Full Icon Tutorial - Review + Hugh Hue Maps For PSP.

Apr 27, 2006 22:02

Made With PSP 7.


Review of methods previously shared + using Hue Maps. Suited for users who are comfortable with PSP 7, but can be transferable.

Yes, I know I've included steps that I included in my first two tutorials, but I have yet to see a tutorial that shows off the glory that is the Hue Map. Infact, I don't think I've ever seen one icon made that involved Hue Maps. Maybe that's just me, but reguardless, it's time to unleash the fury of the Hue Map upon the icon world! I made this icon specificly for this tutorial. Feel free to snag it though, so long as I get some credt. Feedback is welcome. Feel free to add this journal for updates.

Crop your base from the screencap, (this one I got from stelladives) and resize it to 100x100 pixels.

(Here's the tricky part). Click on Colors > Adjust > Hue Map. See the 2 Hue Shift Bars that have 216 and 252 above them? Adjust BOTH bars until you see a 39 at the bottom. Leave everything else alone and click ok. Duplicate the layer. If you have NO idea what I'm talking about, here's a visual:

There it is. the Hue Map in all of it's Hugh Laurie Glory! Got it now? Easier than curves, isn't it? ^_^

Sharpen the TOP LAYER ONLY and then set the layer blend mode to screen at 100% opacity. Duplicate the top layer 3 times. By now, your icon should have 5 layers, including the base.

Paste this gradient
on top of your layers and set its layer blend mode to hue at 50% opacity.

Paste this gradient
on top of your layers and set the layer blend mode to exclusion at 50% opacity. At this point, you should have 7 layers in total making up your icon.

Merge all of the layers into one. Duplicate the base and set that top layer's blend mode to soft light at 100% opacity.

Under the soft light layer, create a new raster layer and fill it with #81CEFF
. Set the layer blend mode to burn at 100% opacity. Duplicate the layer, but change this layers opacity to 75%.

Still under the soft light layer, create a new raster layer and fill it with #E8C8A8
. Set the layer blend mode to burn at 50% opacity.

Still under the soft light layer, create a new raster layer and fill it with #C0C0C0
. Set the layer blend mode to burn at 30% opacity.

On TOP of the soft light layer, paste this lighting texture (made by tihana)
and set the layer blend mode to screen at 100% opacity.

Merge all of the layers. Select the selection tool, right click on the tool bar and select the tool options pallette (if you don't already have it open.) Input these settings:

Selection Type: Rounded Square
Feather: 0

The Antialias box is checked.

Crop your entire icon, copy and paste it as a new image.

Resize your new image to 55x55 pixels. Then create a new 100x100 pixell document and fill it with #FFFFFF. Copy and paste your resized icon into the new one as a new layer. Select the mover tool and move your icon over a little to the left.

Duplicate the top layer then click on Image > Mirror. Take the mover tool and move the mirrored layer over to the right. Merge all of the layers and then sharpen it.

And you're done!
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