[exo] ask.fm drabble dump #2

Feb 21, 2015 19:29

title: au where jongin thinks jongdae turned into a cat
pairing: none
word count: 693 words
rating: g
a/n: for canadaphile

meow )

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Comments 19

xiujaemin February 21 2015, 16:13:54 UTC
the xiuhan and old suchen shot right through my heart like a bullet train


baekmebacon February 22 2015, 02:07:41 UTC
what about that detective suchen that was the best bb


xiujaemin February 22 2015, 07:05:10 UTC
the detective suchen was another case. that was an atomic bomb, not a bullet train


maya4 February 22 2015, 00:08:01 UTC
Awwww 'Willow'
i am crying :(


baekmebacon February 22 2015, 02:08:26 UTC
/pats u

pls dun cry :((


haneira February 22 2015, 14:10:24 UTC
Why do you torture poor Suchen? In the first story Joon died and in the second, oh god I don't know, maybe it was worse than the first. Poor Jongdae. I loved those stories!


baekmebacon February 22 2015, 14:34:41 UTC
it was... requested of me.... to torture(????)... them....

thank you for reading bubu~


nachtegael February 27 2015, 04:07:13 UTC
rolls in super late to comment on the actual real post here, but here, have my <3

I love the thing you wrote for my prompt, and I want punch suho (this has never happened before! wtf suho) because it's nostalgic but also a realistic ending to a first love story. so good job and thank you for indulging me <3

/whispers/ that detective au suchen thing is still amazing, I'm glad you saved it over here so I can come cry over Jm's dead body when ever I feel like it.


baekmebacon February 27 2015, 12:28:01 UTC
/takes ur <3 and keeps it forever/

i feel you on the not wanting to punch suho (though sometimes i want to punch blond!suho bcs he gives so many feels) he's such an angel tbh. thank you for taking time commenting here, ren! and most importantly for entrusting your prompt with me ;w; <3 <3

that detective suchen should be longer. it needs more bg to add to the angst. someone must write it. for us. FOR USSSSS!!!!


nachtegael March 1 2015, 01:31:50 UTC
such an angel yes <3

oooh I would love if it were longer, but that might break me ;; ;u;


baekmebacon March 1 2015, 04:45:30 UTC
same. let's leave it at that then uwu


milkhaus February 27 2015, 21:59:04 UTC
I came here for the jongin/jongdae but the detective suchen left the deepest impact omg I imagined it so vividly, my heart is wrecked ; AAAA; angst is so addicting thought ugh.

Jongin's being so convinced about big bro Dae being a cat was cute, I love how you included his phone call with Sehun, SO amusing. His despair is the cutest♡


baekmebacon March 1 2015, 04:43:52 UTC
i'm sorry if you've felt so attacked. you came in to have some fluffy jongin/jongdae cat feels and i've affronted you with angst. ;w; sorry..

jongin is a cute little kid, isn't he? hahahahh thank you for taking your time on reading and commenting! have a great day! uwu


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