Ask the maker 3.0!

Jul 17, 2012 21:00

It's time for our third round of Ask the Maker!

Here you'll get the chance to ask icon makers who sign up, questions about their icons and other graphics. You can ask for tutorials, guides/"How to", or ask any other questions regarding their work so the makers can compile a Q&A post with the answers to all the questions they get. As always, .PSD files will not be allowed. Here are the master lists from the two earlier rounds so you can see the results from them. First and Second.

Please make sure you read though the rules below, before you post.

I'm a maker and I want to sign up:

  • Please do not sign up if you know now that you can't or do not plan to fulfill the requests.
  • If you are an icon maker and you're willing to write tutorials, guides or answer questions (Q&A) and so on, please sign up here with your name and where you post your work. Please state what you're willing to write/answer and if people can hotlink your work or not. Use this posting template to make it easier:
  • Username and where I post my work:
    What can we request from you (tutorials, Q&A, guides etc. .PSDs are not allowed: (If you know of anything now that you're not able to answer/do, please mention it)
    Can we hotlink your icons?:

  • There is no time limit in which the signed up makers have to write these tutorials or answer questions. I trust that you actually plan to fulfill the requests within a reasonable amount of time, but we all know that life happens. Please let people know if you find out you cannot fulfill the requests, please try not to leave people hanging.
  • All tutorials/Q&A etc. need to be posted in your community/journal and be posted publicly. .PSDs are not allowed in any shape or form in the posts or in the comments (here or at your posts).
  • Everything must be new and written for this activity. Old posts will not be added to the master list.

  • In-depth explanations on tutorials is not a must, but highly encouraged.
  • When you finish your requests, post a link to them as a reply to the original request comment here. That way me and the person requesting it will be able to see them and I can add them to the master list. If you do not post the links, I will not see them and they will not be added to the list.

  • I want to request tutorials/Ask a question:

  • Reply to the sign up comments of the maker you want to ask, with requests for tutorials and/or questions about the makers icons or other graphics.
  • Do not ask for .PSD files!

  • Please check and see if the maker already wrote a tutorial or answered your questions before this activity, in their community/journal.
  • You can request only tutorials for graphics that were made by that particular maker. Request for larger graphics are okay (post only the URL's to those). Please provide the icons you're asking about like this:

  • Please keep in mind that there's no guarantee that your request will be filled. The maker you asked may receive too many requests or simply don't remember how they made a specific icon/graphic, hopefully they will let you know if they cannot fulfill your request.

  • Feel free to pimp your thread (you can use your own banner if you want) :)">">Ask The Maker || My Thread

    Post any questions as a reply to the first comment below.

    Have fun, everyone!

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