The Missing One

Oct 22, 2012 04:46

Title: The Missing One
Pairing: YeWon
Genre: angst
Length: One Shot
Rating: PG 15
Note: Yesung Centric! Unbetaed!The words in italic that refers to someone are all refers to one person

Summary: Some things are bothering me, about the bouquet, the card, and the fresh flowers. I know there is something behind it but I can’t make the connection for anything.

The ringing of phone can be heard, I take the phone in panic. “Hello?” I said with trembling voice.
“Is this Yesung?” said the other line
“I am sorry, but your fiancé have a car accident, his car fell from the cliff”
That exactly moment I felt my legs left they’re power and my sight become blur with tears and I fall on the ground.

Not long after, there’s knock on the door. I am so lost and let the phone on the floor, then just opened the door without makes sure who is coming.

I felt a hand grabbing my arms harshly; I looked up and see the smirking changmin.
“He is dead now, so you have no other reason to reject me.” He said and pulling me out, from my and his house.


Now, The touch on my skin is not yours, the lips on my lips is not yours, the burning stare is not yours, the hot breath on my neck is not yours, the body that I hug is not yours, the hands that tangled with mine is not yours. Where are you?

I am strolling on the sand, walking really slow with my flips hanging on my hands, felt the sand touching my foot while inhaling the smell of the sea.

I miss your light touch which makes me shudder in anticipation, I miss your lips that muttering the sweet nothing to my ear, I miss your burning stare that not just makes me feels hot but like I am the most precious too, I miss your hot breath which makes me ticklish, I miss your tone and strong body where I could clinging every night, I miss your big and warm hands that tangled with mine, Where are you?

I stop walking and stood still, looking at the warm sun set which looked like melting and mix with the blue sea, so beautiful, but makes I shudder in pain too.

When I used to watch this beautiful scene in front of me, I was not alone, he was always beside me.

The sunset always makes me warm and loved, like it was cheering for me and him, but now I feels like it was make fun of me for coming here just alone and he is not here with me.

I kept standing there with no movement watching until I couldn’t see any light from the sun. I am sitting with my hands hugging my legs and put my flips beside me; I put my face on my knee embracing the warm memories of me and him. Hearing the wave sound makes me calm and the sweet memories makes me warm makes me forgetting about the time, I don’t know how long I just kept my position like that until I feels a tap on my shoulder.

That tap makes me realize the reality I should face, that tap awaking me from the fake reality I want to have again. I looked at the sea again without looking back at that person.

“We need to go home yesung, it’s already late and cold. I don’t want getting angered if you caught flu” said him

Hearing that I realize that the temperature is really cold, I could felt the cold breeze touching my freezing face. And just now I realize how my body shivering. But I just do not feel to go home I never feel the want and need to go to that place that they all want me to call it as home.

“Should I? what if I don’t want to?” I looked at the guy straight at his eyes.

I looked at his hardening face and he said “It is not something you can choose, you know that you’re self. You know that if you persistent he will go harsh on you, but if you obedient he will treat you as his precious”

I averted my gaze at the dark sea again, “I know that kibum, I just want to try asking it” I said. I hear kibum’s sighing “Lets go” he said simply.

I am standing and cleaning the sand on my pants, and step on my flips, I walked pass kibum without any glance at him. I could feel his heavy and sympathy stare on my back, when I keep walking to the car.


“Finally you come back” said that tall man walking down the stairs, he opened his arms expecting me to come to him. But I don’t feel like come to hug him and never will, he sighing and pull me to his embrace. I kept still, feeling the warm hug that can’t makes my heart warm.

“How is it there?” he asked. But I kept silent and that’s make him a little irritated and tightening his hug. “Fine” I said finally, knowing his patience.

“Okay, I am glad to hear that” he said kissing my temple while I am just nodding. I pull back and go upstairs to my room.

“Hey! Ye-“
“Let him be tonight Changmin, he will back to normal tomorrow you know that he just visited that place, what ever you said and do now won’t make any effect on him” I heard kibum cutting that man calling for me.

I open the door to my room; I go straight to the bath room. Once I am in, I am pulling off all of the cloths on me, one by one make a trail of clothes till the shower. Standing under the shower, I turn on the shower feeling the cold water wetting my hair and my body; I washed and cleaned my hair and body till, washing the sea smell completely from me.

Turning off the shower, I take the towel and put it around my waist and take another towel to drying my head, I step of the shower stall and standing in front the mirror. A brunette man with white milky skin looked back at me, the red rosy lips opened slightly decorating the pretty face but sadly the eyes looked so empty although it has a pretty color. I put my hand on the mirror close to the eyes.

“So empty, is that really me?” I whisper, chuckling and let a bitter smile, I throw the towel in my hand to the mirror, and walked out the bath room.

I used to see the warm and happy stare if I was seeing my self on the mirror, the eyes that so live and getting envied by so many for its cheerfulness, of course it was when he still with me. I start losing my warm gaze when he left me, and I stayed in this place. I remember my eyes looked lost before, but it is getting really bad second to second.

“Have you calmed yourself?” I heard changmin’s voice

I looked up and see Changmin already in the room, sitting on the bed and looking straight at me, he smirks and approaching me. His hands on my shoulder and feels me down to my arm. He grabs my hands, and holds them with one hand, his other hand tilting my chin and he kiss me on the lips. I just kept still, I know he already used with my no reaction.

Actually I know the reason for my eyes losing its light is not because changmin took me here, but because I knew I’ll never met him again since that time. I don’t know is it true about what happened with him but I do know that what ever happened was Changmin’s fault. They all said that he already dead, but I can’t get myself trusts them, I feel the lost but I can feel it is not eternally too. My heart just keep telling me to trust him and waiting till he comes to take me away from this place.

“Close your eyes” changmin said, and I just obeyed, too tired to protest, 2 years are enough for me to be like this.

He pulling me, and push me on the bed. I lay helpless with eyes closed, I could feel his hand trailing down my body and letting the towel around my waist getting loose. How different is his touch with him. With my closed eyes, no words, moan, or even whimper escape from my lips. Even my heart doesn’t beat out of its rhythm.

The reason is because my heart is beating just for him, my heart trust him with its all. But it can’t beating forever just with a hope for nothing, I know it is getting to its limit, and when the times come my heart is no longer can go on without it’s other half. That time, its beating sound will disappear with my last breath.


“What? How could this happen?” I heard changmin yelling at the phone, that’s not interest enough for me to shift my eyes from the spaghetti that I am eating.

I think it’s about his work;

“Can’t you track him or her down?” he said as rubbing his temple
“What do you mean bye the initial CK is not enough! It is more than enough!” he grunted and closed his phone harshly. “Kibum!”

“Yes?” Kibum come right away.
“Tell the driver to prepare the car, I’ll go early today. There is this dumb that letting my work for years being hacked, and there is this other dumb that said with just the hacker’s sign with CK in the folder is not enough to track down the hacker. “He said as he stands and walking upstairs to his work room probably. Minutes later, he comes down with I-pad in his hand, he approach me and kiss my cheek. “Don’t be naughty today, I let you take a walk out today but no coming to that beach” He said before pulling his phone and calling someone while walking to the front door. Kibum walks right behind him.

10 Minutes later, kibum comes back again and sitting beside me. I stare at him “What?” he said.

I stand, ignoring him I go to the front door. “Hey, where are you going?” He asked me, as trailing behind me.

“Outside” I said simply.


Outside changmin’s mansion is a forest, because he doesn’t like being near with crowd. So he made his home far from the city so he could feel calm. I like wandering around here, hearing the chirping bird makes me calm.

My feet carry me to my favorite place the beautiful lake; I named it the lake of hope.
“Would you let me alone now? I won’t try to escape anyway, just come back some hours later” I said to kibum.

“Okay, I’ll be back 2 hours again” he said and go back to the mansion.

I walked closer to the lake and laying on the grass, feeling my eyes getting heavy I close my eyes. I fall asleep.

In my deep sleep vaguely I heard someone’s steps getting closer, I felt something caressing my face, felt so familiar with its warmness. And then I feel a lips touching mine, it didn’t moved but lingered there for a minute, I try to open my eyes but don’t know I can’t, and it seemed so real yet so fake because it feels like his lips touching mine. It felt so alike that almost makes me scared. And then suddenly the lips gone, same with the warm hand on my cheek.


Opening my eyes, I see the sun light. Sitting my self, I touch my lips. Am I going crazy now and start imagining things?

“Yesung” I hear kibum voice from behind me, glancing I asked him “Is there someone else here before?”

“What? I think no, because there are just us here. Why?”
“Nothing” I said standing up “You come to ask me to go back right? Let’s go.”


The thing with changmin’s company is getting worst, he is spending his time in his company more, but of course every night he will still come and take me.

So it is a surprise when I should have a breakfast with him this morning. Even though he is busy with his phone.

“Yesung” I heard kibum calling me, I looked at him. He holds a bucket of white rose and forget-me-not flowers. It takes me surprise when he gives the bouquet to me.
“I found it in front of the door, this is for you” Kibum said, while my side eyes noticing the way Changmin stop texting and glaring at me.

I ignore changmin and smelling the flowers, noticing the card I read it.

Can see you closer now. Have you notice me? On that day I saw your longing face. Something inside me boiled in anger. I come to take you When we are meeting again. On that day. Nothing can stop me.

My heart’s beating accelerating, it’s been a long time since the last time I got a bouquet of flower, and the note just makes me fluttering.

The last time I got a bouquet was from him

Suddenly, changmin takes the bouquet from me. He read the card frowning, and then he takes the bouquet back to kibum along with the card. “Throw it away, I don’t want this thing inside my house, and don’t take any bouquet again for him from now on”

I just keep quite as he orders kibum, and continue with my breakfast. He kiss my head and muttering something that can chilling me after a long time, because he said it with so many emotion.

“You are mine”


Day after day after the first time I got the bouquet, there are always fresh flowers in front of the door of the mansion, of course kibum always throw them away but I can still steal a look at the flowers.

They are always different each time. There are white clovers, holly flowers, orange blossom, ipomoea, spider flowers, yellow iris, windflowers, orchid, and nightshade.

I love flowers that for sure, and getting these flowers are making me happier than before although I can’t touch them but knowing they are for me is enough.


Some things are bothering me, about the bouquet, the card, and the fresh flowers. I know there is something behind it but I can’t make the connection for anything.

And what makes me more scared is the fact my heart beating rapidly every time I am thinking about those flowers meaning, and the fact that his image become more often appear and the memories become my dreams these days.


Changmin’s emotions too become worse, the truth to be told is he can’t catch who is CK the hackers. And his company now is really in the edge. Until one day he collapse and taken to the hospital because of the stress and the news that a company named Visual Dreams (his rival for the past months) take away so many big customers from him.

I heard that the owner with the initial CS is so good and sharp at business so he could make his company famous and big so fast. And his right hand, known as Cho Kyuhyun well known to be the brain of that company.

So Kibum goes to the hospital worriedly, Changmin is his childhood friend anyway, he telling me to go with him, because my presence will make him feel better. But I refuse. And then he goes to the hospital alone.

It is 5:00 AM and still dark, and I walk out from the mansion for fresh air. It is already a month after the last flower nightshade being put at the front door. I am thinking hard to make a connection and then I got the answer, but too scared to raise my hope high.

I stop my track when I notice a light from a candle on the ground, nearing the light I see a fresh White clover with a note ‘Think of me’ Looking a head there are many candles in a line like telling me to follow them. Each candle has one kind flower and a note with the meaning of the flower.

Holly flower ‘Am I being forgotten?’

Orange Blossom ‘Eternal Love’

Ipomoea ‘I attach myself to you’

Spider Flower ‘Elope with me’

Iris in Yellow ‘Passion’

Windflower ‘Sincerity of love’

Orchid ‘Beauty’

It is already sunrise, and the last flower Nightshade ‘Truth’, leads me to my favorite place, the Lake of hope.

There, I see the back side of a man that so familiar, he faces the lake. I take the last flower, and walked closer to the man. Tears of happiness are filling my eyes.

The man turned around and my tears are running down.

I tightening the flower to my chest “So, this is the truth you tried to tell me? That you are still alive?” I asked the man. He smiled and nodding.

He comes closer to me and hugging me, our lips finally touching each other’s. I feel so complete.

“So, was that you the one that sending me the bouquet? The different flowers every day for nine days?” after I said that something hit me “Even that someone that kiss me here that time was you?”

“Siwon?” Whisper me; finally the names that I love so much come out from my lips.

“You are the clever one, so yes. I sent you those bouquet and flowers hoping you taking the message” He said.

“At first, I can’t take anything besides the meaning of all your flowers, sweet guy. But for a month, I chant the flower names repeatedly and take the real meaning. But I can’t let my hopes go high” I said looking at siwon’s eyes.

“I send you them, I don’t want you hoping, I want you to trust it” Siwon said with a smirk

“I am sorry then, I can’t trust it at first, but being no hope for 2 years are enough for that right?” I said

“Not really but yeah, I’ll let you be with that”
“But, you still have to tell me what happened actually for the past 2 years” I demand the other.

Siwon just smirking and kissed me, this time with so much passion until I can’t breathe
“Don’t worry we have all days and nights, I will tell you everything” Siwon said, and then I see the yellow light from behind siwon, across the lake, the sunrise. I am chuckling in amusement, either sunrise or sunset they’re always there in all precious moment of my self.

Now, The touch on your skin is mine, the lips on your lips are mines, the burning stare is mine, the hot breath on your neck is mine, the body that you hug is mine, the hands that tangled with yours is mine. I am here, I won’t ever let you go again.



So anyone~ have you notice the choose of flowers before the explanation in the story? Have you notice the card also have the same message?

The two of them want to tell yesung, that siwon still alive and sent him those.
How? If you haven't figure it out.

The card: If you read the capitals ones it spells Choi Siwon
The flowers: Aside the real meaning of each flowers that describe waht siwon want to tell yesung, If you just read the first alpfhabet of the flowers (excluding the colour) it spells Choi siwon too

Visual dreams owner is Choi Siwon and CK is Cho kyuhyun.

So, siwon's car accident was because changmin. But siwon isn't death and in 2 years he build a company with Kyuhyun his friend that help him when he unconscious after the accident.

After this story, Kibum that always with changmin in the hospital and even after he is bankrupt (Have a mental breaking down too knowing siwon is back and take yesung) finally can open changmin's heart. And they are together.

So thank you for all the readers, and please drop your comment or opinion for me.

ps: I just think that Xia's song I don't like love fit this fic, hemm

kibum, yesung, super junior, changmin, one shot, kimin, yewon, siwon, fanfic: the missing one

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