Draco's smirking revenge

Dec 05, 2007 10:41

Title: Draco’s smirking revenge [3/3]
Author: idontgiveafaux
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Prompt: Revenge
Word Count: 1500
Summary: Harry is surprised with his punishment
Warnings: (at your discretion) Language
Notes: Christmas gift!fic for softly_sweetly x
Authors Notes:

Part one here

Part two here

Draco opened the garage door and was accompanied by that familiar sickening feeling he thought he'd left behind at Hogwarts, of facing the golden trio after Potter had got one up on him. Well, he had a trick up his sleeve.

"Blimey Malfoy, Harry said it was green but -"

"Ronald!" Hermione muttered, giving him a swift elbow.

Draco stared at him coldly before slowly turning his gaze to Hermione. "I believe you've lost something?" He smirked inwardly when he spotted Hermione's cheeks blush a slight red.

"Just a little thing, nothing important," Hermione replied quickly.

"Little indeed," Draco said smoothly, removing the pink vibrator from his pocket and throwing it to her. She caught it and put it in her handbag while Draco turned to Ron. "Suppose it reminds her of you though, Weasley."

"That would sound a bit more convincing if you didn't look so green with envy, Malfoy!"

Draco didn't know what was worse; the fact that Ronald Weasley of all people had just managed to deliver a quick comeback, rubbish as it may have been, or that Granger hid a smile behind her hand and Harry actually had the utter audacity to chuckle at the quip.

He stomped up the stairs loudly and it took all of the willpower he owned not to personally castrate Weasley when he shouted up after him, "I know you take ridiculous pride in being sorted into Slytherin but this is taking a bit too far, don't you think!?"

"What are you going to do to me?"

Draco put his toothbrush back in the holder and walked out of their bathroom and into the bedroom, completely ignoring Harry's question and Harry himself. He hadn't spoken one word to him since he left the garage having heard his accidental confession and he was determined to keep it that way. He had lived with Harry long enough to know by now that his boyfriend absolutely detested feeling like he had done wrong; that was evident by the way he kept saying, "Please talk to me," and, the most telltale of all, "Just tell me what I can do to make it up to you and i'll do it!" Draco had no intention of letting him carry out an order so he could feel guiltless. He wanted suffering, not an apology.

But most importantly, he wanted revenge.

"Do you want me to try and fix your hair?" Harry offered anxiously.

Try, being the operative word, Potter, Draco thought to himself and as irritating as it was, he could only think it because he was most simply not going to break his silence and therefore give Harry some leverage to work with.

"I could ask Hermione if she knows how to do it..." Harry continued timidly.

"Do you want me to walk around the house naked for a week?" Harry asked, as Draco slipped between the sheets of their bed wordlessly that night. "Do you want me to wear a collar and bark like a dog?"

You did that already when you let that stray cat into our house, idiot.

"Do you want me to walk around naked in public too?" Harry said, stepping into territory of sheer stupidity if Draco accepted his offer.

Yes, I'm sure the Daily Prophet would love that one, Potter. Not to mention my parents.

When Draco merely turned off the lights in reply, Harry shuffled from one foot to the other, unsure of what his sleeping arrangements for that night were. Draco watched him in the dark and had to suppress a giggle when Harry looked like he was giving himself what could only be described as a pep talk, before shuffling over to the bed and climbing in. Draco kicked out with his leg and Harry, head lowered to the ground and his tail wagging dolefully had he owned one, left the room.

"Well I don't know what to do anymore!" Harry shouted exasperatedly. "It's been twenty-four hours and you haven't uttered a single word. If you can't tell me what I have to do then you can fuck off!"

Draco pressed his lips together and carried on pretending to read his book. It seemed like a lifetime since he heard the sound of his own voice but he was staying strong in making Harry suffer. He reckoned Harry could at least do with another hour, but when he started to make his way to the stairs glumly, Draco quickly weighed up the situation in his head and said, "you can apologise for a start." God, he'd missed his voice.

Harry couldn't have gotten to him faster if he were riding his broom. "I'm so sorry, Draco!" He got down on his knees and Draco did his best to hide a smirk. Everything was going perfectly.

"But... I have apologised to you countless times."

"Yes, I know you have, I could hear you!" Draco snapped. "And don't think you're off the hook that easily, I said you could apologise for a start."

"Well whatever else you want me to do just say the words and i'll do it," Harry repeated in obligatory parrot-like fashion.

"Well I can tell that from the way you're kneeling on the floor. Get up Potter, you're embarrassing yourself." Draco thought the look of sheer confusion on Harry's face as he complied and rose was almost cute.

"You don't want me to grovel?"

"In case it's escaped your attention Potter, this isn't some trivial matter like the time you burst in on me while I was taking a piss and I decided that the only way you could make it up to me was by giving me blowjobs on command and referring to me as 'my King' every time you said my name for a week."

"Well I know that this is more important, this hair... mishap."

"That you caused."

" Yes." He was getting irritated, Draco knew, but he wasn't about to relent.

"Well, until I've decided what your punishment is going to be you can go upstairs and clean the bathroom from the party -"

"I've already done it," Harry said eagerly, obviously hoping to get back in Draco's good books.

"Don't interrupt," Draco snapped. "And then you can fix me some dinner because I'm going out for a bit." Harry raised his eyes to Draco's green hair in uncertainty prompting Draco to viciously snarl, "Haven't I just told you to do something?"

"Er... yeah," replied Harry and began to make his way to the kitchen.

"For goodness sake Potter, can't you remember a simple instruction? I told you to clean the bathroom first."

"I've already done it!"

"To your standards or mine? And think about that very carefully before you give me your answer."

Harry opened his mouth to respond but thought better of it and dutifully made his way to the stairs.

Draco returned half an hour later with several shopping bags containing clothing that he didn't need, thanks to Harry's unknowing but most generous offer of giving him money to make up for his suffering. Before he made his way inside, he cast a quick look up and down the street to make sure nobody was there, before sighing and apologising to his hair for what he was about to do. He muttered a spell and shivered with disgust when he felt his hair tingling as his natural colour was replaced with that sickening green.

He went to get his key out of his pocket before he came to his senses and rang the bell. He barely let two seconds pass before ringing it again impatiently and when Harry still didn't respond, he held his thumb against it and let it ring out continuously, only stopping when Harry flung open the door breathlessly.

"What took you so long?" Draco said rudely, barging past him. "And bring my bags in."

Harry did as Draco ordered and brought the bags inside, placing them next to the couch Draco was sprawled out over. "I was just in the middle of fixing you something," he replied, shutting the front door.

Draco wrinkled his nose in histrionic revulsion. "Is that what that smell is? I just thought you'd invited the entire Weasley family over while I was gone."

"Draco," Harry warned sternly.

Draco sat up at once and he knew he still had Harry right where he wanted him when that familiar deer-in-a-headlight look washed over his boyfriends face. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that," he said softly, lying back down. "Because in case you've forgotten, you still haven't made it up to me."

"I know," Harry replied submissively. "Have you thought of a punishment yet?"

"Stop hassling me!" Draco snapped. "I'll think of one when I'm good and ready. Until then you're just going to have to suffer, alright?"

Draco had been watching Harry closely through this exchange and when what he'd just said sunk into Harry's mind, Draco spotted the small flicker of dismay run through Harry's eyes as he realised the predicament he was left in until Draco thought something up.

But revenge is a dish best served cold, so Draco figured there was no need to come to a decision any time soon yet. Such things shouldn't have to be so hurried.
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