Title: Earth
Summary: What if it was Robin who was in love with Barney in season 4? Robin arrives back in New York to attend Ted's rushed wedding to Stella. An alternative version of Shelter Island.
Rating/Warnings: PG-15 for sexual situations - racy but nothing too explicit.
Word Count: 2,191
Challenge: Part of the
fanfic100 challenge - #53 - Earth
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Comments 15
This was absolutely gorgeous and reminded me of the simpler times of S3 when fandom owned this pair exclusively. (Hey, that rhymes!)
And that’s the moment that Robin knows she’s fallen in love with Barney Stinson. She doesn’t care that she’s jet lagged and not thinking straight. He’s so solid and comforting and he slings his arm easily across her shoulder and tells her that today they are the coolest kids on Shelter Island, she just wants to run off and make a fort in the trees with him and hide out and never go back to civilisation. Just divine.
Loved the Barney texts and Ranjit signs. I don't care if it's an airship, Hansom cab or submarine that picks the gang up from wherever, it has to be Ranjit driving.
Also loved the idea of Ted and Stella's wedding actually happening, but yeah, it wouldn't have lasted. Tony is her One. Going-through-divorce Ted would be a lot for the gang to handle.
I wish they would show Robin's POV for Shelter Island. Actually did you tell what Barney's third text message is? I don't know the chapter divider is the Japanese numbering, I'm glad to know it now :)
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