It should absolutely be the individuals choice as to whether or not they post/comment/tag.
You're going to get differing opinions within a community, hell, even amongst the mods of a community. But to impose those views on your membership? Yeah. Not good.
I couldn't agree more. People are always saying something along the lines of "Well, I'll just go over to GreatestJournal!" And look what happened ... the site is essentially defunct now, and now everyone is going over to InsaneJournal.
Quite frankly, so long as LJ isn't outright stealing my money and not providing me with the service I paid for, I don't really care what they do. They've been making changes ever since I signed up, and as much as I haven't liked some of those changes, you deal with it. Some of those changes I've even come to like.
The point is, if you don't like it and all you're going to do is complain about it, leave.
I have a habit of ranting in your journal. >_< I'm sorry!
"that one comm that went moderated just for today so that no one can post there"
Is that the one in my fandom, or is there another one that did it? Either way, I'm right there with you. As gestures go, this one is pretty damn futile.
That would be the one in your fandom, yes. You have NO idea how massively pissed I was when I saw that post. Not that I was planning on posting anything there on Friday, but to be forced to abide by the strike because the mod wanted to? Oh yeah.
I'm packing, I'm packing! Actually, I don't have nearly as much to pack as it seems. The kitchen (which will be the longest) and the bathroom (maybe an hour at the most) and a bit of random stuff in the bedroom that I'll go through as I pack.
Oh, and the DVDs, but those are getting packed on Thursday, as I'm watching them when I pack everything else! *g* Plus, a friend from out of town is here this week, and she's offered to come over and help, as has Brenda, so it'll all work out. :)
Comments 19
That's just...
And that was pretty much my reaction when I read the mod post there yesterday.
You're going to get differing opinions within a community, hell, even amongst the mods of a community. But to impose those views on your membership? Yeah. Not good.
Quite frankly, so long as LJ isn't outright stealing my money and not providing me with the service I paid for, I don't really care what they do. They've been making changes ever since I signed up, and as much as I haven't liked some of those changes, you deal with it. Some of those changes I've even come to like.
The point is, if you don't like it and all you're going to do is complain about it, leave.
I have a habit of ranting in your journal. >_< I'm sorry!
Is that the one in my fandom, or is there another one that did it? Either way, I'm right there with you. As gestures go, this one is pretty damn futile.
Get to packin', sister! LOL
Oh, and the DVDs, but those are getting packed on Thursday, as I'm watching them when I pack everything else! *g* Plus, a friend from out of town is here this week, and she's offered to come over and help, as has Brenda, so it'll all work out. :)
one comm that went moderated just for today
that is so wrong.
I'm packing, I'm packing!
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