Tutorial - Colouring with Gradiants with Dr. James E. Wilson.

Apr 27, 2006 18:56

Made with PSP 7, Transferable.


For beginners and people who hate curves. (Or anyone, really.)

Here's a very simple but effective colouring technique I used on my Wilson Icons a few posts back. Even though I did use curves on that batch, it's not 100% nessasary to use them. You can create a similar effect by substituting a couple different gradiant layers in place of a curves adjustment layer. I know people don't like gradiants much either, but I don't think anyone will argue that they are less troublesome than curves. I created this icon specificly for this tutorial, so if you'd like to take it (as simple as it is), feel free too so long as I get some credit. Feedback is welcome. Feel free to add this journal for updates.

Crop your base from the screencap, (this one I got from stelladives) and resize it to 100x100. Duplicate the layer.

Sharpen the TOP LAYER ONLY and then set the layer blend mode to screen at 100% opacity. Merge the two layers.

Paste this gradient
as a new layer over your base and then set the layer blend mode to hue at 50% opacity. (The difference between step 2 and 3 is very subtle, I know. But trust me on this. You'll see soon enough.)

Duplicate the base layer and place it over the top layer. Then set the layer blend mode to burn at 20% opacity.

Paste this gradient
as a new layer on top and set it's layer blend mode to exclusion at 33% opacity.

Duplicate the base layer once more and place it on top of the other layers. Set the layer blend mode to overlay at 40% opacity. You should have 5 layers at this point.

To add the border, merge all of the layers into one and resize your icon to 90x90 pixels. Sharpen the image. Then click on Image>Add Borders and input these settings:

Symmertic box is checked.
Top: 5
Bottom: 5
Left: 5
Right: 5

Make sure #FFFFFF is set as your background color if you want your border to be white.

And you're done!

house md, tutorial, icons, james wilson

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