Title: Death Ray
Rating: PG for dark themes
Summary: Billy is given some devastating news
Authors note: Has anyone ever noticed that during "So they say" Billy's back wall is literally covered with MRI Brain scans. Has anyone ever wondered WHY?
Fandom: Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Spoilers: Set prior Act I
Word Count: 3 x 100 (drabbles)
He spent a lot of time on the internet... )
And I really love your theories - you really gotta help me with the sequel trailer? <3
Oh, and *SQUEE*, of course. Love the structure of the Three Acts and the final two sentences. Especially because they leave a lot of room for speculations.
(eta) --and don't you see the scans when DH sings "There's no happy ending (...) not for me anyway"?! I have to check on that. How nicely would that fit.
It was time. ;-)
>And I really love your theories - you really gotta help me with the sequel trailer? <3
God, I don't know! I still think Billy moves to Seattle.
>Oh, and *SQUEE*, of course. Love the structure of the Three Acts and the final two sentences. Especially because they leave a lot of room for speculations.
Thank you! It's just one of those things when the story falls nicely into place.
>(eta) --and don't you see the scans when DH sings "There's no happy ending (...) not for me anyway"?! I have to check on that. How nicely would that fit.
YES! YOU DO!!!! And that, my friend, is the point.
Nn, you know, I just want to show very short scenes/frames from a fictional sequel, so... ah, never mind. Don't want to bother you with that. X3;
OH MY NPH!! That's really awesome. I really hope that, if they make a sequel, it will be dark-themed... because seriously, how could it possibly be just funny?!
Dr Horrible is set in LA - quite clearly that's Echo Park in On The Rise and the Laundromat's nearby.
I just thought he might move to Seattle becaue it's nicer. This is my own prejudice.
Plus your lovely raining illustration made me think it.
I never said it was a bad choice! As I've never been to any city in the USA, I couldn't judge it anyway. But as I said before, I thought it was a fictional city, merely based on L.A., that's what got me confused.
Never mind.
They've never contradicted the idea that it's LA either. They never said it was a fictional city. And generally in comic books, that's the first thing they do - establish their fictional city.
Gosh, that's typical me: Looking for the most complicated answer to a simple question. *snorts*
After the end of Angel - when old LA was sent to hell and new LA appeared in it's place, the aftershock of that event gave certain people superpowers - certain people who were within the three block radius of the alley behind Wolfram and Hart, when the final battle went down.
So, one of the people in that vicinity was Billy. Another was Captain Hammer. Another was a mounted policeman and his horse (who becomes BadHorse after getting the power of telepathy).
So in the vaccum left by the Black Thorn, the Evil League of Evil sprang up, countered by the Heroes. There's a big battle and the ELE defeats most of the heroes (which is why there's a Superhero memorial bridge) And thus we we about 7 years of history in Joss-LA.
I even wrote a story about this.
But, as stated before, I like your theories.
This might be a little redundant now, but after the bust that was the mayor's thing with the freeze ray he says the he should be more careful about what he says on the blog as Captain Hammer and LAPD are among his viewers.... Just couldn't resist.... going back into lurkdom.
I demand photos.
When I get the chance the photos will be put in order to tell a story. ^_^
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