Title: Death Ray
Rating: PG for dark themes
Summary: Billy is given some devastating news
Authors note: Has anyone ever noticed that during "So they say" Billy's back wall is literally covered with MRI Brain scans. Has anyone ever wondered WHY?
Fandom: Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Spoilers: Set prior Act I
Word Count: 3 x 100 (drabbles)
He spent a lot of time on the internet... )
Comments 43
And I really love your theories - you really gotta help me with the sequel trailer? <3
Oh, and *SQUEE*, of course. Love the structure of the Three Acts and the final two sentences. Especially because they leave a lot of room for speculations.
(eta) --and don't you see the scans when DH sings "There's no happy ending (...) not for me anyway"?! I have to check on that. How nicely would that fit.
It was time. ;-)
>And I really love your theories - you really gotta help me with the sequel trailer? <3
God, I don't know! I still think Billy moves to Seattle.
>Oh, and *SQUEE*, of course. Love the structure of the Three Acts and the final two sentences. Especially because they leave a lot of room for speculations.
Thank you! It's just one of those things when the story falls nicely into place.
>(eta) --and don't you see the scans when DH sings "There's no happy ending (...) not for me anyway"?! I have to check on that. How nicely would that fit.
YES! YOU DO!!!! And that, my friend, is the point.
Nn, you know, I just want to show very short scenes/frames from a fictional sequel, so... ah, never mind. Don't want to bother you with that. X3;
OH MY NPH!! That's really awesome. I really hope that, if they make a sequel, it will be dark-themed... because seriously, how could it possibly be just funny?!
Dr Horrible is set in LA - quite clearly that's Echo Park in On The Rise and the Laundromat's nearby.
I just thought he might move to Seattle becaue it's nicer. This is my own prejudice.
Plus your lovely raining illustration made me think it.
I totally dig your theory, hun.
Very clever :)
But I feel like your interpretation makes a *lot* of sense esp. considering Billy/Dr. H's character, he does really seem the kind of nice sweet guy driven into world domination by what? something... Maybe just too much short end of the stick or maybe a breaking point; maybe Billy has a Walter White deal going on (Breaking Bad <3 - I'm actually writing a BB/Dr. H crossover... whether it will ever see the light of day, we shall see :P) - might as well take over the world if you've only got X amount of time left...
[/half-asleep babbling] By the way, I'm Sara *waves hand* Nice to meet you :D
But yes, my favourite fic in the fandom is that which acknowledges the deep divisions in Billy at the end, and plays around with that. :-)
Sorry for the waffle!
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