That Secret Color

Dec 27, 2011 17:08

Title : That Secret Color
Pairing : YunJae, ninja:KiMin
Genre : Romance
Lenght : One Shot
Rating: PG-15
Note : Unbetaed! This is a birthday fic i made for myself XD

Summary: Yunho never likes flower, even though Jaejoong really love it. Then Changmin asked him what color of flower he want to give to Jaejoong.

Looking at the colorful flowers around me i notice how beautiful was them and how fragile too. I didn't know why was Jae really liked flower.

"Yunho hyung!" Said someone, calling me. Looked around I saw Changmin walked to me.

"Hyung! What a coincidental i meet you here"
"Ah changmin, what are you doing here?"

Blushing a little changmin then said "Well I want to buy flowers for my bummie, but I don't know which ones, what about you hyung?"

"Ah I just walked by and decide to take a look"
"Ah really? Then can you help me hyung? I want to give flowers to my bummie but I don't know which one he will likes" Changmin said.

"Well if you didn't know what flowers he liked, you can just give him the flowers that you think the most beautiful for him. or Like which color he looked the most beautiful with" I said, well i never have a problem if i need to choose what flower to give to my jae since he loves every flowers, not like i ever buy him some flower though, like i said i didn't think flower was that attractive.

"You think so? Then what color do you think looked the most beautiful with Jaejoong hyung?"

Being asked like that, i never really think about it

"I think Jae hyung really match with white, what do you think hyung?"

Well this time I really think about it. Jaejoong my lover and wife indeed was the most beautiful person in the world inside and outside. Even though he was fragile but he never let anyone put him down.

He had a really kind heart that made me wondering how he could survive the cruel of world till now.

Ah but to think about it i think i know why, because even though He had a soft heart he will become really tough to protect everyone he loves.

I remember the first time i met him. back then I was a really mean person compare to him, nah not that cruel, i just someone who could still fire someone even though they were begging me on the knees saying that his family now have a really hard economy condition. I didn't give a damn about it really, what was that my problem?

To say shortly he didn't let me turned his life down, he didn't back away like everyone did. Instead he stood and fight me, but even from all the bad things i do he still want to accept me and lived with me, His persistence had changed my life way more better.

With all that, if i should describe him with color he was white. His purity and kindness that had survived the strangles of life without changing, he changed others way better instead. Just like the white color that won't effect by others colors instead effect them became another color.

He was white that won't tarnish.

"Hyung, what about this flower?" Asked changmin, i looked at the white lily he took.
I looked blankly at them, their whiteness indeed pretty but...

"No" I said simply

"Eh?" changmin looked confuse.

I looked around and spot the flowers. I smiled and walked to the florist.

"Excuse me, can I get a bouquet of those flowers?" I said

"Ah sure" said the florist smiling.

I smiled a little as the return. As i waited changmin came beside me

"You buy the flowers hyung? What flowers you bought?" asked changmin that when the florist came back with my bouquet and made changmin tilted his head in confusion.

"Here you are sir" Said the florist, and then I thanked him and paid the flowers.
"Well changmin I need to go now, good luck to find the right flowers for kibum" I said to him.

"Ah ne, thank you hyung, but..." Changmin's 'but' made me turned around and eyed him.
"What?" I asked

"So, you think Jae hyung looks the most beautiful and suit with that Flower’s color hyung?"

"Well, yes and no"

"Huh?"I amused with his confusion

"Like you said, he was really suit with white, and i do think white is just like the word that can describe him perfectly"
"Then why..."

"And that's going to my other answer, I said he was perfectly suit described with white but in my opinion it's not the right Flower’s color for him"

"Oh really?" he said still unsure.
"Nah,I'll go now. See you".


I arrived at my house; I parked my Ferrari and took the bouquet on the passenger seat beside me then step out. The maids were welcoming me while I just nodded a little.

When I step in the house, I heard the familiar melodic sound. I went to where the sound came, and saw my beautiful man playing the white grand piano.

He was wearing a simple white shirt, a small smile decorate his pale face. I held the bouquet on my back, as I took slow steps closer to Jaejoong.

When he finished the song he turned to me and smiling
"Yunnie" He said with his lovely voice.

I smiling back and leaned closer to give him a small peck "Hello, I have something for you" I said then I gave him the flower.

His eyes showed the sparkle of happiness and surprised. He took the boquet of red roses from me smelling it.

Yeah, he looks the most beautiful with red. He was indeed describe with white but red flowers made him perfect.

The pure red of rose just as pure as white, red stand the most from the other colors too. It stood strongly and attract everyone that look at it. Just like him that could make all attention on him without doing anything.

Slowly I grasp his hand made him standing; I leaned closer to him and kissed him.

I took the flowers and made him laying on the piano as I put the roses beside him. The kiss was soft at first but become really wild and demand.

He lying helpless while I explore his hot cavern with my tongue, met with his tongue, our tongues danced inside his mouth made all the saliva dripping.

The need for oxygen made us broke the kiss, but then I start kissing his neck.
Up and down i kissed his neck, smelling his sweet vanilla scent. I licked his ears the most sensitive spot of his and nibbled it made Jaejoong whimpering in pleasure.

I made a trail of saliva on his right cheek to his lips. Teasing him I didn't kiss his lips but just around it, before I back to his milky neck.

Kissing and sucking I made my mark, as I unbuttoned his clothes. And keep sucking I took a rose from the bouquet, I took the petals one by one, and made them fell on Jae's body and some on the white piano.

The sight of the red color of the rose petals against his pale white skin, his blushing face, his eyes that half closed and his red plump lips slightly parted, and also the red marks and trail of saliva those were the most beautiful sight in the world made it more perfect with his panting sound.

So yes, even though he really suit with white, I really love seeing his milky white skin painted with red color. Especially the red marks I made.

No one will know the pure red, the color of passion will fit perfectly with him, just me. No one will ever expect because this was the secret color for him.

The secret color from me for him

Hi ^^ anyone recognize me? haha i won't expect you know me..
But if you read The secret. maybe you know.

like I said this is a birthday fic i made for me. XD

Let me know your opinion!

yunho, kibum, fanfic: that secret color, changmin, jaejoong, one shot, kimin, yunjae, tvxq

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