1 year anniversary Icon critic meme!

Apr 02, 2010 19:33

This weekend icon_talk is 1 year old! To celebrate, ohfreckle and I thought we should do something special here for all of you. :)

1. Comment with your username and post 5-10 icons you want people to give you feedback on, number them to make it easier for people to refer to each one. You can also provide a link to your icon journal/community so people can go there and look at all your icons.

2. Reply to other people's comments and give them critique on the icons they've posted. Be honest, and tell them in a nice and constructive way what you like/dislike about the icons posted. Try to say something about the technical aspects of the icons, like "I love the cropping in 1 because it brings out the emotion in the girls face in a very nice way" and not just vague explanations like, "I like your cropping, and your coloring is very pretty". Or "the coloring looks "off". Try to explain why the coloring is pretty, or why it look "off" to you, try to be as clear and concise as you can.

3. There will be no anonymous comments. Keep it civil, please. No wank, mean or rude comments. Leave the sort of comments you'd like to receive yourself.

Pimp this in your journal, community, anywhere you can, and lets make this a successful and fun meme that everyone will enjoy!

http://community.livejournal.com/icon_talk/31590.html">http://i42.tinypic.com/otqk5y.png" border="0">

We have more "celebration stuff" planned, so keep your eyes open ;)

% mod post: icon concrit meme

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