[What's this? Samus doing a normal office log? Yeah pretty much.
She's been a little mopey lately and seeking PRIVATE TIME to work out this residual mope. So any time this week after class-hours you might find her holed up in her office or her classroom with the door slightly ajar, probably working on a huge piece of mechanical what-the-heck-is-
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"Defeating it will keep the galaxy at peace."
( ... )
Frankly, Samus wasn't sure where to start as the previous doodle session happened almost entirely on accident.
"Light blue, or blue blue?" She nudged the crayon box towards Falcon.
"What should I draw?"
But he was staring. Into the windows. Of your soul, Falcon. Like you had something on your face. Something like eyes. Was he crazy. Maybe he was crazy. Crazy for you.
Falcon glanced over at Pit, looking sort of bewildered. Did he have something on his face? Was there like...snot or something hanging out of his nose? Ketchup? Ink on his cheek? Still watching Pit with a very confused expression, he rubbed his hand across his mouth. Just in case.
"Is there something on my face?"
They were part of his face from the day he was born.
"Scratched out on what?"
He flipped his sunglasses back down and SAID NOTHING.
The most dejected glaze settled over his eyes and he gunned Falcon down with them. "Heyy, come on. You don't have to go hiding anymore. I was happy to see your eyes. ...Sorry. I'm sorry."
There was nothing worse than seeing an angel's HOPES AND DREAMS get crushed. Samus had to fight off a natural urge to want to remedy the situation by simply taking Falcon's glasses right off his face but instead gave him one of her usual HARD STARES to see if it would get the point across without having to exert physical force.
Stop being shy and take them off, Captain.
With a sigh, he took his glasses off again and set them down on the desk.
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