[exo] ask.fm drabble dump #2

Feb 21, 2015 19:29

title: au where jongin thinks jongdae turned into a cat
pairing: none
word count: 693 words
rating: g
a/n: for canadaphile

Jongin rolls into the house and tosses his knapsack onto the couch. It's 3PM and school is over and Jongin is eager to get Jongdae to drive him to Sehun's house to play. He's about to call out his brother when he hears something mewling from the couch.

Sehun had told him a few ghost stories at school earlier and Jongin sure was confident that they didn't have ghosts in their house. ("We've been there forever!" Jongin whines. "Whatever you say, Nini.") It must be Jongdae-hyung, Jongin reasons with himself. The mewling continues.

"Hyung! This isn't funny!" Jongin says. He's already eight and he's already a big boy, even mommy says so, but when Jongdae is playing tricks on him he's not going to think twice to hit him and rat him out. He doesn't like scary pranks.

As he inches closer to the sofa, he forcefully grabs the pillow. Instead of his brother, he sees a white furred kitty with Jongdae’s red handkerchief tied around its neck. The cat stares at him and purrs.



Jongin pulls the phone from its base and stares at the keypad, recalling Sehun's home number.

"Sehun! Sehun!"

"Jongin?" The voice says. "Just a second. Sehun! Jongin's on the phone! Hurry up!" Jongin bites the tears back before he hears Sehun muttering into the phone. "When are you coming over?"

"Sehun! Sehun! Jongdae hyung! Cat!"

"Wait what?"

"He turned into a cat!"

Frantic screaming and a few tears from Jongin later, Sehun finally slams the phone down on him. Sehun suggested he'd sit it out and maybe his hyung would turn back, to which Jongin begrudgingly follows. What else is there to do?

He spends the rest of his afternoon staring down his hyung all white fur and sly eyes. He's cute, Jongin thinks, when he’s small and fluffy like this. He likes being pet too! Jongin jumps in glee, running to the kitchen to get him a glass of water and some snacks. When he comes back, the kitty is nowhere to be found. Anxiously searching, he finds his “hyung” behind the television, curling himself into a ball right next to the controllers.

“You want to play?” Jongin smiles. He picks up his hyung and deposits him gingerly on to the couch, starting up Mario Kart.

It isn’t bad. Jongin thinks his hyung is better this way, docile and not whiny. He likes his hyung like this. Well, maybe not for the part where he gets himself dirty by accidentally plummeting into the bowl of cereal. Stupid hyung was chasing after a fly.

Jongin tries to bathe his "hyung" and ends up getting scratched, long red lines on his little arms.

"Jongin? Why are you so noisy, ugh you ruined my sleep." Jongin runs towards him and envelops him into a tight hug, only managing to grip his hyung's thighs. "Ew Jongin, get your snot face off of me." There's no bite in Jongdae's voice and Jongin just keeps hugging him like a scared little kid he is.

"I-- I thought," he says between sobs. "I thought you were gone forever, hyung. You just scratched my arm and ran out the house after I put you in the tub. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't ever put you in there again."

"What are you talking about?" Jongdae's brows furrow in confusion until he realizes. "What tub? Did you try to drown the cat? Shit the cat. Where's the cat, Jongin?"


"Jesus, Jongin. The cat, the one you were playing with." In frustration, Jongdae slides his hands through his hair, closing his eyes in an attempt to stop himself from smacking his brother.

"I was playing with you, hyung." Jongin looks at him, eyes glassy from the tears. There's snot on his face and Jongdae wipes it clean with Jongin's shirt. Jongin is cute and adorable, but not when he’s wiping snot everywhere.

"The shit I have to put up with...." Jongdae mutters under his breath. "Come on you soup brained brat. Help me find that cat or Kyungsoo's going to kill me. You better have not killed it.”

title: au where xiuhun tries to bake a cake
pairing: xiumin/sehun
word count: 340 words
rating: pg-13
a/n: for xiukisses

Sehun’s messily putting on the frosting, biting his bottom lip in pure concentration. He gets the H done, and he’s almost starting with the A when Minseok points out how crooked his first letter is.

“Hyung, stop distracting me!” Sehun whines and ends up with a “b” instead of a lowercase “a”.

“You know what they say; a crooked line is a sign of a crooked heart.” Sehun rolls his eyes at Minseok, grumbling something about how that’s not how it goes. He goes back to scrape off the excess line, when he accidentally removes the H instead.

“Okay, I give up. Bye.” Sehun says, tossing the cake knife onto the countertop in frustration. Minseok snakes a hand on the small of Sehun’s back, and he coos something that has the younger man gushing despite his agitation. “Don’t worry, Sehun-ah. If anything goes wrong, I’ll still love you.”

"Minseok hyung, do the frosting, I can't concentrate when you're breathing down my neck." It's pretty childish of him. They both agreed to make Yixing's birthday cake earlier but when Minseok did all the baking while Sehun was still sleeping, the coating was all that's left to do and he's not straight enough to do it. “Hey, you’re getting icing all over me!” Minseok dabs another finger coated with icing onto Sehun's cheek.

“Stop squirming, Sehun-ah." He doesn't stop and it was unintentional but they topple the cake over, a splat on the floor.

Minseok says, licking the chocolate cream off of Sehun’s cheek. Sehun gasps at the boldness, face turning red than ever. “Great,” Sehun grumbles at the ruined cake. “It’s messed up now. What are we going to give Yixing hyung? Mud cake?”

“We could always order or maybe drop by the convenience store.” Minseok puts an arm around him and hauls the younger one closer. “Hey. It’s not my birthday yet, but can I eat you? The icing you made taste great.”

If Sehun was drinking something he’d probably choke. He isn't so he chokes on his spit instead.

title: introducing me
pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol
word count: 621 words
rating: pg-13
a/n: for nana on ask.fm ♡ inspired by this.

Chanyeol played with the strings of his trusty old guitar. He kept making sure they were perfectly tuned before he was satisfied with it. Everything has to be perfect for Byun Baekhyun, the cute vocalist from three cabins down his own.

"Kucaaw! Kucaaw!" Chanyeol crowed, signaling Jongin from across the cafeteria. Jongin rolled his eyes; Chanyeol was embarrassing both of them again and he is tired of this "mission". He nodded at him, steering Kyungsoo and Jongdae to another table away from an unsuspecting Baekhyun who continued to walk to over their usual table.

This is it, Chanyeol thought. He gave himself a pat to the back for good luck. Today, he was going to get Baekhyun to go out with him, or maybe agree on a date.... Notice him. Yeah, he could make Baekhyun notice him!

"Oh. Hey,Chanyeol." Shit. Baekhyun knows him, already? "What's with the guitar, not eating lunch yet?" The smile on Baekhyun's face reminded Chanyeol of how Baekhyun was his personal sunshine on a cloudy day. He liked listening to him practice when he thought nobody was around. He liked the way Baekhyun's eyelashes curled prettily and the way it fell on his cheeks when he closed his eyes.

"I like mustard on my hot dogs and I think ketchup is a death trap," he blurted out, not even bothering to say hello or answer the other boy's question. Stupid. Stupid, Chanyeol. He thought he'd fuck up everything. He planned this since two weeks ago, and now that he's finally in front of THE Byun Baekhyun, he can't even form an intelligible sentence.

Baekhyun laughed, softly. "Yeah, I think so too." Chanyeol stared at him, mind blurry. Baekhyun just laughed at his joke. Well, more at him, probably.

He strummed his guitar and let out a single note, starting his song. "Your name is Byun Baekhyun, and I love the way you smile. You sing so good, no one can deny. Sometimes you remind me of a puppy, I just wanna take home tonight."

"But enough of you, 'cause I could list endless things about how you're so beautiful. I want you to know me as well. I hope you listen a bit, but if you can't understand or if you can't catch up, you can always ask. Here I go, my name is Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol, and like you, music is my life. I really like this camp but I don't like the soggy toast, don't tell the cafeteria lady. I'm over a hundred eighty centimeters and I'm sure you can fit warmly in my hug. I like the way you smile at simple little things, and sometimes, all of the time, I want you to smile at me like that. I have weird ears just like an elf, but honestly I want to have cats and dogs, especially ferrets but unfortunately, I'm allergic. But I hope I can have you."

Chanyeol finished with everyone's eyes at them in the middle of the cafeteria. Everyone else was muttering to themselves and Chanyeol hopefully looked at Baekhyun with his puppy eyes, searching for something, anything that would indicate Baekhyun's stand.

Baekhyun let out an exasperated sigh, shrugging his shoulders. “Can I ask a question?”

“Yes, of course,” Baekhyun’s stern expression made his optimism gradually ebb into nothing until all that was left of Chanyeol was nervousness. The taller boy fidgeted with his strings unconsciously again, anxiously waiting for Baekhyun.

He crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair.“What do you mean by ‘I hope I can have you’?”

“I hope…,” Chanyeol paused to stop himself from stammering. “I hope that we can spend the rest of our lives together.”

Baekhyun’s frown disappeared entirely.“I hope so too.”

title: detective!au-ish
pairing: suho/chen
word count: 677 words
rating: pg-13
a/n: for ask.fm anon ♡

Junmyeon's bleeding on the floor when he looks back, the goddamn shooter already gone.

"Dammit Junmyeon," Jongdae hisses, scrambling to Junmyeon's side. "The case isn't even over and you're getting blood all over the place."

Junmyeon visibly flinches, moving away from Jongdae. "Run," he says in a shaky voice.

"Yeah, like hell I will."

"He's gonna come back with reinforcements and he's going to really kill you."

"Oh my god, Junmyeon." Jongdae screams, hiding his hysteria in a mocking tone. "Do you think I fucking care? You're bleeding, we need to get you to the fucking hospital." Jongdae does an inspection, assessing the damage before pulling out his phone to dial 119.

Junmyeon pulls him closer by tugging his tie, "Fucking run already Jongdae! This is no time to play hero! Go back to the others and report what we fucking learned. Don't let me die
in vain."

Jongdae pushes him back, though he really shouldn't because Junmyeon's bleeding increases greatly. He's been shot on his left shoulder, a few inches near his heart. "Don't--Jongdae. Just run, I'll be fine."

"Bullshit." He scoffs at him, before he proceeds to feed information to 119. "If I leave you here you're good as dead. That won't be good on my record. Leaving a comrade like this." He smiles oh so bitterly.

"Consider me already," Junmyeon sighs, catching his breath. "Dead."

"Why are you so fucking dramatic." Jongdae rolls his eyes, trying to keep the tears from spilling. He hooks Junmyeon's arm on his shoulder, carrying him from the scene. Junmyeon protests softly, out of breath, and out of blood.

The maze of alleys has Jongdae panting, unable to carry the older man much longer. He ducks in one of the ratty houses, making sure there's no one there before he brings Junmyeon in. Shit. Shit Shit Shit. Flying Shit.

He checks his watch, and it angrily blinks black at him. "Junmyeon, are you still awake?"


"I have something.... to tell you."

"Go ahead," he says, resting his head on Jongdae's shoulder. He looks like he's lightheaded from all the blood loss. Fuck. If only Jongdae were trained in medicine. Fuck. "I-- I'm the one who drank your coffee every morning. Not Tao, me."

"Really? I guess, I owe Tao an apology." Junmyeon laughs, but it sounded more like laboured sighs.

"And I'm the one who leaves those stupid notes on your empty coffee mug." This is it. It looks like Junmyeon's never going to make it out alive tonight. Even if the medics get here, it'll take a lot of time to
navigate out, and bring Junmyeon to proper medical care. Jongdae might as well confess.

"Is there anything else you've been hiding from me?"

Jongdae gulps. "Yeah, I hate the way you smile. It's too polite, too fake and practiced. Though, I don't know why every time I see it on your stupid face. I want to kiss it away. And I hate it when you scold me for things I didn't do. It's not my fault you're such a fucking perfectionist and no one can really live up to your standards."

Junmyeon stares at him with half lidded eyes but with undivided attention."I guess, you kind of grew on me."

"Like a mushroom?"

"Like a fungus."

There are tears streaming down his face as he laughs, and it's not even raining outside. (He has no excuse.) He picks up Junmyeon's hand, and locks their pinky fingers together.

"Jongdae," Junmyeon lets out a hacking fit. He spits out blood, and Jongdae just holds on tight.

"I love you." Jongdae waits for an answer, even a small laugh or an inaudible sigh.

There's nothing. So he closes his eyes, and kisses Junmyeon good night.

Jongdae exits the ratty house, fixing his coat and brushing his sweaty bangs off his forehead. However, he can't get rid of the scent of Junmyeon's blood from his shirt, or from his nose.

He looks down at his watch, and it still blinks angrily at him.

Kim Junmyeon, time of death: 3:47AM

title: willow
pairing: xiumin/luhan
word count: 457 words
rating: pg-13
a/n: for ask.fm anon ♡

"I never asked for any of this Luhan! All I wanted was to fall in love with you and get married and maybe adopt children! But they're going to take that away from me. From us." The silence stretched on above the cackling of the fire they started under the old willow tree.

Luhan saw how much Minseok had loathed the military, he saw how much Minseok detested the wars raging from outside their doorsteps.

He never missed the glint of anger and sorrow in his husband's eyes whenever news of war reached them.

But it's all for nothing. All the hiding, all the avoiding, all the distancing.
Due to the lack of soldiers, who either died or were captured, one man from every family must come and aid in battle, as the government declared. Luhan was unfit for any strenuous task. His fragile lungs would give out if he overworked himself. This left Minseok no choice, but to represent the two of them.

Minseok was bound to leave on the last day of autumn, and on the chilly days before it, Luhan swore to wait for him patiently.

“I wouldn’t leave you,” Luhan said to him, his shining eyes burning red, reflecting the embers of the fire. Minseok only nodded, lost in the beauty of Luhan underneath the willow. “When the last day comes… Minseok, I will hold you tight that it would last several lifetimes. You would even feel it while you sleep.”

Autumn ended and they part in without tears, something quite unusual. Maybe Minseok already cried when he thought Luhan was fast asleep.

Maybe Luhan kept the tears in for it to be spilled for when he'd miss Minseok and his warm smiles during the cold seasons.

One thing is for sure, winter comes fast, blanketing the vast fields in white. Luhan drew a thick blanket over himself and sat on the porch.

"Snowy," he said. "Everything is covered in white, even the old man Jun's house down the road."

"The garden is covered in snow as well. I guess when spring comes and you're still not here, I'd have to plant new seeds by myself, then."

And spring did come, slowly melting off the blankets of snow. The wild flowers grew and most of the roads were cleared.

In the middle of spring some forever ago, Luhan sat before the small garden in their yard, sighing. "I'll let the weeds grow, while you're out." Luhan laughed at himself and at the daisies that grew and overtaken the whole front yard. Five springs had already gone by. Four summers, four autumns, four winters, and Minseok still wasn't home.

The war was over two winters ago, and Luhan still waited.. "I'll be waiting, Minseok."

title: old suchen
pairing: broken!suho/chen
word count: 627 words
rating: pg-13
a/n: for nachtegael

Jongdae looks across the room full of people happily buzzing with excitement as some greet each other for the first time in their lives, while the others break down in happy tears, finally meeting again after roughly sixty years. The war that separated the nation is over and it's all one big Korea.

In the middle of tears and cheers, Jongdae's mind goes fuzzy, memories of sixty years ago playing in his mind. Junmyeon's warm hands in his, his beautiful smile lighting up Jongdae's life during the war, the only thing keeping him going. Junmyeon's alive, right? He wasn't in the army as far as Jongdae could predict. He knows because Junmyeon's too sickly to even fight.

"Excuse me, son." Jongdae taps a young man's shoulder. "Do you perhaps know if a certain Kim Junmyeon here?" The shake he receives doesn't deter him in the slightest and he carries on until one twenty something girl nods at him and tells him yes, yes I know him, he's my grandfather. Jongdae tails behind her as they make their way through the crowd. Jongdae feels his legs aching, and his knees wobbling but oh god, Junmyeon. He tries his best to follow her fast paced steps, and there, even with a thick set of black rimmed lenses, he could make out Junmyeon's back. The memories of swimming in lakes during summer, of playing by the riverbank, and of stolen kisses when only the stars were witnesses to them flood Jongdae and overwhelms him he had to stop walking.

"Grandpa!" The girl shouts over the hum of people talking. Junmyeon turns around, smiling. He hasn't changed much. He's still as short as Jongdae, polite smile present, and unmistakably charming eyes behind layers of wrinkles and dark circles. "Jun.."

"Jongdae is that you?" He beams but doesn't move from his position. What? Why is he acting so distant, and so... formal?

"Yes, it's me, Jun. How are you... doing?" he chokes, taking hesitant steps forward. Then a stunning man approaches them, saying something along the lines 'dad, i have to go pick up Mina at the airport, please, please don't feed Sehun sweets, okay?' before leaving with a short bow and smile at Jongdae's direction.

"Was... was that your son?"

"Yes..." Junmyeon says, "how have you been doing?"

Miserable. Barely alive. Jongdae wants to answer, but he musters up a pathetic smile. "Fine, really. You've got quite a charming kid.."

"He takes after his mother," Junmyeon laughs, stifling it behind his hand.

He tries to hide the horror in his eyes, tries to mask how shaken he is at that moment. Letting two words slip out of his lips, hoping for an answer he wants or no answer at all. "You're married?"

"...Yes, a few decades ago." Jongdae wants to laugh at himself, at how stupid he could be. Sixty years of longing and constantly hoping, hoping that Junmyeon's okay that he's alive and well, and of hiding in terror in unimaginable places. All for the moment where he'll meet Junmyeon again. Junmyeon married, had kids that now have kids of their own. And him, Jongdae kept waiting for the time that they’d be in each other’s arms again. Maybe old and senile like they are now, but not strangers, not acquaintances and certainly not past lovers, but still happily in love with each other, living under the same roof reading books or playing cards to pass the time. But, god, Junmyeon married someone else and Jongdae’s… Jongdae’s alone-more than he was before, as the world dictates him to be.

“Have a good life.” He says, turning on his heels as fast as his aching body could manage. It’s funny how heartbreak can still affect someone as old as him.

title: xiuhan divorce!au
pairing: broken!minseok/luhan
word count: 403 words
rating: pg-13
a/n: for ask.fm anon
(this is a mess im sorry).

The cold feel of metal on Luhan's hand seems more like burning when he turns the knob of the door. "It doesn't have to be this way," Minseok says behind him. He has that look on his face, a dash of anger and misery mixed together, as he holds himself firmly. His eyes are swollen too even before Luhan got there.

He sighs. "I need to go, Minseok."

"You always have to." 'Even when you don't need to, Luhan' is left unsaid, but it still burns in Minseok's eyes, the urge to say it, to make Luhan guilty of all this, more guilty than he already is. Minseok looks like he's about to throw a fit, something so unlikely of him. He has always been calm and collected, it must be because of the fact that Luhan is the eye of the storm and everywhere he goes, everyone around him gets destroyed.

They have been together for years, and Minseok has been nothing short of wonderful to him. Always loving him, always peppering him with kisses and always letting Luhan choose when and where to cuddle. They've been in love with each other, maybe Minseok is still, but Luhan... Luhan got over it, felt more like he was suffocating as the years go on, felt like he was wasting his time stuck in a single place, never able to breathe the fresh air of freedom again. He was scared of being tied down... Why hasn't he realized this before he promised things?

He opens his arms, putting down the briefcase containing the divorce papers he finally coaxed Minseok to sign. It's an open invitation for a last hug, a last form of intimacy between them, a final farewell before they see each other again in court. Or maybe they wont see each other again, Minseok could just send his lawyer, but whatever.

Minseok steps up and stiffly wraps his arms around him. He feels so warm against Luhan, and a pang of nostalgia hits him when he gets a whiff of Minseok's hair. He still uses the shame shampoo Luhan uses. "It doesn't have to be this way."

"Good bye, Minseok."

Minseok's until next time is muffled by the slam of the door and the loud beating of Luhan's chest. Luhan descends the steps, crosses the street to hail a taxi, and breathes in the freedom he thinks he wants, thinks that's best for him.

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