become you, I just tell you to sometimes we need to be an observant.”

“Ne, songsaenim”

A chuckle comes from him “Actually I didn’t make it, I learn it from someone else”.
“Who? I will call him mighty teacher then”

“He will happy if he hear that. Hemm, I want to wash the dish now” he said, before he went to the door. Just as he opened it, I stop him. “Want any help?” asked me.

“Of course” he said then drags me to the kitchen.

Well, I know I was a little too much blunted with something that came from my mouth. I couldn’t help it, I didn’t like to say and act different from what I think and feel. But now, sometimes, I know what time was to close my mouth and observe everything around me. I learn it from someone who is special to me.

(Heechul’s POV end)


(In the kitchen)

Hankyung sighing when heechul made his way out the kitchen and smiled to yesung and donghae. “Although I don’t quite like the way he said it but I hope you two can solve your problems too” He said before took the plate to the kitchen and walked out to his and heechul’s room

When hankyung walked out the atmosphere was getting awkward and tense, yesung keep eating quietly looked really troubled.

Looking at that, donghae sighing and putting his chopstick down; but before he say something. Yesung stand up and take his plate to the kitchen.

“I want to take a bath first” Yesung mumbled softly when he passed donghae to their bed room.

Yesung’s heart was beating, He don’t know why he avoiding donghae, He just feels like their relationship will be over if he heard what donghae want to say.

Because of so many thought in his head, he wasn’t paid attention to the front and bumped into someone.

“Ah sorry” he said, and looked up to find Siwon’s face.
“Oh hyung, have your fever gone? I hope you are okay now” Siwon said smiling, and that makes yesung smile a little too.

“Yes I am as healthy as you now, thank you for taking….ca-care of me siwon” He said the last sentence with trouble because suddenly the tought of angry hae come to his head.

“Hyung? Are you okay? What happened?” Siwon said taking a notice to yesung’s suddenly troubled face.


Hearing that, siwon took yesung’s arms and draging him to the rooftop. There yesung told siwon about the weird and awkward situation they’re in and how afraid yesung if donghae angry at him.

As yesung told his problems, siwon just kept quiet and become a good listener. Even though deep down his heart, there was this little happiness that yesung and donghae have a kind-of-like-fight. But he was sad too, because it was make yesung sad too.

After yesung finished and just kept silent, siwon pull yesung into his embrace, and whisper soothing cheering words.

Yesung just let siwon hug him as he closed his eyes, when he pulls back he said thank you and smiling.



Ah hello. Is there anyone here?
Hhaha I am really sorry I never updating this story. But i read many comments me to updtae again. So here I am.
I hope there's still some readers for this story. I hope my writting style do not get worst. Oh and of course the grammer are as bad as always.
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Thank you

yesung, yewon, siwon, chaptered, fanfic: a plan from someone who is unexp

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