So I'm not having any problems following the steps, but when I get finished, some of my mood pictures are saying that there's been an error and that the image is no longer with photobucket. Did I maybe imput the webaddress wrong when putting everything in the _adminconsole.TXT? Is there a way to fix this without going through the whole process again?
One of them is your lindsay mood theme and I used imperviousness's danny lindsay theme but still used your tutorial for it. I'm having problems with both.
Huh. Okay. Um... Can you maybe post a few lines from the .txt file so that I can look at them and see if I can find the problem? It might be something really simple. Like, once I spent two hours on a mood theme because I'd accidentally deleted the image sizes without realizing it.
yikes! this all looks a little daunting! (yes i am severely technologically delayed) Thankyou so much though... for the mood theme and the instructions. I can't wait to give it a go. It'll have to wait til morning though, as I don't think 1:48am is the best time for me to try and wrap my head around it all :s
No, definitely not! LOL. I was up until 2 am once because I screwed up. I deleted the image size from the end of the line and had to do it by hand. But I wrote these instructions after helping a friend of mine over MSN, and she's not technologically inclined either, so I made them as thorough as possible. I hope they work! And if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
This looks great, thanks so much for posting. This my first time doing this, and I keep getting stuck at setp 6. It always comes back with a "There is no such command 'name'"...can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Everything else worked fine, thank you so much. I think my current layout doesn't work with custom moodthemes, but I've shopping around for a new one. Looking forward to using your lovely moodtheme.
I took a MerlinArthur mood theme of yours. Thank you so much for the theme, and for such a great instruction. I almost done everything manually before I saw this page, you really saved my night ^ ^.
Not a problem! I'm glad they were useful. I wrote them after spending like an hour and a half trying to explain it to a computer illiterate friend of mine over MSN.
Comments 33
Thanks again!
Thankyou so much though... for the mood theme and the instructions. I can't wait to give it a go. It'll have to wait til morning though, as I don't think 1:48am is the best time for me to try and wrap my head around it all :s
Everything else worked fine, thank you so much.
I think my current layout doesn't work with custom moodthemes, but I've shopping around for a new one.
Looking forward to using your lovely moodtheme.
Thank you so much for the theme, and for such a great instruction. I almost done everything manually before I saw this page, you really saved my night ^ ^.
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