Month o' Prompts - [oo6]

Nov 06, 2007 11:01

[oo6] Tuesday: By the Numbers: 7 Deadly Sins

((Warning: The following work is majorly AU. Exploring a future that's not bloody likely.))

Seven Steps Down a Path Ichigo Never Follows...


The Dashing Prince is turning out just like his father.

With every little incident, the signs become more obvious: The King of All Cosmos screws up, damaging the universe in some way. Rather than use his vast powers to set things right, he turns to his son. The heir apparent turns to his friends, his family, and requests aid... then fades into the background, allowing them to do the bulk of the job.

How long has it been, she wonders? How long has it been since they kept a planet rolled by the Dashing Prince? A constellation? A single star?

Somehow, the Prince has allowed himself to be outpaced. Outdone. Outrolled.

How can it be? Surely she isn't the only one who's noticed? Since when has the King allowed his son to slack off...? Since when has the Queen allowed such a state of affairs...?

...The answer is all too obvious. Perhaps that's the issue here.

The Dashing Prince is following in his father's footsteps, and his mother loves them both too much (or not enough) to call them on it.

And as for their peers... Well, who would dare challenge the King?



It just isn't fair.

Her popularity has become a double-edged sword: fans want her to roll for them all the time, and the King's taken to accepting requests on their behalf. She rolls and rolls and rolls, until all the requests blend into each other. Only her Uncle's inane conditions make things tricky, and she's long since grown used to his contrary, distracted nature.

Rolling has become drudgery, unbefitting a princess. Certainly, the Prince hardly bothers with it anymore. Weary work better left to his dear, sweet cousins.

How easily he forgets -- they are all royalty, born and bred.

And yet, if that's the case, then why is she expected to roll and roll and roll tirelessly while he relaxes, lazing about and watching them work? Watching, and undoubtably laughing to himself -- Ah, how easily his simple-minded cousins go about his business! How nice to be praised for a job well done by others! Such fun...!

It isn't fair at all, and yet still nobody challenges it. Challenges them, for fear... for fear...

Silly, pointless fear and nothing more.



The announcement is what finally sends her over the edge. The Royal Family is going on vacation -- the King of All Cosmos, the Queen of All Cosmos, and the Dashing Prince.

The cousins, on the other hand, are to remain behind and continue working. It seems the King's latest mishap has been taking longer to repair than expected, and they've all grown rather tired of it... and thus, the trip. Thus, they will be traveling while the rest of them finish the job.

Oh, the praise is piled on, the truth disguised in fancy terms and roundabout language, circled delicately about with all sorts of flowery words and phrases... but Ichigo's far too used to all of that. Cutting straight to the heart of the matter, all she can see is that they're leaving the work to them.

They're leaving, and while the rest of their family slaves away fixing the mess he's made, the King will be packing away the sweets and treats, indulging in whatever he can get his neatly gloved hands on. The Prince will be right by his side, learning his father's trade, his tricks... such as the one they're trying to pull right now.

And the others will let them get away with it. The Queen is letting them get away with it -- because she's going with them, rather than stopping this -- this inanity. This clearcut insult to Ichigo and all the rest of them.

And if they should cause another accident while gallivanting about? Well, there's no question just who would be called in to tidy up.

This can't go on, she decides.



She brings it up idly, or perhaps Dipp breaches the subject before her... doesn't matter, honestly, who addressed it first.

What matters is the way he smiles, how she smiles back. The carefully selected tones of their voices, each innocuous word and what lies beneath the surface.

She speaks, he responds. He questions, she answers.

It's a game, only one she finds she's enjoying far more than any she's played for years. The banality of rolling simply doesn't compare.

The conversation continues over the course of several days, sometimes in quick, passing volleys, other times in low, drawn-out heart-to-hearts. Privately, she thinks she could almost be satisfied with this alone: these gingerly controlled discussions, the knowledge of what they're building toward, the anticipation of it...

Good thing she's never been one to do things halfway.



The King of All Cosmos is a fool.

His Royal Highness made certain that everyone knew exactly where he and his family were vacationing. They've sent postcards, filled with pithy comments and praise while not-so-subtly encouraging the lot of them to keep working. After all, it wouldn't do for the King and Queen to come back and find work waiting for them, would it...?

'Wish You Were Here', the cards claim. Easily corrected.

The Dashing Prince is the first one she visits. Ah, how surprised he looks when she shows up, wearing her newest bikini. All it takes is a simple smile and he's smiling back, going on about how delighted he is to see her, confiding just how bored he's been these last few days. His father has been his usual self -- easily distracted. Too busy with his mother to pay any attention to his small, small son.

He isn't quite so thrilled to see Dipp. But then, that likely has to do with the difference in their greetings -- the angle, and the swiftness of it all.

The Prince takes after his father in so many ways. It's almost a pity he'll never figure out how alike they really are.

At least he won't be bored anymore.



They've come a long way.

No longer does Dipp have to rely on those sparkly star-studded suits to garner the attention he deserves. Now he dresses in black -- rich, true black, accented with silver and iridescent accessories. The inside of his cloak bears a pearlescent sheen, detectable only when he moves, folds billowing around him. It suits him well.

But while he's gone with a simpler look, she prefers complexity. Multi-layered ballgowns, pure white and pink, red and rose. Ribbons, lace, ruffles, ruching -- any and all forms of embroidery, anything to make an already impressive gown look better. Yet she ensures that everything's easy to move in, that for all the layers she's still able to act as she wishes.

By now, she knows all the tricks. She knows precisely where to conceal important accessories, the kind she doesn't care to show off to just anyone.

Dipp, meanwhile, has a bit more leeway. The sword looks natural on him, sheathed neatly by his side, silver hilt tilted just right. Not only is it a servicable weapon, it draws the eye -- the perfect warning. The perfect distraction from anything else he may be carrying, just in case.

Both of them have opted not to wear the crowns of their predecessors. Neither style suits them; besides, they are forging a new legacy. His crown is silver, polished to shine like the stars; hers is gold inlaid with the finest rubies, emeralds and pearls, with pink and white veils layered as a backdrop.

They compliment each other perfectly. Everyone can see how the new guard surpasses the old. There's simply no comparison.



Nobody can touch them now.

Some of the others have long since fled. She's been keeping track: Colombo's gone, and June. Lalala. Foomin, and Shikao with her. Mag. Ryu. Miki. Kenta. None of them are a huge loss, and anyway, Ichigo knows where they've disappeared to. She made certain to wait just long enough to give any dissenters time to flee to the Nexus before casting the seal. If they're expecting to bring reinforcements, they're sure to be surprised by just how well she's planned in advance.

For their sake, of course, she'd prefer they stay away. Most of them will be happier that way; besides, it isn't like any of them actually used their titles, or the power naturally afforded them by virtue of their birth.

Out of those who remain, most already support the new rulers. A few were quick to secure their places in the Royal Court: Velvet makes a fine advisor, as does Fujio. Odeko pledged his loyalty almost too swiftly -- he, like the others, bears watching.

Some confusion remains among their slower brethren; everything changed too quickly for them to comprehend. Out of everyone, Peso's shock disappoints her the most, though she expected it. There's little doubt in her mind that he'll eventually come around; after all, he's always been close to Dipp. Surely he'll recognize the value of maintaining that friendship.

Earth is still reeling from the announcement. It's actually quite amusing watching them scurry about jabbering at each other, the talking heads on the news endlessly debating pointless details, like their whining and carrying on will ever accomplish anything. Merely a matter of time before they wear themselves out.

All hail the Empress and Emperor of All Cosmos.

ficpost, promptvember

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